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Old 07-28-2019, 02:34 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part XII

Part XII

What does all of this have to do with options for men’s clothing? Interestingly, quite a lot! For example, take a look at the wide range options in male underwear, all of which come in contact with the male penis. There are situations and places where a guy is so distracted by the other things he is doing that feeling horny is not something that can be accommodated very easy. But there are other situations, maybe a leisurely Saturday afternoon without work or school to intrude, where a guy would like to be in and can maintain a semi-aroused state without distraction.

Look at the wide range of men’s underwear in the store. Some of it fits really loose, some of it fits snug and tight, some, like maybe a Spandex®-laced thong, fits really snug and tight. A guy might buy loose fitting cotton boxers for wear in situations where being sexually aroused would simply be a distraction, or perhaps as an undergarment to be worn in a gym locker room where the guy does not wasn’t to call undue attention to himself and that he even has male body parts.

But, the same guy’s wardrobe might also include snugger, tighter undergarments, garments that are more likely to press the male arousal buttons. These are regularly worn in situations where a guy would welcome feeling a little horny, because of the fit and feel of wearing something that fits snugly around all those super-neat nerve endings in a guy’s penis.

Then of course there are the items that a guy thinks fit so neat that they would almost instantly send him into an arousal/erection/orgasm frenzy, particularly if the guy has never owned one of those before. A related issue is finding the ideal underwear for a guy to wear if he is going on a date with a female which might end in penis-vagina sex and how the particular female might “react” to seeing him wearing each of these options. A most interesting puzzle! A particular style of underwear makes ME feel horny but will it have a similar effect on HER when for the first time she sees me wearing it? What a dilemma!

The thought has occurred to me that underwear manufacturers somehow understand at least some of what I have just told you. There may be some guys who always wear loose-fitting cotton boxers, and some guys who always wear skimpy bikini briefs, plus lots of guys in between the two options for which full-cut briefs or boxer briefs become the underwear of choice. One could easily get the impression that underwear sections of stores are attempting to cater to all these different customers.

But then there might be a significant share of customers who keep wardrobes with underwear options in a variety of cuts and styles, knowing fully that some of these are better suited for wear when a guy wants to feel horny and feeling horny will not be a distraction versus what the guy might wear when his mind is preoccupied with other non-sexual focused stuff he might be doing that day. Personally I tend to solve this puzzle every morning on a daily basis.

I find it interesting that the reading I have done on this subject suggests that most sexual therapists and psychiatrists (usually female it appears) seem to think that any guy who gets aroused simply when he wears underwear of a particular cut, design or style must somehow have a fetish to that particular clothing style, and further, this is somehow an abnormal sexual condition that needs to be treated with psychiatric therapy. But then it is not that many years ago that the entire group of medical-trained psychiatrists seem to think that being gay was abnormal and a “disease” of sorts that could be treated with the right therapy as well.

Having lost that battle over the claim that gay guys were somehow sick in-the-head in the 70s, the therapists quickly moved on to the idea that any guy who got aroused while simply wearing snug-fitting underwear was now clearly sick and needed help. This is all pretty funny if you stop and think about it, all going back to mothers teaching daughters that the only thing that can arouse a guy is the right female and that the daughter can use that information to her advantage as leverage in getting a guy to do nearly everything the female wants. The sex experts merely adopted the same idea the mothers were teaching their daughters. The idea that normal, decent guys can and often do get aroused in the absence of a female partner simply does not compute in this female fantasy world of make believe..

Meanwhile you have all these underwear manufacturers who realize that there is a large market for underwear designs that guys secretly think will make them feel quite good “down there,” and this market has exploded in recent years, particularly with the ability to purchase items in private on line. Guys no longer need to have the embarrassment of buying something snug, tight and slick by making a purchase with a (usually female) sales clerk.

Then there are the jeans. The current trends in men’s where everything is low rise, and with a form-fitting cut, happened once before in my lifetime in the years 1962-1968. Back then I was in high school and then in college, and I thought there was nothing so much fun to wear as a pair of very narrow-cut sand-colored denim jeans over a pair of snug-fitting tighty whitey briefs. That combination made me feel really good, merely thinking about wearing it sometimes soon sent me into an uncontrollable orgasmic frenzy which unfortunately I somehow knew I had to keep secret.

All of this also predates all the snugger-fitting bikini brief underwear and men’s thongs that showed up in the decade or two to follow. Oddly enough it has only been in recent years—the past 10 years maybe, that the really snug-fitting men’s jeans became popular again. I find the resent trend most interesting in that previous to that jeans had gotten really wide legged and sloppy fitting and I presume normally covered the bodies of guys wearing very loose fitting cotton boxers.

The stylish skinny jeans now simply do not work well with loose-fitting boxers and a style of underwear needs to be snug-fitting and usually a brief of some sort not a boxer brief with longer legs. Plus the now Spandex®-laced denim gives a tighter fit than was available in the 1960s, almost like a second skin of compression gear made of what looks like denim.

At this point I could go into a discussion of compression gear and swimwear for guys but I am going to hold off on that for now. I am going to end this discussion by saying that guys wearing the latest skinny-jeans styles are probably covering underwear that fits quite snug and tight while at the same time dealing with the some of the feelings of being constantly horny and a bit aroused just by wearing what they are wearing. I have difficulty given the designs seeing how guys can avoid that. But keep in mind the current trend is a strong reaction to the loose-fitting clothing almost designed to assure that the guy would not feel horny unless he was with a partner who wanted sex with him.

And the so-called sex experts understand almost nothing of what I have just told you about what goes on with guys. For guys just discovering all of this, don’t be embarrassed by what you have just learned. The best thing to do is just roll with it and also recognize the other guys your age around you are trying to cope with the same or very similar set of issues with respect to their own bodies and the associated feelings and sensations.

For guys, it is all as normal as sunshine, and most of the sex educators and therapists who claim to be experts are in fact clueless on a host of things they think they understand.

To be continued…
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