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Old 06-20-2017, 11:37 AM
solarguy solarguy is offline
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Great new Chapter!!!!
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Old 06-20-2017, 03:57 PM
a speedo minded guy a speedo minded guy is offline
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Great new chapter. Loving the chemistry between all the characters. Almost feel bad for Stormy, almost. You get out of life what you put into life. Looks like hopefully he will learn that.
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Old 06-21-2017, 12:44 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 22: Brake for Moose

Jake started out strong, but eased as the swim got long. Devon was further back, the board shorts swapped for a hot custom print Agon swimsuit from a prior team year. One of several Coach would lend out to the board short guys who would give in to swim challenges in the lake. Lizzie was in a pack of three just left and back of Jake, daringly doing the swim in her skimpy bikini with string ties. By midway across, the surprise was Allen, whose colorful swimsuit bounced in the waves as he gained ground on the slowing leaders. Those long rides on the old green bike had given Allen endurance he never had before.

Ricky stopped his kayak and shot a photo of the race, which he texted off to Stormy with a note, "Lots of team fun at the lake." He then added, "where are you?" Stormy would have no idea Jake was leading, but if he did it was sure to piss him off, Ricky thought to himself. Ricky found Stormy attractive, and something about him told Ricky there was more to Stormy than his tough guy attitude.

The swimmers rounded the back side of the island, it was still Jake leading, but Allen was only 50 feet back and solidly in second. Devon was 500 feet back, bringing up the tail. Lizzie had dropped out when her bikini bottom became untied and slipped from her body, sinking in the lake. She was now on the pontoon boat wrapped in a towel. If only Jake knew.

The gravel beach on the back side of the island quickly came into view as the lake went from deep to shallow. Jake stopped and stood first in about three feet of clear water. Allen swam up seconds behind.

"That was awesome," Allen proclaimed.

"I kind of freaked when the water got deep, but calmed down," Jake admitted as his hand adjusted himself. The cold water had shrunk both guys, making their bulges almost non-existent. They watched as the rest of the daring swimmers finished the first half, all of them cheering as Devon closed in the last 100 feet.

"What happened?" Jake called to Lizzie, who was standing on the pontoon boat, obviously still wrapped in the towel.

"I'd rather not say," an embarrassed Lizzie replied. Jake knew not to push it. After a brief break, the swimmers set off on the second leg. One guy dropped, so it was now five guys and one girl. But as they took off, Ricky quickly swapped the kayak with the dropping guy. "I can do this," he proclaimed. Coach tossed him some goggles and Ricky set off, a good minute back from Devon, who was last to get started.


Stormy raced down Route 11 south. He was going at least 15 over the speed limit on the narrow two lane road. As he sped past the cluster of homes that marked St. Froid lake, he heard his phone chirp with a new text. Driving too fast, he glanced at the text, hoping it was AJ saying he was just teasing. Instead he read Ricky's text and looked at the pictures. He threw the phone back down on the passenger seat. "F..k him," he said, misdirected anger. He totally missed the huge warning sign about Moose as he began the climb over Hedgehog mountain, a long steady climb known for its high density of Moose activity and car hits. His jammer was feeling tight and awkward, he had been in it all day, but right now he wanted nothing to do with swimming, jammers, or anyone related to them.

"They sound like they are trying," kept replaying in Stormy's mind. The thought stirred him. He unconsciously eased off the speed, the sporty little car backing down to 50. The rage started turning to emotion. Tears began flowing again.


Ricky was terrified! The bottom was gone, a vast darkness of nothing below his. His heart raced and he gasped for air as the panic set in. He began to flounder in the water as his graceful strokes collapsed under the pressure of total fear. His colorful suit no longer visible as he wet upright in the deep water. Coach slowed the pontoon boat, it was clear Ricky was in trouble.

"You stay here," Coach said to Lizzie as he put the boat in idle and cut the power. Coach threw a float to Ricky and jumped into the water. "Grab the float, Ricky," Ryan yelled. Thankfully Ricky still had enough presence of mind to hear and listen. He pounced his arms onto the float, as Ryan swam up to him. Ricky looked terrified.

"It's okay Ricky. You don't have to do this," Ryan said calmly.

"But I want to," Ricky replied, feeling like a total failure.

"Let's just relax for a second," Coach Ryan suggested as he threaded water along side of the terrified young man.

"I am not giving up, Coach," Ricky said defiantly as he calmed down, secured by the float.

"Lizzie, you can drive a boat, right?" Ryan called over.

"Yes," she replied.

Against his judgment, Coach Ryan had an idea. "Okay Ricky, we will do it together, I will be right here the whole way."

"Really," Ricky's face brightened.

"Lizzie will be right behind to us also."

Coach swam back to the boat, had Lizzie toss him some goggles, and just in case. Coach clipped the float to a rope, letting it drag behind him as the two guys swam.

"Lizzie, if you want, there is a pair of board shorts in the cubby. They might be big, but probably better than a towel,".

The rest of the swimmers were easily half way across the lake as Coach and Ricky set out on their adventure. Lizzie, now alone on the boat, quickly slipped on the board shorts. She followed the two guys 100 or so feet back. She watched as Ricky and Coach Ryan swam side by side. Their two colorful swimsuits adding pops of brightness on the dark water of the lake.


"Are you okay?" The Miata was sideways in the ditch, Stormy leaning over the steering wheel, dazed and shaking. "That was on big buck."

The moose appeared out of nowhere, right in front of the Miata. Good thing Stormy had slowed otherwise he would have no reaction time. The car hit the gravel shoulder, spun across the road and ended up sideways in the soft mud ditch, facing the wrong way.

"Yeah, I am fine, I think?" Stormy answered. "What the f..k was that thing?" He said to the older guy who stopped to help. Stormy had not yet realized that in the terror of his near miss he had pissed all over himself, his jammers soaked. He was going to look pretty out of place in just a form fit swimsuit on some back mountain road.

"Let's get you out of that ditch," the self reliant old guy said. "Looks like that Moose shook you up pretty bad," the guy said referring to the obvious wetness covering Stormy's crotch. He said nothing about Stormy being in a bulging swimsuit. Within minutes the old guy had hooked chains to Stormy's car and pulled him free of the ditch. The Miata had some bad scratches on one side, but no significant damage, thankfully. It could have been far worse.

"There you go, young man. Momma will be glad you didn't hit that beast." The guys shook hands, and Stormy was back on the road, shaken, traumatized, and driving slow. His horrible day was not over, but could it get worse? At least his jammer suit was drying out. "Be careful through these parts," the old guy added.

Down the road, a rest area appeared on the right. Stormy pulled off and sat parked. He looked again at Ricky's text and the picture. The lake did look awesome. Stormy had never swam in open water, lakes were not so common around Phoenix. He started to text a reply, but did not finish. He started the car and pulled from the gravel lot.
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Old 06-23-2017, 01:42 PM
a speedo minded guy a speedo minded guy is offline
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Another wonderful chapter. Feel bad for Ricky. Having a panic attack is never good. And Stormy got lucky. He's lucky he walked away from the accident un-injured
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Old 06-24-2017, 05:21 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 23: Olympic Gold

Allen was still swimming strong as the group swam through the second mile. In fact, as Jake's endurance faded, Allen was now side by side with his best friend. Devon was still out there, but faded back, now almost 700 feet back and losing ground. Stroke and form had long gone out the window as the swimmers merely concentrated on closing the gap to the shore, except for Allen, who was still looking great and feeling very strong. The two kayaks made sure they stayed on course. The water was dark and deep, near 100 feet where they were. The depth would start to decrease as they closed in on the finish.

"He's kicking my ass," Jake thought to himself as he realized he could see the bright colors of Allen's Stroke Rate Funky Trunks swim brief. It was an odd feeling for Jake, who was always the stronger swimmer. As Allen continued to work his way into the lead, Jake knew he had no response left in the tank. "Way to go, Allen," Jake wanted to yell. A loon off left cried out, as if speaking for Jake.

Farther back by a quarter mile, Ricky and Coach were making their way over the deepest part of the lake. Ricky was swimming well, calmed by the support of Coach right next to him. Coach was slowed a bit by the dragging float, which kept his pace in perfect alignment to Ricky. Ryan could not be more proud of his swimmer conquering his fear and doing so well. To be sure, Ricky was still a bit anxious, but he kept his focus.

Chris stood out at the end of the dock wearing his brand new Q Swimwear Adrenaline Rush polo brief, a bright colored narrow side suit that he was rocking so well. His muscular body looked as great in the suit as he looked a few years back on the beaches with Sherie. The tight, barely covering fit gave him an impressive bulge with a tight high cut around his amazing legs. As the guys swam closer into the shore, Allen picked up the sight of the swimsuit wearing Adonis. Each stroke bringing him closer and into more focus. Ashland and the rest of the team were also lined up along the shore and in the water.

Allen was now solidly in the lead, Jake was 25 feet back. The remaining swimmers further back, with Devon about mid way to Ricky and Coach.

"Let's go Allen," Chris yelled out. "Swimming strong!" A couple of the girls on the team started a cheer. All the noise inspired Allen, who started swimming faster as he closed in the last hundred yards. The bottom of the lake, now 30 feet below, was clearly visible.

"Look at him go," Jake thought as he also picked up the pace. The team was going crazy with supportive cheers for each swimmer. Even Ashland was excited, barking and jumping. As Allen got close, some of the team swam out to greet him, right along with an exuberant old golden retriever. Allen swam to the end of the dock and stood, as the team pounced onto him in excitement, one would have thought he swam Olympic gold.

"Jake, Jake, Jake..." the chant started as Jake quickly came in second.

"You kicked my ass," he said to Allen as the two guys hugged. "Great f..king swim, dude," Jake added.

The process repeated as each of the next swimmers finished, with a special commotion for Devon. Devon was the ultimate teammate, what he lacked in swimming ability he made up for in his team spirit. He tried harder than anyone at practice, helped everyone with anything, and even though he sat out most meet events he always cheered the team on without feeling sorry for himself. Plus he was so cute in his swimsuits. A contagious, mischievous smile and a handsome body. His finish was the teams chance to show him the attention he so much deserved. Devon took it all in, beaming like a hero as the guys high fived and the girls hugged. He even got a little aroused.

"Who is that?" Jake asked, watching two swimmers still a ways out.

The guys looked around. "I think it's coach and Ricky," Allen finally said. Keith in the kayak confirmed.

"Holy shit, Ricky is afraid of deep water," Jake added. "Look at him go. Come on guys, let's cheer him in!" That set off a Ricky chant that could be heard clear across the lake.

"Let's swim out and join him," Allen suggested as he slid his goggles back over his eyes and dove back into the water. The pair was now 300 feet out. Jake followed as did a few of the swimmers off the dock.

Coach slowed as the cluster of swimmers joined Ricky. He let the team finish together. As the guys got to the dock, the whole team cheered as Ricky stood. It was a festive celebration that set the theme for the rest of the day. Allen gave Ricky a hug. They held longer than most guys would. Under water their legs and bulges touched, storing desires for each other that neither had shared. Desires they needed to explore, some day.
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Old 06-25-2017, 02:23 AM
nespeedoguy nespeedoguy is offline
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Default Great !

Awesome story s t s !
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Old 06-25-2017, 12:33 PM
solarguy solarguy is offline
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Wow!! You've been busy!! This is such a great story. Love it!!
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Old 06-25-2017, 02:06 PM
a speedo minded guy a speedo minded guy is offline
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Loving how the whole team came together to not only greet the winner, but also, the special attention paid to Devon and Ricky. Cannot wait for the next chapter. Keep it coming!!!
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Old 07-01-2017, 02:35 AM
Swimmboy Swimmboy is offline
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I've been out of town - and without internet - for several days. Just got to read this new chapter tonight! Really like the way the team comes together for each other, and am hoping that troubled kid, Stormy, will finally let his guard down and join them.
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Old 07-02-2017, 02:26 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 24: Team Trust

The sunsets over the lake are stunning, as the sun tucks down behind the mountains west of the lake. Orange glow becomes soft yellow with flashes of pink and even a little Violet. The cookout was over, but Jake and Lizzie left Coach's house and were now on Lizzie's pontoon boat in the middle of the lake, just about where they had swam earlier. Jake was still in his undersized, very tight, Sporti International Flags brief, with its less than two inch sides. Lizzie had swapped the board shorts she borrowed after the lake ate her bikini bottom, now wearing a one piece team suit she had in her swim bag. She was more clothed than Jake, who was getting aroused, making the tight suit even more so. As hot as Lizzie looked in the skimpy bikini, Jake liked how the smooth Lycra made her curves feel so silky and slippery. They were laid back in the loungers of the boat, side by side, her head on his chest, his hands wrapped around her. Her hand rested on his upper leg.

The lake was calm, flat, and romantic. She kissed him. She had poured each of them some wine from a half finished bottle in the luxurious boats mini fridge. They were feeling loose, free and in deep love, albeit young love. Really more lust.

"Are you sad Allen beat you?" She whispered as the darkening sky was being cast in an amber light from the waning sunset. She rubbed his chest as she watched him think.

"No, well, yeah maybe a little, but he swam so good." Jake didn't have a jealous bone in his body, but like any competitor he always prefers to win. "So, you never told me what happened to your swimsuit," Jake changed the subject.

Lizzie played with Jake's nipples as she related the story of her swim, making Jake grow hard in the tight suit, its undersized fit pressing against his growing anatomy. "I could feel it getting loose, but what was I going to do," Lizzie said. "I hoped it would stay tied until we stopped, but all of a sudden I felt it slip off. By the time I stopped, it was gone." As she told the story, she continued to glide her had over various erogenous zones of Jake's erotically charged body, but her play with his nipples was, above all else, driving him wild. She knew it. The boat gently floated in the calm, amazingly romantic lake.

"That's just crazy," Jake managed to mumble. "What did you do?"

"Well, I kept swimming until I could get Coach's attention. You should have seen his face when I told him I lost my bikini." Lizzie was animated, sitting up, giving Jake some time to calm his urges. "He didn't know what to do at first, but he knew I could not stay naked."

"How did you get on the boat?" Jake asked, now also sitting up.

"He grabbed a towel, hung it on the back of the boat. Made sure you guys were ahead. Then he looked forward and waited for me to get on. No one even knew," she laughed. "He was such a dad about it," she laughed.

"Wow, that is pretty funny,". Jake replied. "Remember the time Tim forgot to tie his suit and did that big dive...". They both started to laugh at the image of Tim's suit coming right off him as his body hit the water.

"He sure gave everyone a good show," Lizzie added.

The cute couple laid back down on the lounger, Jake immediately getting hard as they pulled themselves close. The tiny suit could barely contain him. The romantic night turned steamy hot.


"Sorry you didn't make it to the party," Ricky texted one last time to Stormy.

"What's your deal with Stormy?" Allen asked as Ricky hit send on the text. The two guys were at Allen's house hanging out, both still in swimsuits. They were up in the barn loft. Allen swiped two cold beers from his dad's secret refridge in the farm office. It was well stocked, Allen knew he would not notice. The beer was going down fast, too fast.

"Just want him to feel liked by the team, must be hard to move that far," Ricky responded. "Plus don't you think he is a pretty hot looking guy?" Ricky asked, the beer loosening any inhibitions. Ricky started getting hard just thinking about how cute Stormy looked. Ricky had never worn jammers, never even thought about them. After seeing Stormy in them, Ricky was curious.

"Yeah, I guess he is pretty cute," Allen replied as he finished off his first beer. It was not the first time the guys raided the secret stash, but infrequent enough that one beer created quite the buzz. Allen laid back, exposing Allen the hot swimsuit he was wearing. Allen was feeling horny, and Ricky was looking too damn hot.

"Okay, bud, serious question," Ricky announced as Allen grabbed two more beers, handing Ricky one. "I am trusting you here," Ricky added.

"Go for it, Ricky," Allen replied after a deep draw on the beer, a Seadog Brewing Summer Ale, sans the lemon. The guys eyes met, it was as if they knew what was about to happen. Deep trust, team trust was on the line.

Ricky paused. His heart raced. A bead of sweat rolled down his left facial cheek. "What if I told you I think I am gay?" Ricky finally asked. He wanted to pass out, but not from drinking.

Allen smiled. A long pause, eyes meeting again. "Ricky.... It is so cool, awesome," Allen started out. "What if I said, me too," Allen replied. "Plus I know the team would be totally supportive,". Allen added. It was as if the world had just opened up for them. The two guys talked for two hours, hanging out in the barn, such was life as a farm kid. Hugs, tears, acceptance.

A ding of Ricky's cell phone broke the deep talk, the release of feelings and fears. "Thanks for caring, Stormy" came the late reply. Ricky would not see it for a while.
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