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Old 07-28-2014, 02:17 AM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Thumbs up Wow!!! The suspense mounts


In his response to Part 7, shaulis said he hoped that Jimmy would have a good time at the meet in Boston. Well, There's no doubt about that. I love the way you create the youthful enthusiasm in Jimmy and also the budding romance with Abby - part boy/part maturing young man. The hero worship that Jimmy shows towards Greg is so real to the point of his wearing a suit that Greg bought him to the pool with Paul and Buffy and then wearing a suit under his shorts to the meet, wanting to be a swimmer just like Greg. Jimmy really looks up to Greg and even after his first race, Greg shows his caring to give Jimmy a thumbs up after throwing a kiss to Monique. I always say this but it bears repeating - all your characters are kind, decent, thoughtful people.

Another wonderful section, a joy to read. You even got in a little bit about meet strategy. Can't wait for the next part. One question: Is Phillip the same person from an earlier story, just younger?

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Old 07-28-2014, 03:04 PM
shaulis shaulis is offline
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Default part 8


My hope that Jimmy have a good time in Boston is coming to fruition. Greg is solidly in the 2nd round and with Gregs strategy working probably the win. I love that Jimmy has Abby as a girlfriend. Jimmy hopes that by wearing the swimsuit Greg bought him brings Greg luck at the swim meet. Jimmy thinks the world of Greg and it showed when he proudly told Paul and Buffy that Greg had bought a swimsuit for him.
I love this story and can't wait for the next chapter.

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Old 07-30-2014, 01:23 AM
Swimmboy Swimmboy is offline
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Another great chapter! I think Jimmy has a 'crush' on Greg - not in a sexual way, just the way a younger boy looks up to - or adores - an older boy whom he admires, which is cool. Love the image of the hot young swimmers in their tiny racing suits. Can't wait for the next installment!
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Old 08-03-2014, 12:49 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 9

“So what got you interested in swimming?” Monique asked Jimmy as they ate lunch. It was the lunch intermission, a thirty minute mid day break in the action, mostly to give the teams a chance to regroup and assess the morning. Monique and Jimmy had walked outside and sat in the sun on a bench near the entrance. Jimmy was enjoying the attention of such a pretty girl.

“I saw it last summer on the Olympics,” Jimmy replied. “I thought the swimming and diving was really cool.”

“Yeah, those swimmers are really good,” Monique replied.

“I know, and they looked so fit and strong. It was amazing. I stayed up late watching them. Man can they swim fast, just like Greg,” Jimmy replied. He was becoming so passionate as he talked. It was clear he really loved the sport.

“Who is your favorite?” Monique asked.

“Well, Michael Phelps hasto be everyone’s favorite. But I also like Ryan Lochte and Nathan Adrian for USA. I like Ryan Cochrane from Canada, too.” Jimmy added. He thought for a moment. “I guess all the good swimmers are named Ryan,” he added with a chuckle.

“Any ladies?” Monique asked.

Jimmy blushed a bit. “I really like Natalie Coughlin, she is cute, too,” he said. “And there was a cute swimmer who swam the long distance, I can’t remember her name,” Jimmy added. Jimmy went into lots of details on each one.. Jimmy even knew their times, what medals they won, He even discussed past swimmers and knew everything about Maine (USA) swimmer Ian Crocker, and New Hampshire’s (USA) Jenny Thompson.

“Wow, you really know your swimmers,” Monique closed their longer discussion.

“Yeah, Jimmy said. “But my most favorite swimmer, out of all guys and ladies is Greg. I think he is way better than any of those guys.” Jimmy meant every word.

“That’s sweet, Jimmy.” Monique said as she stood to head back in. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder. He really was Greg’s little brother.


Greg had swam two events in the morning, winning outright the second event, the short distance free, and, of course, his second place finish in the first round of the 100 fly. His next event was not until later in the afternoon, so he changed out of the tight and tiny little race swimsuit, sipping on a pair of blue nylon team shorts with no swimsuit underneath. His body needed the freedom from the chokehold the extremely small race suit had on him. Greg loved his swimsuits, but the race day ones were really a bit too tight to be comfortable.

“There he is,” Greg’s dad said to the group, pointing as Greg walked behind the starting blocks at the far end of the pool. Greg made his way past his team as they gave each other high fives. The meet was going well for the team, which was in second place behind a strong team from Connecticut.

“Hey everyone,” Greg said as he stood in front of his fan base.

“Hi Greg,” Jimmy replied as he reached and exchanged high fives, followed by a fist butt. “You are swimming awesome!” Jimmy added.

“Thanks, kid!” Greg replied. He leaned over and gave Monique a quick kiss, followed by a hug of his mom. Monique slid over, giving him some room to sit between Jimmy and her.

“Come sit, cutie,” Monique said.

Greg sat between them, checking his shorts to make sure all of his body was staying inside. He was commando under them, and they had a short two or three inch inseam. He kept his legs close together. “Probably should have worn a lose swimsuit under,” Greg thought to himself. Monique rubbed his exposed leg, which felt sensational. Greg wished he could lay back and have her massage both legs to loosen him back up for the afternoon events. It wasn’t stiffness in his shorts he was worried about, it was the risk his legs would tighten up during the break in action. Monique, on the other hand, enjoyed the feeling of his tight, muscular quads.

“See the guy in the green swimsuit,” Greg said to Jimmy. “Lane four. He is really amazing.” The first breast stroke event was about to start. The guys sat in silence as the swimmers prepared to leave the blocks. It was another display of amazing masculine power, all in different color racer cut briefs. All tight, all narrow, and they were all amazing. For Monique, it was quite the show of guys.

The gun went off and the green swimsuit swimmer made the best start of the eight, going further in the air and gracefully hitting the water. His powerful strokes began as soon as he hit the water and he was quickly, solidly in the lead. The second place guy, a cute blonde guy in a red brief with team logo on the left front, was in second, but already half a body back and losing ground.

“He is amazing,” Jimmy said.

“Yeah, coach says he has a good shot at the Olympics,” Greg answered.

“So do you,” replied Jimmy,

Greg wrapped his arm around Jimmy. “Your a good kid,” Greg replied, flattered by Jimmy’s comment. The two guys smiled at each other. Jimmy’s eyes showing his idolization of Greg. Greg’s showed his deep affection for Jimmy. It was one of the best moments in their friendship.

“Watch his flip, Jimmy” Greg explained. The two watched as green swam hard right to the wall and then was over and heading back without a single loss of pace.

“That was cool,” Jimmy said.

“Yeah,” Greg replied. “See how he never let up, that is the key. You know the wall is coming, but you just stay hard until you have to flip. Most swimmers slow, even just a fraction,” Greg explained. “That is what coach is trying to get me to stop doing.” Greg admitted.

“Wow, he is really good,” Jimmy said as they watched green continue to power down the pool, he was now so far ahead he had no worry of a loss, but he never let up. The swimmer from Greg’s team was third. Not the result they wanted, but not enough to throw them out of second team overall.

Well, gotta go,” Greg said. He gave Jimmy another fist butt. “Glad you are having fun.” He then grabbed Monique and gave her a big hug. He high fived his host dad and mom, followed by his own mom and dad. He tugged the legs of his blue shorts and headed back to the locker room. Time to get back into his tiny racer and get ready for his next events. It was another fly race, the final of the 100 meter from the morning. But first was the team relay (medley) event, Greg would be the fly racer.
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Old 08-03-2014, 12:50 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 9 continued

In the locker room, which was shared by all teams, Greg slipped off his blue shorts and grabbed his still wet race suit. In his hand, the suit was so small it did not look like it could ever fit on Greg’s muscular body. He stood naked holding the suit under a hot air dryer to get some of the wet out, and the chill off. As he did he heard another swimmer in the locker room and turned to see Phillip, his arch rival in the IM standing at his locker. Just like Greg, Phillip was changing back from his shorts to his racer. Phillip had dark hair, black, but cropped very short. His body free of all other hair, just as Greg’s was. Even the hair around both guy’s private areas was shaved. Greg turned and acknowledged Phillip, who was also holding his wet racer suit in his hand.

“Hi Phillip,” Greg said. Despite being rivals, they both knew each other from past meets. The rivalry ended at the pool. While not really friends, they were friendly competitors.

“Hey, Greg. You are swimming well today,” Phillip acknowledged.

“Thanks, how is your meet going so far” Greg asked.

“Well, only one event this morning, came in third. That sucked,” Phillip answered. The two guys chatted for several minutes. Greg finally slipped into his race brief, the tight fit again smashing his anatomy. He tucked himself in the suit, which barely covered everything.

“Hey, that was a good idea, never thought of it,” Phillip said as he took his wet suit and held it under the dryer. He stood at the dryer watching Greg get dressed. As he admired Greg’s well sculptured body, Phillip got slightly aroused, his anatomy showing his interest in Greg. He took his hand and covered his rising anatomy as much as he could. Phillip was just coming to terms with being gay, and Greg was as hot a swimmer as he had ever seen.

“Hey, have a great swim,” Greg said as he started to head to the door, tying up his strings as he walked to the door, never looking back at Phillip.

“You too,” Phillip replied. Phillip was relieved that Greg skipped the usual hand shake and left when he did, not seeing the full extent of Phillip’s growing arousal. Alone in the locker room, Phillip slipped into the shower and sprayed himself with much needed cold water. It would be several minutes before he even dare try to smash himself into his won tight green race suit. Only a few swimmers created such a response on his young, gay body.


Jimmy was all fired up as the team event kicked off. Greg’s team was in lane three. The guys all looked amazing in Jimmy’s mind. Each of the guys was tall, over six feet, except for Juan, who the team called JP. JP was of Mexican descent, his tan complexion a clear contrast to the pale white of the other three. He was handsome, 5’10”, had a long abdomen and his arms seemed to have as much length as the taller guys. JP was the breast stroke leg, it was obvious why. Greg would start with the fly. John, a blonde, curly haired guy would take the back, and then Craig was the wrap up with the free. Craig was the tallest, and he also seemed to have a really long torso and short legs. In Jimmy’s mind, Craig was the same build as Michael Phelps.

“Greg’s team is clearly the best,” Jimmy said to Greg’s two dads, real and host.

“Let’s hope so,” Greg’s real dad replied. He was flattered by Jimmy’s loyalty to his son, almost brother like, he thought.

“No hope to it,” Jimmy replied, “They will kick butt!” Jimmy sat n silence for a moment, then he apologized for saying butt. Greg’s mom was touched by the young teen’s politeness.

“Butt was a good choice,” Greg’s dad replied. “I had another word.” The guys all laughed.

“Swimmer’s mark,” the announcer called. Greg mounted and positioned on the blocks. Greg did his little ritual of rubbing his crotch, a sub-conscious act that he did not even realize he did. He also tugged the waist of his suit.

“Swimmers set,” came call two,. Greg readied his position. He needed two things, he needed a rock solid start, and he needed great turns.

“Don’t let up at the wall,” Greg heard his coach in his mind. “Reach as far as you can on the diver,” also rang through. Greg was oddly extra nervous. His eyes on the water. He paid no attention to the swimmers near him, nor to his fans sitting close.

The fake gun went off and the swimmers were in the air. Greg hit the water in a great dive, but a horn blew. Jimmy was shocked as all the swimmers stopped and stood.

“What happened?” Jimmy asked.

“False start. I think in lane six. Looked like he went just ahead of the horn.”

The eight swimmers climbed out of the pool. Greg shook his head, angry that he missed out on what was a picture perfect launch. He pulled his clinging suit from his anatomy. Monique smiled as she watched him. Guys wet swimsuit really showed off their best parts, thought Monique. Especially for Greg, who she thought had the most manly package of any guy she knew.

The swimmers mounted the blocks to start the race, again. The line up of wet swim suited guys was quite the show. It was a rainbow of colors and patterns. Monique lied best the red and gold print swimsuits on the team in lane two, right next to Greg’s team. She liked least the solid black suits on the team n lane eight, no imagination, she thought. Lane seven was a team mixed between briefs and jammers. Monique really disliked jammers. She thought jammers looked like bike shorts, which she liked on cyclists, but not on swimmers. In jammers, a guys parts always got stuck down by their legs, which just looked ugly, Monique thought.

“Reach,” Greg thought again as he stood on the starting block. “Stay hard to the wall,” the mantra running in his head. Greg was ready.

“Let’s do this,” JP yelled out in his Spanish accented speech. The tension and the enthusiasm running high on all the teams. The delay was the time required to reset all the clocks, touch pads and hand helds.

“False starts suck,” Greg finally said to his teammates. They did. They tugged away at the swimmer’s concentration, stirred up anger, and had the risk of messing a swimmer up.

“Stay focused,” Craig replied. He was a fiery red headed, lean guy. He patted Greg’s back. He looked amazing in the tiny swimsuit. He had the most well defined abs. Monique through he was almost as cute as Greg.

Finally, the calls. Jimmy was up out of his seat. Jimmy was almost as tense as the swimmers. “Go Greg,” Jimmy called, joined by Monique, as the gun went off. Greg was off the block with a solid launch, even better than before. He reached forward as far as he could, hitting the water just ahead of the swimmer in lane five, arguable the best team in the event. It was a clean start, no horn. Greg nailed it! JP was jumping and yelling. Craig applauded, and high fived JP. The noise in the arena was deafening, as the teams and the crowd yelled. Jimmy was taking it all in. Like the team, he was cheering loudly for Greg. John was mounting the block. Greg had four length of the pool to swim.

The race was on….
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Old 08-03-2014, 04:06 PM
shaulis shaulis is offline
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Default part 9


Monique knows Jimmy idolizes Greg like a brother after their talk during the meet lunch break. Greg's father noticed how much Jimmy idolizes Greg like a brother cheering for the team and Greg in particular. Phillip, Greg's main rival, is wrestling with being gay. All of the relay team wants Greg to set the pace for the team to win this race and hopefully the meet entirely. I can't wait for the next chapter to know the outcome.

Thanks again STS, for this great story so far.

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Old 08-03-2014, 05:53 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Thumbs up Part 9


I am completely with Brian (shaulis) as I can't wait for the next part either. You toy with us in the way you create the suspense and the expectation that the race will have been finished before part 9 ends and then it doesn't. The focus on Jimmy's complete loyalty to Greg and his complete faith that Greg is the best swimmer is so well portrayed. Jimmy really acts like Greg is his older brother whom he looks up to enormously. Nice touch too with Monique's interaction with Jimmy during lunch, her drawing him out and showing him that she likes him. I also liked Jimmy's completely non sexual comment about how strong and fit the swimmers at the Olympics were. Greg continues to be the role model he has become for Jimmy and you can tell that he really likes playing the older brother role. Thanks for continuing the story.

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Old 08-06-2014, 08:48 PM
Swimmboy Swimmboy is offline
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Another exciting chapter - with a good blend of sports, sportsmanship, and a little sexiness thrown in! I love the way young Jimmy idolizes Greg - they are truly like a big brother/little brother pair. And now, Phillip may have a bit of a crush on Greg! Greg is one lucky guy - handsome, athletic, and loved or idolized by so many, male and female.

(Oh - one small comment - in a medley relay, the backstroker always leads off, since he has to start in the water. The medley events are swum in this order: back, breast, fly, free.)
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:18 PM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default the order of action...

Thanks for info. - never got it clear with the medley relays.

PS: Anyone know water polo team numbers?
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Old 08-06-2014, 11:00 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default swimmboy

The worst part is I knew that...lol. in my mind and when I wrote the last part I was thinking IM. I even had to go back and change it to team. I missed I had also used the IM order, which was just stupid on my part. Oh well, the best part of fiction is I can make up events that are totally new. I would have realized it when I described the rest of the race. I swam team in my swim team days, too. Moral of story...never finish a chapter after your morning swim and before adequate coffee.....

Thanks for calling me on my mix up.
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