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Old 07-22-2014, 02:33 AM
shaulis shaulis is offline
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Default Short Delay


I completely understand the delay. Family and friends are more important to be with than be cooped up inside typing at the computer. Hope you and your friends and family thoroughly enjoy what's left of the summer. I and your other readers await the next chapter in your story.

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Old 07-25-2014, 03:59 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 7

Two weeks remained in the Summer swim program, with a final big meet down in Boston. It featured all the advanced AAU teams from the New England region, hosted at Boston University. It was the biggest meet of the season, and also the best exposure for rising senior class swimmers not yet signed, like Greg. Every major college coach on the east coast would be there. Greg had already captured the attention of eight schools, six at the D1 level and two strong D2 programs. A good showing at the meet would seal the deal, which had Greg working extra hard and extra long. He even had asked Monique to stay home for the next two weekends, so he could concentrate solely on his swimming. As much as he wanted to see her, Greg knew the distraction of a cute girl was not the best option. Monique understood, although she was a bit jealous of losing her cute boyfriend to chlorine and laps.

It was a wicked hot Thursday, the kind of August day that actually made people think of the colder days ahead as not such a bad option. Of course, those thoughts were just wrong, but nonetheless, in the 95 degree heat and high humidity, a good blizzard could look appealing. Jimmy did his usual bike ride to the pool, his sweat quickly soaking his body and his swimsuit as he made the trip. Jimmy had become known as the “Speedo kid” by those who saw his regular rides to the pool. Just as he did in his old blue swimming shorts, Jimmy simply wore his swimsuit for his rides to the pool. Most days he had on a shirt, but on a hot day like today, it was just the swimsuit. While his mom was not all that happy about his tiny little swimsuit, he convinced her that “all the real swimmers wear them,” so she relented on her pressure to convince him to keep the shorts.

Jimmy got to the pool just as the swim team wrapped up a really intense practice. Greg had been there since 6, spent almost the whole time in the pool. He was beat both physically and mentally. It had been a tough week, including a small meet earlier in the week between three local clubs. Greg’s team took the meet soundly, a reflection of the superior depth of talent and the reputation of the program.

“Hey Greg,” Coach called.

Greg reluctantly walked over, having no more desire to think about more swimming. He listened politely as the coach went over some areas of opportunity in his swimming, the whole time thinking he just wanted to get out of the swimsuit and go lay down. The teen girls along the fence drooled over the tall, cute swimmer talking to the coach. Greg had his hands on his hips, his feet about shoulder length apart, and his wet suit hugged his body tightly. It was no wonder the young girls enjoyed the view. Jimmy also watched as the coach and Greg discussed whatever they were talking about. Jimmy had not talked to Greg in a few days and was really hoping to show him his progress.

“Go get some lunch and let’s meet back here at 1:15 for some one on one,” Coach added.

“Okay, Coach,” Greg said with little of his usual enthusiasm. He was so ready for a shower, dry shorts and a lazy afternoon in a lounger. Instead, it was a cold sandwich from the snack bar, a diet lemonade, and another kick butt session one on one with the beast, Greg’s nickname for the coach when he was going too far.

Jimmy was doing his laps as Greg ate the dry sandwich. He had so much improved, largely driven by the extra workouts he was getting in several evenings a week. Greg watched as the skinny swimmer he saw eight weeks ago was now moving down the pool with a vastly improved stoke, doing near perfect flips, and had developed a strong kick. Jimmy truly was becoming a really good swimmer. “Time to turn it up a notch,” Greg thought. After all, Jimmy had confided in Greg that he wanted to join the swim team in high school, and while Greg knew that was no easy task, he was his usual encouraging mentor. “You really should try out,” he told Jimmy. “If you make it, you will love it!”

“Hey Jimmy,” Greg called from his perch at the top of the lane.

Jimmy stopped and stood. His face showed his excitement that Greg has come over to see him.

“Hi Greg,” Jimmy replied. “I am really working hard to make the team,” Jimmy added.
“I can tell,” Greg replied. “I am really impressed by how great your swimming has become.” Jimmy beamed with pride at the compliment.

Greg jumped in. “Can’t do much, because I just ate,” Greg advised. “But let me show you a few things.” Greg and Jimmy worked the pool like two serious college swimmers, the older one guiding the younger one.

“You really want to reach as far as you can,” Greg explained, “and then follow all the way back, take advantage of the full arm stroke.”

Jimmy tried, and while he was doing what Greg said, it was messing up his whole style. “I can’t do it,” Jimmy finally said, exasperated.

“I know it is hard, Jimmy,” Greg empathized. “But, it will make you swim so much better if we get this worked out, together.”

From his office, coach watched as the star swimmer worked with the younger guy. He smiled at the joy Greg was bringing to the younger kid, as well as the skill. He clearly had developed quite a relationship with the kid. Coach watched as Greg showed Jimmy new techniques and useful tips. Coach got up from his seat and walked out to the pool deck. He got just close enough to hear the conversation. Coach smiled. Instead of rushing out to start the extra workout, he opted to stay back, and let Greg work with the youngster. “An extra thirty minutes won’t hurt,” Coach thought to himself.

Jimmy was finally starting to get it, but the new follow through was a tough change to work in. “It is a game changer for you swimming,” Greg explained. “You keep working on that, I need to find out when Coach wants to get started.”

The two guys swam in side by side lanes for the next hour. Coach was really drilling Greg on his turns, especially his back to breast turn,. “Again,” seemed like the only word Jimmy was hearing the Coach say. At Greg’s level, every millisecond mattered, and Coach was certain Greg was losing too much time on his turns. By the time coach was done, Greg wanted to throw up, he had flipped and flipped and flipped so many times he was beyond dizzy. Every muscle hurt, and it was really time to get out of the tight, tiny swimsuit, even that part of him hurt from being smashed inside the slim cut Agon team swimsuit. Greg rubbed his crotch and tugged at the material. The momentary freedom felt great.

“Nice workout, Greg,” Coach said. “You are really working hard and it shows.”

“Thanks, coach.” Greg replied. With that he did his leap from the pool and turned to watch Jimmy swimming toward him.

“Great job, Jimmy,” Greg called out as Jimmy stopped at the wall. “You are following through so much better, and your reach looks amazing.”

“Thanks, “ Jimmy replied. “It is really hard, and it makes my arms hurt,” Jimmy added.

“You are doing good, kid.” Greg gave Jimmy a high five. “What ya say we go get a burger, my treat. Then hit the swim shop, I need some new stuff.”

“Awesome,” Jimmy replied, with way more excitement than he had ever shown before. “Hey, watch this,” Jimmy asked Greg. Greg turned and watched as Jimmy did a single hand leap out of the pool.

“Way cool, Jimmy,” Greg replied. He gave a Jimmy another high five. He had not paid close attention to Jimmy out of the pool, but this time, Greg noticed how much Jimmy’s muscular definition had changed. He was looking pretty athletic, Greg thought. In his red Speedo print, he looked every bit like a budding swimmer.

“I really appreciate all your help,” Jimmy said.

“Any time, Jimmy” Greg replied.

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 07-26-2014 at 02:20 AM.
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Old 07-25-2014, 04:00 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 7 continued

The two guys headed off in Greg‘s shiny Ford F150 pick up truck, Jimmy‘s bike in the back, to a local ice cream and burger stand near the pool . Greg gad changed into some fresh board shorts, going free inside them, and a yellow polo shirt. Jimmy still had on his swimsuit, the only thing he had worn to the pool, but Greg gave him a clean swim team T-shirt to wear.

“This place has great fries,” Greg said as they pulled into the Burger Boy stand. “And really good shakes.”

Jimmy eyed the crowded parking lot and all the people in line. For the first time, he felt awkward wearing just the red Speedo swimsuit. He confided in Greg his anxiety.

“You’re fine,” Greg assured him. “We just came from swimming.”

“Yeah, but..” Jimmy started to respond.

“I got your back….” Greg cut him off. “Let’s get some food. I’m starving…” If Greg had worn his swimsuit under his boardies, he would have shed the shorts so Jimmy did not feel so out of place. He did not have that option. Greg exited the masculine deep burgundy pick-up truck. Jimmy followed out the passenger side. His long T-shirt hung down over his suit, giving him the appearance of having nothing on under the shirt. The back was emblazoned with the words “Eat my wake.” The two young guys, especially Greg, quickly caught they eyes of a group of high school age girls wearing soccer uniforms. No one seemed to notice, or if they did, care that Jimmy was wearing just a shirt and swimsuit.

The guys ordered their burgers, two large orders of fries and two large chocolate shakes. They grabbed an open picnic table next to the cute soccer players, Greg and Jimmy sitting across from each other. Only when they sat did Jimmy’s red Speedo swimsuit become visible from under his T-shirt. While all the girls were checking Greg out more than Jimmy, the youngest girl at the table, more Jimmy’s age, took the road less traveled and eyed Jimmy up and down. It was still hot as blazes out, prompting Greg to shed his T-shirt, which clearly was exactly what the girls wanted. His strong swimmer’s chest reflected his years of swimming, as did the total lack of body hair. Jimmy followed Greg’s lead. Most of the guys were shirtless, but none of them had the muscular upper body Greg modeled, and few were even as well defined as Jimmy.

“Number 153” the loudspeaker blared.

“I’ll get it,” Greg said as he stood to retrieve the order. His board shorts hung low on his narrow waist, giving the girls a full display of his tight abs from the front, and his muscular back and shoulders from the back, not to mention his V line to the waist.

“He’s really cute,” Jimmy heard one of them say as Greg headed to the pick up window.

“Wish he was wearing a Speedo, too,” said another. They all giggled.

“I think his board shorts are cute,” added a third. The girls started a whole debate on which type of swimwear was the best looking. Board shorts won for most guys, but on hot looking guys, all the girls agreed “Speedos” were really cool. “Cool guys wear Speedos,” one of the girls said passionately. Jimmy liked the cool guys reference

“Are you on a swim team?” the youngest girl at the table finally shifted the conversation to include Jimmy.

“Not yet,” Jimmy said back. “But, I swim every day to get ready. We just got done,” Jimmy added.

“Does your friend swim, too? Another girl asked.

“Yeah, he is really good. He is on the Summer team,” Jimmy added.

“Does he wear Speedos, too” one of the girls blurted out, causing the whole table to giggle.

“When he swims, yeah,” Jimmy answered. The answer made the young ladies smile as their minds raced to picture Greg in just a tiny swimsuit, his muscular chest, abs and legs on full display in their minds. They each watched as Greg returned with the food.

They guys made small talk with the girls as they ate. Jimmy learned that the cute youngest girl was his same age and would also be starting school at the same high school as he. They traded phone numbers, his regular home phone and her cell phone. Her name was Abigail, but her friends call her Abby, she told him. She asked if she could take his picture, which he agreed to. It was the first time any girl had ever asked for his picture, let alone him wearing just a tiny swimsuit. Greg smiled at the attention Jimmy was getting from her. It was clearly more than just the lustful banter the other girls were giving Greg. Abby had even moved over to sit next to Jimmy at their table. By the time they finished lunch, Abby and Jimmy became friends on Facebook, thanks to Greg’s cell phone. Jimmy really wished he had shorts on, as his swimsuit was starting to show the excitement of his young male body, maybe showing a little too much. Abby noticed the tight fit, something she liked best about racing style guys swimsuits.

“She sure does like you,” Greg teased Jimmy. “Plus she is cute,” he added. Jimmy blushed.

“Yeah, she seems nice,” Jimmy replied. His swimsuit situation had not abated. He pulled his T-shirt down, covering as much as he could.

“Make sure you send her a nice note on Facebook,” Greg gave Jimmy some big brother advice.

“I will,” Jimmy replied. They chatted about girls as Greg drove towards the small downtown on their journey to the swimming shop. Jimmy was enjoying the big brother type talk he did not get as the only boy in his family. Sure, he talked to his father, but it was not the same, plus some questions he just did not ask dad, like the next one he tossed out to Greg.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Jimmy queried Greg.

“Sure, kid, anytime,’ Greg replied.

“You got a really cute girlfriend and all,” Jimmy started, stalling at getting to the point.

“Thanks, Jimmy,” Greg replied. “She sure is.”

“Do you wear your swim team swimsuit around her?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, sure,” Greg replied. “I mean recently, she really prefers them over my boardies,” Greg replied. “Why?”

“Well, this is kind of weird, but you know, you ever get like… umm… “ Jimmy did not know how to finish the question.

“Just ask it, Jimmy, it’s okay,” Greg reassured Jimmy they could discuss anything.

“Well, you know, excited, I mean like you get a b…” Jimmy got it almost all the way out when Greg cut him off.

“Jimmy, it happens to all guys,” Greg answered. “The only problem is that those little swimsuits don’t give you any hope of hiding it,” Greg added. “Every guy who swims has had it happen at one point or another, but usually the pool takes care of it,” Greg paused. After a few seconds he added, “at the beach it is a whole different story,” he added.

“That sure would suck to have it happen at the beach, or eating lunch,” Jimmy added, confessing to Greg that he was getting that way when they were talking to Abby. “What do you do if it happens?’ Jimmy asked.

“Usually, I just roll over, or if I can, I go in the water.” Greg explained. He then shared some stories of when he had it happen at swim practice, at a swim meet, and on his last beach trip with Monique. Between the laughter and joking about the topic, the two guys exchanged questions and Greg played his big brother role well, giving Jimmy the wisdom of experience, at least whatever experience a 17 year old could give. And like any guy 17, the untimely bodily response was just part of growing up.


The guys left the swim shop loaded with new gear. Greg bought Jimmy two brand new swimsuits and a couple of pairs of goggles, along with some new stuff for himself. They guys bought matching swimsuits, one was a blue Nike print that Jimmy really liked and the other was a red and white print by Speedo that Greg could not live without. Greg also bought Jimmy his own swimming T-shirt. When all was said and done, Greg dropped $100 on his adopted younger brother. A huge sum in Jimmy’s eyes, while Greg never batted an eye. Jimmy just kep saying thanks. Greg really appreciated how grateful Jimmy was.

As Greg drove Jimmy to his home, the first time Greg would see the farm Jimmy lived on, Greg offered Jimmy a proposal he could not refuse.

“Hey, Jimmy, next weekend I have a big swim meet in Boston. Monique is coming up, my mom and dad will be there, and my host parents are going, also. You want to come?” Greg asked. “It’s the biggest meet of the season, lots of teams and some really good swimmers.”

“That would be so cool!” Jimmy exclaimed.

“You can ride down with my host parents, I am sure they won’t mind,” Greg added. “They are staying overnight, but I think they would let you stay with them. I can ask,” Jimmy worked out the logistics.

“I’ve never been to Boston,’ Jimmy said. “That would be so cool, and to get to see you swim…”

“Then it’s decided,” Greg replied.

The shiny F150 pulled into the dirt driveway of Jimmy’s farm. The old New England style farmhouse was in need of a paint job, as were the barns. Jimmy’s dad was on the tractor, just coming in from the fields. His mom was at work. Greg took it all in as they got out of the truck and he grabbed Jimmy’s bike from the back.

“Well, this is where I live,” Jimmy said.

“So cool, “ Greg replied. “I’ve never known a guy who lived on a real farm,” Greg explained.

“Let me get changed and I can show you around.” Jimmy offered.

“Awesome,” Greg accepted the invitation.

This time, Jimmy got to be the expert, with Greg the novice. Jimmy quickly returned, having pulled his cut off shorts over his swimsuit. He left the swim team T-shirt on. The two guys headed off to tour the farm. Jimmy leading the way.

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 07-26-2014 at 02:27 AM.
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Old 07-25-2014, 04:59 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Thumbs up You have outdone yourself


I think that part 7 is absolutely the best section of this story. You really captured the cementing of the relationship between Jimmy and Greg and portrayed so well Greg's selflessness in giving Jimmy instruction, knowing he had a hard workout with the coach ahead of him. We also see Jimmy developing more self confidence and a great trust in Greg by asking him questions that are sensitive and personal. Then we see Greg not batting an eyelash about answering Jimmy with empathy and reassurance. It truly has become the big brother/little brother relationship that we've seen evolving over time. It's not that these relationships are unique in storytelling; it's the way you develop the relationships of the characters through descriptive passages and dialogue that is just amazing. We guys on the forum get such a treat with your stories which is why we always wish for more.

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Old 07-26-2014, 01:35 AM
a speedo minded guy a speedo minded guy is offline
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Default Wow

Dooley67 you have it so correct. This story just continues to evolve and get better with every chapter. STS, this might be your best story to date. I'm loving and anxiously awaiting each new chapter. Keep up the Great work!!!
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Old 07-26-2014, 11:08 AM
solarguy solarguy is offline
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I agree! This is just a really nice story. I love the way the guys are bonding and their relationship is developing.
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Old 07-27-2014, 03:48 AM
shaulis shaulis is offline
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Default part 7


I agree with Dooley67(Mark), solar guy, and a speedo minded guy this story may be the your best story to date. I hope Jimmy has a good time at Greg's swim meet in Boston. I'm hopeful Jimmy gets on his high school swim team. Jimmy is becoming more confident in his new swimsuit. Greg even treated Jimmy to new swimwear on Gregs impromptu shopping spree. I thoroughly love this story STS, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

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Old 07-27-2014, 09:01 AM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default best....

Re. posts#3 and 37 even I am reading it
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Old 07-28-2014, 12:00 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 8

While Jimmy did not have a cell phone, he did have an older laptop computer that he used mostly for school and surfing the internet. Despite the financial strains his family endured, his parents knew that access to the web was crucial to their children’s education, so mustered the money for internet each month. Jimmy logged onto Facebook to send Abby a note. As soon as his newsfeed came up, he saw the picture. There he was at the burger place in just his red Speedo. The caption under read, “Found this cutie at lunch, love his Speedo.” Jimmy blushed. She had tagged him, which meant the photo was announced to all of his other FB friends. He read all the comments, especially liking one from her friend Tanya that read “Abby, he is so cute, and he rocks that swimsuit really well. Looks like he likes you, too.” Jimmy didn’t connect that her last statement was a commentary on the rather bulging fit of his swimsuit.

Jimmy sent Abby a nice note and thanked her for her nice comment on his photo. He said he really liked talking to her and hoped they could see each other again. After, he checked his stash of savings from mowing Jack’s lawn. He had over $100 in a coffee can saved up. He knew he would need money to take her on a real date. Jimmy had never asked a girl out, his palms grew sweaty as he contemplated the process. To his surprise, he quickly got a note back from her saying she really liked him, too. She said she would love to see him again, maybe they could hang out at her house. She added that they have a swimming pool. “You can wear one of your swimming suits, like the one at lunch,” she added on the note. They two began an instant message exchange that ran late into the night and resulted in Jimmy having a fitful night of sleep. Dreams of Abby played in his mind. Jimmy was falling for his first girl.


The two hour ride to Boston was amazing. Greg’s host parents were so nice and gracious. Greg has told them so much about Jimmy that they felt like the knew him all along. They checked into the Marriott Hotel at Copley Place, which totally blew Jimmy’s mind. The place was huge. They would not see Greg the night before his meet, his coach had the team sequestered for a controlled night leading up to the biggest event of the season. Paul, Greg’s host dad let Jimmy text Greg a note on Paul’s cell phone. Jimmy wished Greg luck and thanked Greg again for inviting him to the meet.

“Let’s hit the pool for a swim, then how about we walk down to Fenway and show Jimmy where the Red Sox play,” Paul said to his wife Buffy. Jimmy liked the idea. He scoped out the suite on the 19th floor of the hotel, a two bedroom executive accommodation with a fantastic view of the Charles River and Boston’s famed back bay district. “Let’s get changed into our swimsuits,” Paul suggested. Jimmy agreed and headed into his private bedroom.

Jimmy emerged wearing the red and white print Speedo race brief that Greg had bought him. It looked really neat, and it fit him well. Jimmy especially liked that it was the suit Greg bought him, his secret way of rooting for Greg. “Cool swimsuit,” said Paul, who was wearing short black nylon swim shorts with an exposed draw string. “you sure do look like the swimmer Greg said you are,” Paul added. Paul grabbed a Robe, Jimmy just pulled on his new swimming T-shirt, as the guys started to head out the door.

“You do look handsome in that swimsuit,” Buffy chimed in. She wasn’t going swimming, but she was going to watch them as she read a book poolside.

“You remind me of our son when he was your age,” Buffy added. The suit really did look amazing on Jimmy. The colors were bold and vibrant, and the red dyed drawstring hanging out created an interesting visual feature. “He really liked colorful swimsuits also, well he sill does” Buffy added.

“Thanks, Greg bought this for me, he has the same one,” Jimmy replied. Jimmy also thought Abby would really like the swimsuit. Maybe he could get a picture of him in it at the pool so he could send it to her, Jimmy thought. They had not yet been on a date, but they instant messaged of Facebook every day.

“Greg sent you a text message back,” Paul handed his cell phone to Jimmy as they rode the elevator to the pool floor.

“Thanks, Jimmy. I’m kind of nervous right now. Can’t wait for you to see the meet. I need you to cheer loud,” Greg wrote back. Jimmy smiled as he read it.


“This is a big meet for Greg,” Paul explained to Jimmy as the three rode the famed Boston Green Line to Boston University. Jimmy listened intently as he also took in the whole Boston experience. “If he does well, he is sure to get a college offer. He needs us to really pump him up.”

Jimmy was ready. He had on the swim team short Greg gave him, but he used a black Sharpie to write “Go Greg” on the back, right above the “Eat my wake” emblazoned across the back. Jimmy wore the shirt with a higher sense of pride. Greg was his hero, his mentor. They walked the few blocks from the T stop to the BU Aquatics facility. As they got closer, Jimmy was taking in all the other team shirts. There were at least six teams that he counted. Jimmy had on a new pair of shorts his mom bought him just for the trip, a pair of blue plaid shorts she picked up at the local Family Dollar. Under he secretly wore one of his swimsuits, his secret way of being a swimmer. He felt the tight suit under his shorts as they walked.

Inside the aquatics center it was packed. Every top level AAU team from the region was there. Outside, there were vendors selling everything from the latest swimwear to all the equipment a swimmer could want. At least a thousand fans were already in the seating. Hundreds of swimmers. The meet was actually spread between BU and nearby Northeastern University. The guys swam at BU, the ladies at Northeastern. Jimmy’s jaw dropped at how amazing the guy swimmers looked. They were so strong, had awesome bodies. Jimmy could tell that these guys were really good. “But Greg is still better,” Jimmy said to himself. The other thing that caught Jimmy was the swimsuit’s the guys had on. All of them were so small, so tight fitting. Jimmy never looked much at that part of a guy, but he could not help it. They all looked like they were barely packed in the little swimsuits.

Monique spotted Jimmy and called over to him. The events had not started, but many of the swimmers were doing warm up laps. Monique was sitting with Greg’s parents, but she saved three seats for Jimmy, Paul and Buffy. The two sets of parents had already met before, so they warmly hugged and shook hands, like long lost friends. Jimmy was welcomed warmly by Greg’s parents. Greg’s dad had Jimmy sit next to him, so he could talk swimming with the young man. They went over the schedule. Greg’s first event was up right at 8am, the 100 men’s fly first round. Top 4 go to round two. Safe bet was that Greg went to second round. Greg’s biggest event, the 400IM, was at the end of the day. All in, he had four events for the day, some with elimination rounds, so it was going to be a full, long day.

“There’s Greg,” Monique announced. Greg was walking into the pool area with the team. It was shortly after 7. Greg was smiling and looking confident. He saw his fans and waved. He then quickly headed over. He was wearing his team’s race swimsuit, an extremely tight and tiny Agon custom made suit. The sides were really narrow, looked hardly over an inch. The suits were colorful prints of black and gold that looked spectacular.

“Hey everyone,” Greg said as he approached, a big smile on his face. He gave his dad a high five and hugged his mom.

“You look confident,” dad said to his son.

“Yeah, I feel really good about this,” Greg replied as he grabbed Jimmy. “Hey, Jimmy, so glad you could come. Lots of really good swimmers here.” Greg said to Jimmy.

“No way I was going to miss this,” Jimmy replied, his eyes wide with admiration for his adopted big brother. “You’re the best swimmer here!” The two guys exchanged fist taps. Jimmy was almost as pumped up as Greg was. The excitement was palpable.

Greg turned to Monique. He grabbed her and gave her the tightest, longest, deepest hug Jimmy had ever seen. Greg held her close. “Cute swimsuit,” Monique whispered. The two had not seen each other in two weeks, and Greg was as excited to see Monique as he was to swim a great meet. Jimmy watched and wondered how Greg could hug her so long wearing just the tiny swimsuit. Just watching them was giving Jimmy a rise. Truth was, as Greg held her, he was also feeling himself respond to her soft touch, the smell of her hair, and the feel of her body. He swelled inside the swimsuit, not all the way but far enough to make the suit feel tight as is body pushed against the tight lycra material. He knew he should stop, but he so enjoyed the feel of her in his arms. Monique felt Greg responding, too. Just as he had told Jimmy, sometimes it just happens. And it was.
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Old 07-28-2014, 12:01 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 8 continued

As Greg finally pulled away from Monique, he slipped his hand down in front of himself to conceal his enlarged bulge. He now felt a bit embarrassed at what his body had done. He hated the smashing feeling of the suit against his parts. In the small suit, he was barely able to stay contained in his present state. He pushed against himself with his hand to adjust the fit. Nothing a jump in the water would not quickly resolve, but first his mom asked for another hug. Greg awkwardly agreed.

“Good luck, Gregory,” his mom said. “We are so proud of you.”

“Thanks, mom,” Greg replied. His body started to ease. He gave Jimmy another fist tap and his dad a high five. No one but Monique picked up on the extra tight fit of his swimsuit. All of it was quickly behind him as Greg jumped in to the pool to do a few warm up laps. The meet was about to begin. His mind and his muscles were all focused on winning.


The 100 Fly first round of eight kicked off exactly on time. Greg was in lane four. His arch nemesis, Phillip, was in lane 5. A strong swimmer from Vermont was in lane three, one who on a good day could give any of the field a run. Greg’s strategy was to let Phillip swim his own race, he would be happy top two, even top 3. Save energy for the final round. Phillip was in a light and dark blue Nike racer brief, the kind with a back seam. Chauncey, the guy from Vermont was in a solid green brief that was almost as tiny as Greg’s. The rest of the field was an eclectic collection of colors and prints, all racers except for the guy in lane eight, who wore red print jammers. They were all great swimmers.

Jimmy sat on the edge of his seat as the swimmers mounted the blocks and readied for the start. Greg was intense, focused on the water, the race. He needed a great start and three great turns. The pool was 25 meters. Greg’s turns were his weak spot, his dives were strong, but his endurance and speed were nearly unrivaled. Jimmy watched as Greg rubbed his front, checked his strings, and bent to start. The gun signaled the start and Greg shot from the blocks. He hit the water perfectly. Jimmy was out of his seat, yelling as loud as he could. Chauncey had the best start and was a half body ahead, followed by Greg and then Phillip, but Greg was quickly closing the gap. The red jammer swimmer missed his dive and simply stood up in his lane and dropped out. Better to save his energy.

The fourth place swimmer, a guy named Vincent out of Bangor, Maine was quickly closing in on Phillip, who was either having an off day, or just laying back, the latter not his style. There were two races in the pool, Greg and Chauncey and Phillip trying to hold off Vincent. First turn, Greg hit the wall perfectly, a fast flip and solid push off. Chauncey lost a bit of edge on Greg’s strong turn. Jimmy saw it and knew.

“Perfect turn,” he said to Greg’s dad and Paul. “Awesome!”

“He’s doing great,” Paul added.

Knowing Phillip had faded fast, Greg stayed with Chauncey. On the third length Greg had the option to take the lead. He felt the urge to surge. He started to push, but his coach’s words rang in his head “save it for the final round.” Greg knew that if he hung just off Chauncey’s shoulder he’d wear Chauncey down. Pass him and Chauncey got to rest, they were far enough ahead of the third place swimmer. Greg opted to hold back. He teased Chauncey by staying in Chauncey’s peripheral vision. They hit the last turn one and two, close but Greg was easing back.

“What is he doing?” Jimmy asked Paul, confused.

“Being smart,” Paul replied as he explained he strategy to Jimmy.

Chauncey did not know where Greg was, so he pushed hard the final 25 meters. Greg was a full body back. They hit the wall, Chauncey solidly winning the heat, but he had expended way too much energy. Greg stood and reached to shake Chauncey’s hand. The contrast was clear, Greg breathing easy and calm, the Vermont swimmer gasping for air. Greg was in great shape for a solid win in the second round. Greg did his usual one hand leap from the pool. Monique zeroed in on the way his cute swimsuit hugged his body. He looked hot, extremely athletic, and very cute.

Jimmy cheered loudly. Monique joined him. Greg heard them both and looked over. He pulled his clinging swimsuit from his body. He waved to Monique and blew her a kiss. He gave Jimmy a thumbs up, pumping his arm. The two guys smiled. A great day still ahead.
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