Thread: speedos in bed
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Old 05-31-2019, 04:20 PM
Glenda Glenda is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Rocky Mountains, USA
Posts: 101

Until the early 1980's I wore the tiniest and tightest string bikini underwear and Speedos to bed. My wife read an article around 1982 about men who do this will have much lower sperm counts. Per her request I stopped wearing them to bed when we both wanted to have children. I continued to wear them though during the day. She almost immediately became pregnant. Afterwards we had two more children back to back. All are millennial generation adults today.

My wife came home from a visit to the San Francisco Bay Area hospital around 1986. They had asked her if she would love to help lesbian and straight couples to have children for a study. Basically they asked her about her diet in the study and I was to provide a sperm donation. No questions for me about my diet. Just my heritage, age, weight, height, education, personal interests, etc., and sperm. The doctor at the clinic talked with us after my donation. She was both astonished and giddy about my very high sperm count and quite unusual massive volume. My wife joked with her about needing a large towel for the mess that I made. I immediately went back to wearing the tightest of bikinis/Speedos afterwards to bed not wanting even more children of which we couldn't afford due to the high rents. Never went back to the clinic except for some tests.

My wife however participated with the clinic through her extracting a sperm donation early every other morning into a vial and then dropping it off while still hot and fresh at the clinic. At least 3 donations per week and even more so prior to us leaving for vacations. We considered it just another minor source of income for some 3 1/2 years until we reached their maximum 25 couples births for the area, but then we continued to donate for other areas. The payments per donation suddenly became quite substantial and my wife began calling it our liquid gold. Another 6 years of at least 3 or more donations for sibling children and new couples. In 1995 we moved far away, was able to purchase a large house on acreage, I got a vasectomy, and even so still had more requests afterwards. All the while I continued to wear even tighter and the tiniest bikinis/Speedos outdoors and to bed. No issues in bed of ever doing so, just erections.

Last edited by Glenda : 05-31-2019 at 04:25 PM.
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