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Old 02-20-2015, 02:57 AM
jackk78 jackk78 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 162
Default Swim Team Equipment - Swim Briefs Recommended/Required

I was curious to see if swim teams require swimmers to wear briefs or at least recommend them. Most give the option of briefs or jammers. A few, however, either require them outright or at later ages or recommend them instead of jammers.

Male swimmers should be wearing brief style swimsuits. Brief style swimsuits are very light compared to Jammers. Jammers sit very heavy and hurt the body position in training. Jammers also collect a lot of water when being swum in and act almost as a parachute so they are very slow. Unless a Jammer is a Tech-Suit it is not ideal so swim in. There is no preference on what suit the swimmer should buy as long as they are brief styles for the boys.

Male swimmers will transition from jammers to briefs/drag suits in this group.

NO JAMMERS for males in Senior Groups. Drag suit and/or briefs must be worn

The training brief in the Keyano office will last a long time. You can choose something else, but make sure it fits and that you are prepared
to buy several of them over the course of a season. Also, brief -style suits are superior for training. They offer the legs a better feel for the water in all strokes and less resistance when learning the breaststroke kick. Many young boys shy away from the brief in favour of the jammer-style, but this is a recreational-swimming decision; it is like wearing swim trunks to practice. Take a look at the Senior boys and notice that none of them wear a jammer. Be like the fast boys and find yourself a good brief.

Coach Chris recommends all boys to wear brief style for all meets.
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