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Old 12-20-2019, 12:44 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part LXV

Part LXV

One of the things I find so interesting from my vantage point as a male is the number of guys who seem to be having a great deal of difficulty in dealing with how to have a sexual relationship with a partner. I am fully aware of the fact that nearly all guys deep in their psychosexual being of who they are as a guy, are very fond of getting aroused and then ejaculating.

Having said that, every guy ends up following his own path with respect to how he deals or copes with all of this. There is something of a widespread belief that having penis-vagina sex with a female is the only truly acceptable way for a guy to cope with his urges, though in recent years this belief seems to have lessened at least a bit in favor of the idea that sex with a partner is an acceptable way for a guy to get off even though the partner might also be a male such that “gay sex” is one part of being normal even though that is not what most guys do.

Left out of this equation is the idea that guys without sexual partners still have the urge to get aroused and ejaculate and these people vary in age from boys all the way to nursing home residents in their 80s and 90s. Being a guy with all the urges and horniness is not an affliction of some sort that a guy should deny, but one of the wonderful aspects of who we are.

Then, one cannot help but observe how many guys get themselves in psychosexual messes that somehow involve a female partner. There are all sorts of examples of famous people who got themselves into deep trouble involving a female sexual partner. Bill Clinton and his rape and sexual harassment charges, Harvey Weinstein thinking it fun to masturbate in front of a female subordinate, Hunter Biden not realizing that sex with a stripper could lead to legal action seeking child support for something that as a consequence “somehow just happened”, Epstein thinking that if a guy is wealthy enough, sex with an under aged female was perfectly fine.

And so on. And so on.

Each of the guys I mentioned managed to take their psychosexual urge to ejaculate into a phase where they ended up with bad consequences, often illegal. Somehow each of them believed that they were wealthy and powerful enough that whatever they did could somehow be kept secret so no one else would know. Of course, it doesn’t work that way. Once a guy lets his penis control his brain it seems that a lot of guys engage in risky behavior because they somehow think they can.

My message to my readers is that there are other ways for a guy to enjoy his body without engaging in any sexual activity with a partner that is going to lead to problems. Aside from the fact that there are still lots of happily married couples who regularly engage in partner sex, there are lots of ways for single guys who lack a sexual partner to have a lot of fun too.

I have only a few worries or concerns. I worry that I am somehow the only guy that this seems to work for. I worry that the specific methods I employ for getting off regularly might be found as completely wanting or inadequate by any male “used” to having “real” sex with a partner. I worry that solo sex will be deemed always inferior by any guy who has ever in his life experienced partner sex.

Let’s first list the positives. No guy engaging in male “self abuse” alone has ever had to deal with the consequences that a Hunter Biden, Clinton, Weinstein or Epstein have had to face. Swim briefs, straps, cups and singlets don’t someday decide to “go public” and destroy your reputation or worse.

But, maybe a lot of this is just not that much fun. Guys always seem to rank orgasms from really great to not that big of a deal. Perhaps I have been overselling some of these ideas and thoughts.

So, every once and awhile I decide to do a self-check on what I am recommending. In the last chapter I talked in detail about thronging and why I thought it was so much fun for a guy’s mind and body. Snug fit. Perineum. Elastic band cutting between my glutes.

Last night I found a little 2x(ist) Y-back thong I hadn’t even realized I had gotten years ago. I decided to wear it to bed under my sleep pants. The first “problem was getting into it. The pouch was “limited in size and even in a semi-flaccid state I was having difficulty getting my penis and balls both inside. But then you talk about pressure on the perineum. And tugging on that Y-back only increased the tension.

I was off in 15 minutes. Great fun. Highly recommended. As solo sex goes this is way up there…

To be continued….
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