Thread: What to wear?
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Old 07-17-2016, 01:04 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan ponders his situation

Clad in his snug-fitting ProForce strap and cup and his equally tight asic wrestling singlet, Dylan absolutely has been enjoying himself immensely. What began for a moment of discomfort, almost pain, as he was getting himself correctly positioned inside his gear has suddenly morphed into some of the most pleasant sensations Dylan has ever experienced in his young life.

“How can this be this good?” Dylan thinks to himself. The sensations are almost like being high on drugs, but at the same time all natural and perfectly safe. Dylan wonders if what he is experiencing happens for other guys as well when their minds and bodies are confronted with similar circumstances. That is an interesting question for sure. Is what Dylan experiencing right now unique or commonplace? And how do all these sensations Dylan is experiencing relate to having physical sex with a partner? Is this somehow an alternative or replacement for that, or is Dylan leaning things about how his mind and body reacts to being put into snug-fitting situations that could ultimately prove useful to understand in a real partner-focused relationship?

Dylan keeps thinking to himself about what other guys who wear various kinds of snug-fitting clothing might or might not be experiencing in their own minds and bodies as well. Are these guys undergoing a similar experience to the one Dylan is now enduring? For example, what of Tony and Donovan, the college rowing team members who admitted to wearing thong underwear under the singlets they were wearing for rowing practice. Could there be something interesting going on for them too, Dylan wonders. Dylan has discovered that he is somehow strangely fascinated just thinking about all of this and pondering what other guys might or might not be experiencing when their bodies are subjected to being inside snug-fitting clothing of various kinds.

Dylan has been rolling all of this over and over in his mind ever since that accidental encounter he had with Bill and Joe wearing their compression gear while walking down the dorm hallway. Somehow, seeing Bill and Joe that night set off some lights and alarm bells in Dylan’s brain…lights and alarm bells that he somehow could not seem to extinguish or stop. From that night on, Dylan knew exactly what he wanted to do too, and the Amazon order gave him the opportunity to try a bunch of different ideas.

To be sure, Dylan always thought he was a bit weird when it came to the entire subject of snug-fitting clothing, and this part of him he had never dared reveal to his peers, let alone his parents or siblings. Dylan has always known that somewhere there was a special place that happened whenever he got into a situation where he could (or was perhaps forced) to wear snug-fitting clothing of all sorts. Dylan had always been a tighty whitey briefs (not boxers) kind of a guy. He liked how cotton briefs gripped his male anatomy and that experience served as something of a tamer introduction to what he was going through right now.

It didn’t take him long to learn that the snugger his briefs fit the better he felt down there. So he would sometimes sort through the briefs in his dresser drawer to find the smallest pair. He often did this as a prelude to jerking off in his room late at night, long after everyone else in the house was asleep. He would sometimes crawl under the covers wearing only his favorite briefs and stroke himself to a heavy-duty ejaculation. Dylan had frequently wondered if other guys his age did the same thing or something similar, jerk-off in the tightest pair of briefs they could find in their dresser drawers. Somehow, loose-fitting boxers did not work for this, and Dylan wondered why so many of his friends seemed to wear boxers almost exclusively. Did the other guys simply not know about this, or were they somehow avoiding such a situation to keep this from happening?

Dylan has a brother who is three years younger than him, Jason. When Dylan was 14, Jason was 11. As is commonplace, sibling males usually end up wearing the same style of underwear, but, of course, Jason at 11 was considerably smaller than Dylan at 14. Dylan recalls thinking about this. As Jason was just entering puberty, Dylan wondered a lot about what was going on with Jason’s mind and body, but interestingly, male siblings never dare ask the questions to each other that are important to them. Jason had a lot of questions he would have liked to have asked Dylan, and Dylan would have liked to better understand what Jason was going through, but none of these questions ever get asked or answered, as both parties are too embarrassed.

But one night at age 14 Dylan was feeling particularly horny. At that point in time Dylan was wearing tighty whiteys boys size 18 which are nearly as big as the men’s size SM. Dylan knew that Jason’s briefs were such smaller, boys sizes 12 and 14. After all, Jason was only 11. Dylan snuck into Jason’s dresser drawer and “borrowed” a pair of Jason’s briefs. He found a pair labeled boys size 12. Dylan rationalized this all of the basis that Jason was undergoing puberty, and had probably outgrown what looked to be overly tiny white cotton briefs anyway.

That night, Dylan struggled to get himself into the tiny boy’s briefs, but somehow he managed to accomplish this. Dylan suddenly felt really, really horny, and he knew he was going to have to get off, and soon. Two things were going on here. First, the briefs Dylan had borrowed from Jason were really tight, and at least at first, uncomfortable. Secondly Dylan was pondering what it made him feel like to wear another guy’s briefs, even if the other guy was his little brother Jason. Dylan got hard and was ejaculating into the briefs in only a very short period of time.

The only thing Dylan had to figure out was how to get those cum-stained briefs into the weekly laundry loads. He figured the simple solution was top just mix them in with his own wash which included several pairs of white cotton underwear although a larger size. If his mom discovered the cum-stained size 12 briefs, briefs that belonged to Jason, she might only conclude that Jason was making “real progress” in becoming a man. No issues here for sure, as mom was not about to do research on whether the cum stain belonged to Jason or to Dylan.

From that night on, Dylan knew that both his mind and body loved snug-fitting clothing, and that in some ways he was hooked on the entire experience. Now a 19-year old and in college, Dylan increasingly had been wondering whether his experiences with clothing as a young teenager were at all like the experiences his college buddies had as young teenager.

Growing up, Dylan also had a thing for really skinny undersized jeans to the point where he almost never threw out jeans that had obviously gotten too small for him as his body grew. But the events there are a story for another day.

These are questions relating to stuff normal college guys do not ask each other, but Dylan had already learned a lot just by quietly watching Bill, Joe, Tony and Donovan and how they seemed to be reacting to various things. Maybe Dylan was not quite as weird about all of this as he only recently thought he was. Maybe these sensitivities to clothing for guys are not rare but indeed quite commonplace, and maybe a lot of guys like to set up situations where they expect to get horny but are not able to ejaculate in order to release the building pressure. Maybe Dylan is fine. Maybe Bill, Joe, Tony and Donovan are just normal guys who like to enjoy themselves too, just like Dylan does.

Meanwhile, Dylan’s body has filled the cup to the point where Dylan has no more space to expand into, but Dylan still can’t get off. The cup is pressing on three sides of his penis, and the snug singlet makes the cup bear down and press against Dylan’s groin. It doesn’t help that Dylan has been thinking about all of this, stuff that happened to him when he was in high school and stuff his college buddies are doing now.

To be continued…
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