Thread: What to wear?
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Old 01-03-2016, 06:11 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Thinking back....

Both Bill and Joe had what they considered to be rather “normal” childhood, both growing up with a mom, a dad and their respective siblings. Like other guys entering their teen years, they both were scared but at the same time thrilled the first time they had a real orgasm. Bill didn’t know what to think. He worried that he might have a medical issue or perhaps has even “broken” something.

Joe’s situation was a little better. Joe’s dad had given Joe his “birds and bees” lecture about a year earlier, so Joe was in a little better shape than Bill in understanding what had just happened to his body.

Once a guy makes his way through his first orgasm, it is amazing how fast things seem to move along, at least for most guys, and Bill and Joe were no exceptions to this rule growing up. Things quickly move from the “what in the world has just happened to me?” phase of puberty to the “how can I enjoy myself in private without embarrassing myself in front of others in my family?” phase. This is the part that gets tricky. A guy COULD spend increasing amounts of time in the bathroom but then sis will likely start complaining and that is no good. Besides, jerking off in the bathroom is no fun if and you are trying to focus on enjoying what you are doing to yourself while your sister is banging on the door to use the bathroom. Quite a dilemma for sure. For a horny teen boy, very few places are private.

Except for in bed, at night, of course. Most teen guys quickly learn how to jerk off under the covers at night, and after a few tries at least, learn how to do so without drawing attention to themselves and what they are up to even if someone else is right there in the room with them. Specific techniques first learned at home, at night, may actually prove quite useful only a little later in life, say in college or even in the military, where even a modicum of privacy is rare.

There are, of course, still issues to be resolved, issues that could prove embarrassing still. The obvious issue is semen, and the consequent wet stains on pajamas and probably the sheets. Bill discovered that this could be a particular problem if he jerked off shortly after he went to bed. Not only was the wet spot on the pajamas uncomfortable until it dried to a starchy stain, what happened if he needed to hit the bathroom down the hall a little later on and he still had a wet spot on his pajama bottoms? This could get tricky. And how about what appeared to be a giant spot of slimy wet ejaculate right on the sheet, something Bill would have to contend with trying to sleep next to (not on top of the slimy stain, if at all possible), all night long, or at least until it dries, a process that could take several hours.

Bill likes to jerk off at night, when others are fast asleep, but sometimes other things happen. In the teen years, wet dreams, dreams that feature a sexual story or theme, occur with some regularity. If Bill drifts asleep without first jerking off, he quickly discovers that the odds of having a wet dream with a sexual encounter or theme tend to rise. These dreams can take all sorts of crazy twists and turns, often involving a sexual encounter of some sort with a girl, maybe the one that sits behind him in class. Sometimes the girls in the dreams seem to be real acquaintances or class mates, sometimes they seem to be largely imaginary and sometimes even mixtures of both.

Even weirder is that some of the dreams involve sexual encounters of some sort with young guys his age. These dreams take on the same basic pattern of the girl dreams, except that the other person in the dream is a guy, and almost invariably the other guy is having a jerk-off session too as Bill watches. This is more than a little bit scary. What does this all mean anyway? Could this be an indication that Bill might be bisexual or even have a “gay streak” despite the fact that he thinks he is ruler straight when he is awake? Could Bill’s dreams be telling Bill something that he is not willing to admit even to himself during the day, that he gets aroused by looking at other guys’ male body parts, and particularly aroused by the possibility of seeing another guy rub and play with himself to the point of orgasm? This is crazy stuff, way crazy stuff.

Wet dreams seem to be a lot like so many other aspects of sex. Fun in all sorts of ways, but, at the same time, a lot scary as well. Fun to just kick back and enjoy the wonderful sensations your body is able to produce even all alone with only a little effort and just rubbing or even touching the "right" places. But dreams often tend to go in directions that seem inconsistent with real life. There are no rules here. But what in the world when Bill starts to think to himself that it would be even more fun to just see how other guys his age deal with the exact same dilemma. How does this all work for the other guys anyway? That is a great mystery for sure at Bill’s young age.

Bill quickly learns that wet dreams also present a major technical problem. They almost invariably end with a powerful orgasm, an orgasm that spills slimy semen all over everywhere both pajama bottoms and sheets. That is no good at all.

Suddenly, Bill develops an interest in keeping a box of facial tissue right next to his bedside. He sometimes even slips a facial tissue under the covers as he crawls into bed. You just never know if or when you are going to need to blow your nose, Bill thinks. But, of course, the tissue is not there for Bill’s nose. Bill has another idea in mind. He is starting to think that if he can determine pretty much when he is going to shoot based on what he is feeling both in his head and in his groin, then he might be able to quickly wrap the tip of his penis with the tissue, neatly “collecting” nearly all of the slimy ejaculate right in the tissue. Then roll up the tissue and toss it in a convenient waste basket.

Better still if the waste basket is right by the bed just below where the tissue box is. Neither mom nor sis will be any wiser in the morning as to what happened. They will think Bill just blew his nose during the night and has a soiled tissue in the waste basket as a result. Bill thought about this and has figured that all out. Of course, the tissue isn’t a perfect paper condom. There might still be small starchy stains on the pajama bottoms or the sheets, but certainly much easier to deal with than without the tissue at all. Of course the tricky part is coordinating the paper tissue condom construction with the wet dream orgasm, but that is a story for another day.


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