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Old 05-28-2022, 07:00 PM
bluethongguy bluethongguy is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 32
Default Evolution of Friends - Part 8


Obviously, our “comfort zones” were being stretched!

While at the beach, Andy informed us he would not be able to go to the next day. I spoke up and said, “No problem, I’ll ride my back like I used to do.” The thought crossed my mind, “Will I do this in just a thong or will I add shorts?

David and Alex knew I continued my visits to the beach without them when Andy couldn’t go. Evidently, they had prepared for the day. Both David and Alex said they’d also ride their bikes and asked if they could meet at my apartment. I agreed. That afternoon, when David and Alex left the parking lot, they paused at the corner a few minutes before they split for their separate routes home.

By now, our group was well-committed to wearing nothing but thongs from our apartments to the beach and back. So, would David and Alex put on shorts to ride their bicycles? Or would they be daring enough to wear only their thongs along several public streets and through several residential and business sections of town?

I decided I would go only in the thong. This was something I had long dreamed of doing. And now was the perfect time. I had friends along with me for reinforcement.

Alex and David arrived simultaneously, wearing nothing but thongs!

The three of us took the 20-minute bicycle ride to the beach. Along the way there and back we had some interesting observations. Some people ignored us. But some drivers honked their horns. Some people on the sidewalks and in their yards waived, gave us “thumbs up”, or applauded. A couple people turned their heads away, but not a single person yelled anything negative or made a nasty gesture.

When we told Andy about our experience, he suggested we all ride bikes the next day, instead of taking the van.

Well. We were no longer four nearly-naked guys riding inside a van to the beach and back. Now, we were four nearly-naked guys riding bicycles to the beach and back!

Since we were no longer in a van, we no longer had a cooler. We’d stop for refreshments at the store where we had previously stopped for sandwiches.

I thought it was peculiar that the store’s patrons would often burst into a round of applause, even when there were no musicians in the store.
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