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Old 08-28-2020, 02:39 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Running some experiments

Running some experiments

I ran some more experiments last night working on the problem of first using a penis pump to get a firm erection and then following that by crawling into a swim brief. I was most interested in attempting to determine the size and style of swim brief that works the best and provides the best and highest quality sensations in this combination.

Basically, what I have been advising in this regard still holds. The only way you will be able to successfully fit your penis into a brief once you are in such a condition is in the “up” position, and a brief that has a high enough rise to keep you fully covered in this position is the wisest choice.

Once you have pumped yourself up, the underside of the penis will be especially sensitive to anything that touches it—it is rather interesting as to how that all works. Just a slight increase in hardness causes the sensitivity of the underside to increase by 4x or maybe even exponentially. As great experiences for guys go, the idea of having a super snug pouch pressing against the underside of your penis is an experience that falls in the category of “not to be missed”. Can you cay “mind blowing?” It is actually, an erotic “predicament” where seemingly the only way out is to become even hornier. This after you have watched yourself get really big and hard inside the pump, which psychologically sets you up.

So, I am still sticking with my advice to NOT choose your skimpiest brief for doing this to and with yourself. Choose what I would call a standard cut brief with 2 ˝ to 3 inch sides. But DO undersize. You will want the pouch to fit as snug as possible. For me, I probably have a nominal waist size of 32 inches, but I have mainly 30-inch briefs, and also a lot that are size 28 inches.

In messing around I would go with the idea that competitive swimmers have on the big race day, and go with the 28 incher.

But I also have a few 26-inch briefs. I have a 26-inch Speedo that I was playing around with last night. That was an interesting choice because I can get into this brief only with some difficulty when I am flaccid, but somehow I found a way. It was great fun. Way up there on the fun scale.

Once in your brief the way I describe, I am sure you will find some things you will want to try. Just a light stroke with your fingertips along the underside of your brief-covered pumped up penis feels outrageously good. If you have a hand-held vibrator, you could try carefully applying that as well. You will quickly find yourself struggling with keeping from going into an immediate orgasm, and the tension keeps building the longer you can go.

Either all alone or with a partner, this is all quite mind-blowing and I wish you all the best in your experiments. If you are like me you will learn stuff about how your body reacts to such situations that you may have been completely unaware of before you ran the experiments.
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