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Old 03-21-2012, 05:07 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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The question is excellent and I see it as two sided. First, there are a lot of guys that are really into speedos and have made the move to buy them. The big problems is they are afraid, for whatever reason, to wear them in public or in front of their friends. Some are insecure about their privates being so visible and if they are up to what other guys have. The other is the fact they will be tagged "gay" - this largely due to the Gay Pride Parades where the standard uniform is a speedo. Either way, they have gone under the pressure of the perception by others or "peer" pressure.
The other speedo fetish guy is one that has hundreds of them and finds almost sexual satisfaction wearing them, or even handling them. They too hide due to the image they perceive they project. I see so many pictures of guys taking pictures of themselves in mirrors. Evidently they are either so closeted in their speedo wearing that they don't even have one friend that can take pictures of them and in turn share the fun. To me this is sad to not even have one friend they will wear a speedo with.
I grew up in an area that everyone had pools and swim teams were as common as little league. Everyone wore speedos and the gay tags didn't happen. Due to the time in pools and speedos growing up, I never gave them a second thought and have continued to wear them. Some of my friends that always wear board shorts since that was the way they were raised have tried wearing speedos when at my pool. (of course they borrow mine and they only do it when it is just the guys and not in front of wives or girlfriends yet) (Yes - I have a mixture of gay and str8 friends) When asked why they only wear them around my pool they have two answers. They are afraid they will get a woody when in mixed company. (ironically it is the wives that don't want their man on display hard - especially if they think it is another female that caused it) The other reason is -- no surprise -- the gay stigma. It is a shame that gay pride has really been instrumental in creating stereo types and ruining it for many. Both wearing speedos and acceptance as a gay man have been really hurt by the blatant displays. I understand why. I am personally against these events due to how they set stereotypes. Acceptance comes from fitting in, not intentionally standing out. Other minorities have learned that, gays need to take a page from their book. I have had more than a few guys say they would really like to wear speedos but don't like being tagged gay, or have guys assume they are gay and hit on them.
Wearing a speedo is a matter of overcoming self insecurities in their body, their package and their security in their sexuality.
Depending on the extent of the fetish for speedos, I think most keep it to themselves since they think it is somehow wrong. (I am guessing a lot of people - no matter what the fetish -- do the same) Personally, I don't open that closet to many myself. Most know I have lots of suits but just think it is because I have pools and use them a lot and also people have left suits. Few know the extent of the collection. Am I ashamed? No. I just understand that not everyone would accept or understand it -- just as I know I wouldn't accept or understand fetishes others have. I feel that anything anyone does that does not impose on anyone else's space or beliefs is their business. I just hope when a person is passionate enough to have a fetish they can find others to share their pleasure and enjoyment. I enjoy my speedos both in private and wearing on the beach, I hope more guys will overcome their fears and insecurities and get comfortable wearing them and really enjoy them. Lets face it, a fetish is just a way of saying "hobby" that makes it sound more sexual and grownup. So, if it is easier, just call it a hobby!
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