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Old 11-21-2012, 11:41 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Default Who Taught You to Swim

My father taught me to swim taking me to an old Victorian Pool. It was rusting, rotting and freezing. There were water polo goals hoisted to the roof that were never lowered for use.

I was too skinny to enjoy the cold water and although I did swim I was too chilled through to relax.

Then Rolf Harris came on TV with a teach children to swim programme. I guess it started with a Public Information Film:

Which was so successful that that gave him his own series.

From Rolf Harris I learned to blow water out of my nose by running my hand down my face and to enjoy being in the water.... Thanks Rolf.

At the time Rolf Harris was a light entertainment singer and high speed artist from Australia.
He matured to become the grim reaper in Animal Hospital "It's so sad, poor little Rover was just too weak to make it though the night......."

I had to download Ultimate Media Player to actually play the video as it is in *.ra format, but it does play.
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