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Old 04-22-2019, 11:30 AM
need4speedo need4speedo is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default What was your very first speedo experience?

When was the first time you ever put on a speedo or wanted to wear one?

I remember when I was in my early teens, I used to see men's brief swimwear advertised in local department store ads. This was the 80's so things were a bit different then. We all used to wear short nylon shorts with the liner inside for swimming or was normal then. I loved the feeling of the nylon/spandex liner in those shorts and I had always thought what it would be like to wear a speedo.

My first experience was when I went to a department store with my mother and saw a bunch of men's bikini on a rack. She was off shopping somewhere in the store while I was left to peruse the swimwear. The thought of having one of these suits made my adrenaline spike and I made the decision to shoplift one of the rack because I was too embarrassed to ask my mother to buy me one.

I managed to get away with it, but wow was I scared. The suit was amazing and wore it every now and then under my pants as underwear never wearing it outside or showing anyone else. Eventually I threw it out because I had guilt of wanting to wear such a suit. Obviously the guilt never took because here I am 33 years later or so still loving the idea of wearing speedos.
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