Thread: What to wear?
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Old 10-11-2015, 03:05 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Think about this

PSDave, a guy's penis has the amazing ability to somehow, some way "cope" with the space it has available to it. It is certainly possible to purchase larger cups so your penis simply flops around inside the cup as it grows, but that is not really any fun. The really fun part comes when your penis senses that the space it has available to it is in some manner confining, such as feeling a sense of sides of the cup lightly touching it, which means in this case finding a cup that barely fits over your flaccid penis.

Psychologically and physically, this is a most interesting psycho sexual "predicament" Sometimes I will get into a cup/strap combination and initially say to myself that this unfortunately seems to be really uncomfortable. Then something somehow ends up coming together and I am quickly saying to myself that was only a moment ago agony is suddenly this amazingly delicious agony that I am absolutely and totally hooked on.

If you have never been in this psychological and physical space involving straps and cups. You will end up playing with and enjoying yourself on a whole bunch of different levels. I've given you a ton of tips on techniques that work for me. At the best, you will soon be "hooked on a feeling" too!
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