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Old 06-14-2014, 12:51 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 29 continued

“Worth a try,” Ben replied. Ben decided to take off his shoes for the swim, reaching up and placing them on the top of the rock they were standing at.

“Good idea,” Erik said as he bent over and pulled his shoes off, as well. Ben had already set off on the short swim to the rock, his blue and white but bouncing in the water. Erik stood and waited to see if the idea would work.

“It’s perfect,” Ben yelled back as he stood atop the rock. He swam right up to it, and then just climbed out of the water onto the top of it. “It actually gets shallow again,” Ben explained. Erik smiled at Ben’s manly takeover of the boulder his wet suit clinging to him tightly.

Erik was quick across the 100 feet of water and joined Ben on the rock. The sky was back to clear blue, whatever was left of the front was far east. The sun felt amazing after the cold water. The rock was hard to lay back on, so the two guys sat side by side, bent at the waist, their long, lean legs stretched out in front of them. Ben’s drawstrings hung down between his legs. Erik’s suit had become slightly transparent, showing faintly his anatomy all wrapped up inside. Erik felt a bit naked, tugging at the material to let up on the show. The two guys looked out at the long lake. Off in the distance they could see two wave runners enjoying the summer sun.

“What a cool view,” Erik offered as the two guys sat. Erik slid his hand over Ben’s. “Just amazing.”

“Wicked,” Ben replied in a mock Northern Maine accent reflecting Maine’s universal word for cool or horrible. Erik laughed. The two embraced, holding each other for a few minutes. “Too bad we have to run back,” Ben finally broke the hold.

Shhh…let’s just enjoy this,” Erik replied. His suit now getting its darkness back.

Erik decided to tuck himself behind Ben, wrapping his legs around Ben, so that Ben sat between, Erik pushed himself against Ben’s back. Erik’s arms wrapped over Ben’s shoulders. The two sat in that position, sharing stores about the awesome week. As the talked, Erik slowly rubbed Ben’s chest and his pecs. Both guys were feeling sensually aroused, which Ben could feel against his back. It was a peaceful romantic capture of time alone. As much as the two guys could have turned it into an opportunity for sexual action, they opted instead for a deeper path, creating a greater sensual bond between them.

“I really thought we were goners in that plane,” Ben said as he rubbed Erik’s lower legs.

“Yeah, it was pretty wild,” Erik replied. His hand stopped, holding the left side of Ben’s chest. He could feel Ben’s heartbeat in his hand. “I could not imagine not getting to spend more time with you,” Erik added.

“Wow, thanks. I feel the same,” Ben replied. The two guys embraced, as best they could being wedged together as they were. They were both aroused, but neither opted to ruin the moment. Instead they just enjoyed each other’s embrace. Their swimsuits reflecting their attraction and lust, but their hearts held their love.

Jack was changed into a pair of shorts and a bright purple polo style shirt. He and MaryBeth both showered after whatever happened between them, the tight blue swimsuit now hanging by the shower rod, drying from its thorough washing. Underneath the shorts, Jack was wearing a red print Arena swimsuit, one MaryBeth picked out. They were still being amorous with each other, and Jack could well do it all over again, his body parts stirring inside the tight swimsuit under his shorts.

“We gotta get cracking,” MaryBeth said as she rubbed Jack’s butt.

“Okay, sweet,” Jack replied, knowing there was no chance at a replay. He also hated the fact that she was making him wear shorts, but he’d find a way to get out of them.

Dylan and Brad parked the wave runners on their respective lifts. After their horseplay on the lake, they had also found a private spot on the lake. Whatever happened there was between them, but like Ben and Erik, the bond between them had grown deeper. Dylan was sorting out in his mind all that had happened the last few days. It was a perplexing process for a young guy. His orange and yellow swimsuit was well filled out, especially as he thought of what they had just done.

“Time for us to get going,” Ben said, breaking the quiet moment between the guys. They each jumped back in the water, which was exactly what they both needed to bring them back to reality. Of all the moments on the lake, the one they just had was probably the closest and deepest. They each laced up their shoes and began the four mile journey back to the house. If ever there was a perfect final day for a vacation, this one had to be epic. A private beach, boats, a near death experience in a plane, and a peaceful capture of intimacy in a secluded cove.

They reached the house 25 minutes later, their suits all sweaty again. Their shoes were still soaked from the walk in the water. They raced up the driveway at breakneck speed running right out to the dock. Throwing caution to the wind, they both leaped into the lake to cool off, shoes and all, once again. Brad and Dylan laughed at the sight of them flying off the dock. The final night was about to begin.
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