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Old 01-01-2014, 02:06 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 6 continued

Eight names to remember. “Who thought this was a test,” wondered Erik and Ben. When the two guys got back from their walk up the beach, Chris asked if they’d like to join the volleyball effort. The gang had dug deep into the beer stash. Chris offered them each one, which they both accepted. The cold beer felt very refreshing.

Patrick was the other swimmer in a Speedo. His was a printed pattern, also made of lycra and it fit him snugly. He had amazing blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked like he walked right out of a California beach advertisement, the poster perfect California male, except that he was not from California. He was less outgoing than Chris, but it quickly became clear Chris and he were more than just casual friends. As they formed teams, Patrick stood next to Chris and rubbed his butt the whole time. Chris was enjoying Patrick’s affection. As they stood there, Patrick stepped in close to Chris, rubbing himself against Chris’s upper leg.

“Speedo guys versus shorts,” one of the guys proposed, referring to any of the guys in swim briefs. With the four guys in swim briefs and the square cut guy, the math worked out. The down side was the spiker in shorts was against them. The shorts team won the first serve. They built a quick 5 – 1 lead, largely off the power of the spiking dude. With that, the trash talk began between the team.

“Guys, we gotta get control of this game,” Chris said as they huddled. Five guys in form fitting swimwear all nestled in a circle. It was quite the sight to behold. They decided that they needed to attack the spikes more.

“They are gonna f..king hurt,” said Ben to Erik, referring to the spikes. As the guys in front, they needed to get tough.

The game took a huge turn, and was tied up at 8 to 8, playing to 21. It stayed neck and neck through the next ten pairs of scores, now tied at 18 up. The spiker guy was losing some of his power, either that or the beer was making him mellow. It was 20 up, Speedo team had the serve. Need to win by 2, which meant they were going at least to 22. Erik did a leap serve and the ball sailed over the net. A guy in really short Jantzen swim shorts jumped high and returned it, which was a break since the serve was clearly going out of bounds. The ball landed squarely in Chris’s hands as he drove it to the front line. Patrick set up a high ball, which gave Ben the chance to drive a hard spike. Score.

Erik repeated the leap serve, but hit it softer. It dropped mid court, picked up by the same Jantzen shorts. He set the ball up for the spike. Birdwell shorts guy lifts off his feet to slam the spike, He drives it hard toward the sand. Erik and Chris dive for it. Erik’s hands clasped tightly, he stops the spike, sending the ball back up. Square cut volleys it over. The shorts team was so certain that the spike was the final play they were not ready. The ball lands square on the sand. Game over at 22 to 20. Speedo team wins.

The gang played a three game set, Speedo team won the first and third games.
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