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Old 12-29-2013, 03:42 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 4: The Beach Drive

It was a two hour drive to the beach. Erik and Ben had done it a hundred times, so they had a ritual down. Both had the day off, so Erik stayed over the night before at Ben’s house. The plan was an early start so they could maximize the time on the beach. The two of them stayed up far later than they should have playing Pool and watching the late night shows, which was going to screw up the plans before they started. Ben had an amazing room that sat up over the garage and was huge. It had two beds, although Ben did not share it with anyone, perfect for sleep-overs. It also had its own small bath and shower. The walls were covered with photos and posters of the top runners of the era, all male, and all in running shorts. The two had not discussed the swimming pool events since they happened a couple days prior. With work schedules, they had not really seen each other much since then, either.

“So, what are you wearing to the beach?” Ben finally ventured closer to the unspoken topic.

“I have a really cool black and gold swimsuit that I was going to wear.” Eric replied.

“How many Speedo suits did you buy?” Ben asked.

“Three,” Erik answered, “but only because the third was half off.”

“Can I see it?” Ben asked

Erik rummaged through his bag and pulled it out, tossing it over the Ben. Ben held it up. “Really cool,” he replied. “The colors of our college, good choice”

“Yeah, I liked it.” Erik answered. “Want to see it on?”

Ben smiled at Erik as he thought for a second. “I bet you look hot in it, sure give me a fashion show.”

Ben was starting to feel a bit of excitement enter between his legs. Erik striped off his shorts and shirt and slid the suit on, right in front of Erik. The two had been in locker rooms together so many times that being naked in front of each other was no big deal.

“Ta da,” Erik announced as he turned to face Ben in the black and gold, tight fitting suit.

The black Nylon material had a slight shine to it. It was not as form fitting as the blue one the other day. It still looked great on Erik.

“I really like that suit.” Ben replied. “You really look great in it, so manly.”

“Thanks man,” Erik replied. Erik slowly slipped the suit off. Standing naked, he tossed the suit over to Ben. “Want to try it on? We are the same size.”

While Ben slid off his cotton plaid pajama pants, Erik slipped back into his pair of shorts. Ben slid the suit on; it still felt warm from Ben’s having just worn it. Ben felt himself get aroused as he pulled the suit over himself, struggling to make himself fit.

“I got rock hard the first time, too” Erik said the Ben. “I think the tight fit does that.”

“I see why you point yourself up. Only way it can fit.” Ben tied the strings, but his bulging anatomy made the suit huge. The Nylon struggled to give him as much room as it could, but it was a tight fit.

“Go look in the mirror, dude” Erik said with excitement. “You blow me away how good you look.”

“I have to admit it feels kind of neat,” Ben replied.

“Maybe we should stop and get you one of your own on the way.” Erik suggested.

“Maybe” Ben replied. He was actually intrigued with the whole idea of it.

Both guys were turned on again by each other, but neither said anything more as they lay in their separate beds. Instead the focus shifted to their plans for the next day, which included a long run on the beach, maybe some Frisbee, one on one volleyball. The best part was that they were both now of legal age, so even some cold beer entered the discussion. By the time they fell asleep it was almost two in the morning.


Five came way too early, so they both agreed to sleep one more hour. Rising at 6, they quickly scrambled to get ready and make up time lost by the much needed sleep. Ben was eyeballing two different swim shorts, deciding which to wear. One was a boxer cut and the other looked more like traditional gym shorts, but with the pre-requisite mesh liner. Ben hated those liners, felt like your balls were being strung into fish net. Erik watched.

“Dude, I got an idea” Erik said animatedly. “How about you wear the black and gold swimsuit and I can wear the red and white one you have not seen yet.” Erik tossed the black and gold to Ben.

“You sure?” Ben asked.

“Yeah, it will be great!” Erik replied with so much enthusiasm it was contagious.

“Awesome, man” Ben replied as he pulled the black and gold suit on. “Let me see what the red one looks like.”

Erik turned and showed off the red and white. Being the lycra blend, it was much more form fitting, as his blue one was at the pool.

“Dude, you look freaking awesome.” Ben observed. “You gonna wear shorts in the car?” Ben asked.

“I’ll take them, but no, I was planning to just wear a T-shirt over.” Erik replied.

“Cool, me too.” Ben agreed. “Sure beats those mesh nut holders.”


Ben was fast asleep once they got on the highway. He had one hand nestled right between his legs and the other on his left leg mid-thigh. Erik drove listening to the local top hits station and drinking coffee from their quick pit stop at 7-11. He chuckled at the look of the lady at the counter as the two nearly naked, handsome young men came parading in with T shirts that hung below their swimsuits. “You boys got pants on, right?” she asked. Erik laughed at the whole memory.

“It was pretty ballsy,” Erik thought to himself as he glanced over at Ben. Ben’s shirt was pulled up such that his whole suit was exposed. Erik marveled at how handsome Ben looked. Erik reached over and slid his hand on top of Ben’s left hand and held it there. Ben felt Eric’s hand. In a mere millisecond Ben made a choice, when he could have pushed away he instead clasped around Erik’s hand. As Erik drove at 60, Ben went from truly asleep to pretend asleep, the only give away was the soft smile that came over his face. It was a gutsy move for both. It also was a breakthrough.

“This just feels right,” Ben thought.

“It really does.” Eric’s thoughts answered.

Ben dozed back off and as he did he slid Erik’s hand up his leg such that Erik could feel the point where Ben’s suit wrapped down between his legs. This caused Erik to grow hard as the side of his hand could feel Ben. Ben, too was getting aroused as he slept. Erik shifted his mind back to the road, distracting his thoughts.

About an hour out from the beach, Erik took an exit that offered a food stop. The slowing car and the exit curve woke Ben. Erik also had removed his hand to shift gears and slow down.

“What’s wrong?” Ben asked.

“Just need some more coffee and to use the rest room” Erik replied. “You were sound asleep.”

“Good idea,” Ben replied. “Kind of rude of me to sleep while you drive. I’ll buy the coffee.”

“You were funny,” Erik replied. “Out like a light.”

“Guess we were up too late, I’ll probably sleep on the beach, too.” Ben added.

They found a 7-11 store and pulled in. Erik parked the car and opened the door. He got out and noticed Ben was fidgeting around, reaching for his bag in the back seat. Erik had on a T-shirt over the top of his swimsuit. “You coming in?” he asked.

“Yeah, let me grab my shorts” Ben replied as he found his shorts.

“Alright, I‘ll see you inside,” Erik replied. Erik skipped the shorts and just went in, his shirt hanging down such that all you saw was his bare legs from about midway to the knees. After a quick pit stop in the rest room, he was getting coffee when Ben walked in.

“I thought you were going to wear your shorts,” Erik sort of asked and observed.

“I was, but then I felt weird dressing by the car. Plus they are so short, the shirt covered them just as much,” Ben replied.

Despite the early hour, they grabbed sodas and chips for the rest of the ride. Erik also grabbed a pint of chocolate milk. Erik loved chocolate milk.

“You guys headed to the beach,” the guy behind the counter asked. “Nice day for it,” he added not even waiting for their reply. “Wish I could join you.”

“Come on with us,” Ben replied. The counter guy was tall, lean and clearly worked out. He had broad shoulders, probably from weights. He had on Khaki colored shorts and a yellow work polo shirt. Erik noticed him, too. “He’d be smoking in a Speedo,” Erik thought. Both secretly hoped he’d say yes. He didn’t.

“Where’s your girlfriends?” a young lady, probably early 20’s interjected into the conversation. “Two handsome guys like you must have some cute girlfriends.” she teased.

“No, just us,” Erik replied.

“So, lift those shirts, let me see your swim shorts,” the girl replied, clearly flirting with them.

“Don’t mind her,” the counter guy slid into the banter.

“Can’t a girl check out guys in swim trunks,” she teased them back.

With that Erik lifted his shirt, saying “so, what do you think?” Ben about fell over.

“Oh my, sweet. I love Speedos.” she added. “You must be on a swim team? Where is yours? ” she pressed Ben. Erik observed the counter guys face light up when he saw his choice of swimsuit. It was more than just a smile.

Ben finally quickly lifted up his shirt. By then several other customers were waiting to pay, so the banter ended there. The two grabbed their stuff and headed out to the car. They were quickly back on the road.

See next post
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