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Old 12-23-2013, 10:43 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Default Part 2: Getting Caught

Ben was Erik’s closest friend. They were both runners and both ran cross country all through school. While they only met four years ago, they formed a tight bond. Erik was the faster runner over long distances, but Ben had the ability to surge when it counted. This morning they decided to take a run on the dirt trails along the river. It was already hot as blazes. Ben had on a pair of navy blue running shorts while Erik wore a pair of yellow nylon running shorts. Neither guy had on a shirt.

“Did you watch the diving last night?” Erik asked as they passed the first five miles, the sweat making Erik’s yellow shorts cling to him. The light fabric becoming slightly sheer.

“A little bit,” Ben replied. “Pretty cool.”

“I really want to get one of those swimsuits” Erik continued. “I thought they looked amazing on those guys.”

“They are some pretty amazing guys,” Ben answered.

“Yeah, anyway I really want to try one of those swimsuits.” Erik re-emphasized his point.

The run ended at a point where the river weaves around a big area of rocks. A fast ten miles and Ben and Erik were soaked in sweat. They both took off their shoes and jumped in the water. The rocks was a popular hang out, but it was still early. It was just the two of them, but for an occasional runner or walker. They both got out of the water and laid out on the rocks letting the sun dry them. The wet shorts clinging to them. Erik watched as Ben’s shorts outlined him.

“So, you are really going to buy a Speedo?” Ben asked.

“Yeah, if I can find them.”

“Erik, just go to a sports store, they have them. You know they fit pretty tight, right?”

“Yeah, I figured as much.” Erik answered

“You would look great in one.,” Ben paused, smiling. “Maybe I’ll get one, too.”

“That would be cool,” Erik replied,

They were silent for a while, enjoying the sun. Erik looked over and admired how Ben looked. Ben was not as tall as Erik, but he was more muscular. He had thick black hair and a really nice upper body. Much more defined than Erik. Erik felt a twinge of excitement pulse through his body. He never admitted to anyone, especially not Ben, that he liked the way Ben looked. It had not occurred to him that like himself, Ben also never seemed to have any interest in girls. Ben was feeling the same as he admired Erik’s long lean body in his clinging shorts. “Yes, he’d be fine in a Speedo” Ben thought to himself.


On his way back home, Erik stopped at a local sports store, A&N Sports. He pulled his dry T Shirt on over his damp running shorts and carried his wallet in his hand. He had been in the store a million times over the years and never really noticed if they had any swim stuff. The bell chimed as he entered and a girl about his age at the counter asked if he needed help. Erik tugged at his damp shorts to make sure that they were not clinging.

“No, just killing some time.” he answered.

“You been running?” she asked

“Yeah,” Erik replied. “Ten miles down by the river.”

“Yup, your running shorts gave you away” she smiled. Erik smiled back, not saying anything. “You look like a runner, too.”

Erik wound his way alone through the store. He was about to give up when he found it. Near the fitting rooms was a small, stand alone rack with a Speedo logo at the top. Underneath the sign were four tiers of guys swimsuits exactly like what he was looking for. He felt the excitement surge through him. For the next ten minutes, Erik looked through each tier, finding his size, 28 waist, and pulling out the colors he liked.

“You a swimmer, too?” the young lady walked over.

“No, not really. Thinking about it” he added coyly. “Do I buy my same size?” he asked, feeling really stupid.

“Some guys do, but the serious swimmers get the next size smaller.” she replied. “If you don’t know, I’d just get your size.”

“Thanks” Erik replied.

“You can try them on, if you want. I’d be glad to even check the fit.” She added.

“Maybe,” Erik replied. He felt kind of weird about modeling the suit in front of her.

Erik settled on two. The first was a black and gold nylon suit. It was mostly black, but had gold on one side and gold that ran across the top of the front. He liked it because it was the colors of the university he was going to in the fall. The second was a red and white one that had a different material, made of nylon and lycra.

“We are just starting to get the lycra ones in,” the young lady added. “They fit different. Some guys don’t liked how they feel on. You should really try that one on.”

Erik blushed a bit. “Okay.” He went into the fitting room.

He had nothing on under his running shorts. He slipped them off and he grabbed the red and white lycra suit. Before he could even get it on, he felt himself get hard. Not just a little hard, he was full on hard. “Shit” he thought as he stood there. He decided he had to try to put the suit on. He pulled it up and did his best to get fit into it, but he was so hard he could not adjust himself into the suit. He could feel that the lycra suit clinged to him tightly. Erik waited a bit and thankfully his arousal eased enough that he was finally able to slide into the suit fully.

“How does it fit?” She asked from outside.

“Fine,” Erik replied. If only she knew, he thought to himself, looking in the tiny mirror at how he packed that suit. He swapped out for the black and gold, which had a totally different feel. He really liked it. Erik changed back into his running shorts. He was still pretty aroused, which was very obvious by how he filled out the shorts. He grabbed both suits and went out.

“I like both.” he said.

She offered that if he bought a third it would be half price. So he grabbed another one, a blue and gold lycra one off the rack in his size.

“You definitely got the body for these,” she said. She was clearly interested in him as she asked all the usual questions, including his name. Too bad Erik had no reciprocal interest.


Erik raced up to his room. He could not wait to really try them back on. He shut and locked the door and stripped out of his shorts. He grabbed the black and gold pair and pulled it on. He looked down at himself in the suit. He loved how free he felt in it. He stood in front of the mirror and admired how it looked on him. His bulge was nicely displayed. He played with how he liked himself positioned in the suit. He liked the down position, but hated how it felt. He settled on up, maybe a bit to the side. He checked every angle, even holding up a small mirror to check how his butt looked. The feel of the tight suit made him get harder and harder until he was once again almost full on. Erik really liked how awesome he looked erect in the suit, his bulging front massive.

Erik slipped off the black and gold and pulled on the navy and gold. He immediately felt the difference in the fit and smiled at the way the lycra wrapped around him. The house was quiet. Erik was sure he was the only one home, so he opened his room door and went to the bathroom where he could get a better view. “This is so hot,” Erik thought. He was enjoying the look of himself in the suit. He was aroused and he was gently sliding his hand across himself, enjoying the sensation of his state. He didn’t want to go too far, but he liked how he looked all snug inside the blue lycra, the top of his bulge pressing into the gold band at the top, the drawstrings the only thing keeping him inside it. He was giving himself and the material quite a workout.

A noise behind him startled Erik. Erik froze, knowing someone was there. He turned to see Dylan standing there in the open doorway.

“What are you doing?” Dylan asked with a grin.

“Oh, just trying on this new swimsuit,” Erik replied trying to make light of it. He knew he was caught, not only in a new swimsuit, but also making himself excited. “I thought no one was home.”

“Looks like it fits you pretty well” Dylan replied. “Just don’t go getting all horned up over some girl while you wear it. Like you are now.” Dylan smirked

“Shut up,” Erik replied as he grabbed the first towel he could reach.

“Didn’t mean to interrupt,” Dylan replied as Erik pushed by.

Back in his room, Erik didn’t finish what he started. He grabbed some shorts and threw them on over the suit. He had to get out mowing lawns. He would enjoy the feel of the suit on him under the shorts. He could not wait for a real chance to wear it to the beach or a pool. Maybe he could get Ben to join him.

To be continued.....
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