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Old 01-03-2012, 01:54 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 6: The Big Race...

Sometime during the night I must have taken off that black and gold Tyr. I had fitful sleep, and every time I woke, it seemed like I was hard as a rock, even as I woke for the morning. Zach was already up and in the shower. I laid there, fully hard, feeling kind of horny. I debated about taking care of the situation, but opted to wait. “Conserve your energy,” I thought, despite having both the desire and the need. Even as I pulled the covers off, and stood, it did not seem to let up. While Zach and I have both seen each other with full on erections, I really hoped he didn’t come out of the shower until I could grab a towel. I finished wrapping the towel, just as I heard the water cut, and he emerged from the shower, dripping wet and stark naked. Not exactly the sight I needed to make things calm down.

We slipped on our wind pants and team sweatshirt and headed for the lobby. A quick breakfast and then off to the pool for the last half day of the meet.

We were the first team at the pool. We had the locker room to ourselves, which seemed weird. I got changed out of my wind pants and slipped on the team suit. We wore a different set of team race suits. Our suits yesterday were black with gold trim (team colors). These were the reverse, gold with black trim. Because the gold tended to show through, the front was lined with black right where all a guys stuff is. It was weird, the black made sure nothing was clearly visible, but wherever your parts pushed against the suit, the black showed up through the gold, so I am not sure it was all that much less revealing. Most of the guys hated them, but I thought they looked pretty hot. Zach looked especially hot in his, and we weren’t even wet yet.

No sign of Phillip or his team. Coach gathered us for a run down of the day. As he went through the schedule, I saw Phillip come out of the locker room. He looked as hot as yesterday, wearing the same suit he had on yesterday. He was tying his strings as he walked out onto the pool deck. He was with two other guys from his team, they all were carrying on as they headed over to other side of the pool. I could feel my excitement rise, but thankfully not like yesterday. Phillip looked around, but did not see me.

“Ryan, you are up first, in thirty minutes. You are lane 3 when we start” coach directed. “Don’t overdo the warm up, you got some tough swimmers to beat, and you almost got bit by that USC swimmer yesterday. I want you loose, relaxed and ready.”

“Got it,” I said, as I stood, adjusted myself and walked to the warm up pool.

“Go get ‘em, hot shot” said Zach, as he tapped my butt. “Don’t get too distracted checking out Phillip.”

Phillip stuck very much to himself, not even acknowledging me. Even when I gave him a nod, he did not respond. He looked all business, as we lined up for our event. He was in lane 6, two lanes between us.

“Good luck, have a great swim” I said, hoping he’d warm up
“You too,” he said. No smile. Nothing.

I watched as he did his string tying routine. “Hope you get them in a knot” I thought spitefully. Nothing worse than trying to get out of your suit and have your strings in a tight knot.

Pop! The gun went off and we all dove off the blocks. I could not see Phillip at all, nor did I really look. I was fired up to kick butt. I went out as strong as I have ever swam. Hit the wall and had a solid turn, good push. I covered that first 25 right on my fastest split ever. Phillip was off to a fast start. He was lock step with the swimmers in both adjoining lanes. He finished the 50 fly with his best split time ever, and was off to a solid back. His kick was strong, his reach long and reaching.

I was strong off the back, and had a good lead on lanes two and four. I tried to see where the others were, but did not want to lose time. I was sure Phillip was close, if not ahead, but really could not see him. Breast was my weakest leg. I had pressed hard on the back, building on my strong fly time. I needed as much padding into the breast as I could get. Phillip came off the back right in line with the swimmer in lane 5, but like me could not see beyond that. He flipped and pushed into the breast stroke, his strongest leg. He was going to dominate this leg.

I kicked hard the last 25 of the free, reaching out as far as I could, and pulling hard. I stayed focused on the lane marker, head down, tucked and streamlined. No extra drag anywhere. I looked at nothing, just pressed hard, every ounce of energy being put into the final push. My fingers hit and I pressed back, I rose from the water, and as I did I watched as Phillip’s head came up right with mine. Whatever the outcome we were close.

Phillip broke into a smile. So did I, as I laid back and dunked. We were both breathless, as if we had just had the most wild, passionate sex ever. Within fractions of a second, it seemed every swimmer was up. The race was over. Whatever the outcome, it was what it was. We climbed from the pool. We hugged, probably for longer than we should have.

“Great race,” said Phillip.

“I never saw you,” I replied.

“Me neither, but no matter what it was a great race,” he said. “Sorry I was such a jerk earlier, just was so focused on the swim.”

He was still breathless, as was I. Somehow, though, he looked incredibly sensuous winded. His muscles were tight from the event, and firm. His suit clung to him, wet. As we stood there, Phillip looked me up and down.

“Wow, those are quite the team suits,” he said. I looked down and you could see that the black lining was showing exactly where I was positioned in the suit.

“Yeah, they are a little too revealing,” I said.

“Hey, I gotta go cheer on me team in their events,” Phillip said. “Let’s get together before we finish.”

“Deal” I replied.

“And don’t take off that suit…” Phillip added.

I watched as he walked towards his team. He looked back and smiled. With that I pulled on the front of my suit, as I felt the impact of his hot body growing inside. We never disucssed the results, and while we knew what they were, we left them poolside.

I could not wait to see Phillip again.

To be continued
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