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Old 05-02-2013, 09:35 AM
gadget594076 gadget594076 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 6

I have loved Nylon speedos since a very young age, i was 8 when a friend gave me my first pair. i wore these every day under school clothes until they got too small. lycra had then taken over they were good but i did prefer the nylon ones they dried faster as has been said before.

mid 90's i found Aussiebum and their nylon range by accident we, were on holiday and i made friends with an older boy at the beach he told me where i could get them. as i was still just11 or 12 then i had to get a fiend of the family to order for me, mum would have blown a fuse if she knew i even wore speedos!!!. she wanted me to wear boxers, (never liked them).

fast forward to now. i have 4 sons all were given the choice of underwear very young and all have chosen speedos, the oldest has just grown into aussiebums size XSS i got him 2 pairs and he loves them. the youngest just 4 loves his speedos he cant wait to get into the nylon ones.
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