Thread: Nudity Required
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Old 03-27-2013, 09:47 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Moving up to secondary school we were required to have showers after PE and games. The showers in the gym and pavilion were no problem, but the shower control in the sports hall was high up and very stiff. Only one other boy and myself could reach it so we were made responsible for turning the showers on and off. Imagine a naked skinny 11 year old on tip toe, trying to move a lever that was too stiff for him far above his head. Then imagine the rest of the class standing there watching while some wit made comments about survivors from Belsen.
These particular showers consisted of a narrow passage with water jets on either side, we had to run the gauntlet from one end to the other, coming out as fast as possible. As long as our hair was wet the system was satisfied. Hygienic cleansing effect; zero.
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