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Old 10-23-2012, 08:46 PM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default fashion

"really tough to figure out" - no it isn't - this sounds like you have the psychological burdens of gender and/or sexual orientation on your shoulders again - so that we end up with another statement of the bleedin' obvious.

We know what to expect in an A&F shop just as we know what to expect when we go into a gay sex shop.
What's so new about the "straight" guys adopting the clothing styles first popularised in the gay community ?
'twas ever thus - so why all this concern about "fetish"?

Sorry - just too OTT for me to get anything out of this inconclusive analysis I'm afraid.

PS: Mr Jefferies may soon have to bring about some changes in A&F and in his own extravagant lifestyle if market-share continues on the downward spiral
and more male and/or female clothes-shopping is done elsewhere.
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