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Old 09-08-2012, 11:59 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 5: Zach gets excited...

Writer's note: This is a bit more graphic. Reader discretion is advised.

“Dude, she really likes you” Thomas was saying to Zach as I entered the break room, which was also the room we changed in.

“Yeah, I know. She’s really cute, too,” Zach replied. Zach had a thing for red headed girls, which this one was. She was petite, and as girls go pretty hot, I guess. She certainly captured Zach’s attention, as soon as I saw her I knew she would. He had that lusty look. I knew him too well, he was as excited about her as I had ever seen him.

“She did get all over you” Alan added in. Alan gave me a big smile as I walked over. Eyes up and down.

“Yeah, for a second I though she was going to try to do me right there” Zach said, chuckling. Probably dreaming, hopeful.

“Maybe she just wants to see you respond,” Thomas said back, “you know, make you get all hard and stuff. Make you show her what you got”

“That won’t .happen,” I said, “Zach never gets hard in his swimsuits”

“Eat me,” Zach replied back with a smirk directed to me. Always a way with words. I smiled back. He knew I probably would.

Zach always has had amazing self control. Even if he spots the hottest girl and wants to have wild passionate sex, he can stay in total control of himself. As you know, Zach is my best friend since we were kids. Even as we were going through our teen years, Zach always seemed on top of himself, unlike me, who could pop at the mere thought. So, what happened in the second part of our model session was very much a surprise for both of us.

Break time was over and we went back to our stations. I resumed my pose, although I had to be reminded of exactly how to position my torso. “Perfect” said one of the artists when I got it right. I looked over at Alan, and he was all set as well. James was in place, too.

The young lady who clearly was hot for Zach was all over him again. She adjusted his arms, slid his legs a little more apart. Zach was just taking it, smiling at her as she told him what to change, or even did it for him. I was amazed at him. Zach was very much straight, very much into girls, and at break he said he thought she was very cute. “I think she wants to lay me right there in the room” Zach had said, describing her forwardness. Despite all that, he was perfectly fine and in control. If the roles were changed and it was Ted and me, I’d have long had to take a cold shower.

At least I thought Zach was not the least bit turned on by her attention. Zach was anything but not turned on, as he felt the arousal begin as she positioned him perfectly. As much as Zach tried to not think about it, and maintain his usual state of control, he was rapidly losing the battle. He looked down to see that his bulge was beginning to really stick out. On the good side, Zach had positioned down, so instead of showing a growing rod that would want to pop out of the top of his suit, he was starting to sport a very big bump, as his hardening anatomy was pushing out and down between his legs. From a distance, I really could not see what Zach was feeling, at least not yet. Plus I was more interested in watching Ted, as he smiled at me every time my eyes wandered over. He had me turned on in my own way.

It had been quite a while since Zach had a girl, let alone a girlfriend. With the demands of swimming and school, he really did not have time. Not that he wasn’t interested, he was. Just hadn’t worked out. Zach was really interested in Bethany, the girl who could not keep her hands off him. The fact that he was feeling aroused was clearly an indication of his interest. Quickly he focused on other things and started to ease.

Zach calmed down and was finally in position. Bethany was back at her easel. Zach let his thoughts wander as he started to day dream. Twenty minutes of staying in the same position was not easy and it was a really long time. Zach’s mind wandered off to the beach. It was Bethany and he. They were laying out in the sun together. She had on a red two piece and he in his solid blue suit, the one he had on now. If Zach realized what he was doing to himself, he didn’t let it stop his thoughts. He later said he just got caught up in the moment.

I looked over and Zach had this “in a trance” look on his face.

As the minutes passed, Zach’s thoughts grew more exciting. They were walking holding hands. The beach was secluded. Bethany took Zach into her arms and they hugged, ankle deep in the surf. A long, close hug, He could feel her leg touching him as they swayed there arm in arm. Her hand caressed his butt as she pulled him into her. He was rock hard and enjoying it. She was enjoying the feel of him, too She gently rubbed against him. He was pressing into her, enjoying the way it made him feel. Zach was well drifted off into his erotic day dream. While the day dream was an illusion of his mind, his response was very much really happening. Zach was just starting to become aware of it.

“F..k,” Zach thought as quickly snapped from his dream realizing he had made himself bone hard.. “I can’t believe this.” he said in his mind as he felt the pressure of his body pushing against the tight suit. He glanced down and saw that his bulge was huge. He could certainly feel that it was. Zach slid his hand up over his bulge and tried to adjust himself a little, which really only made the situation worse.

“Sorry” he replied when he was reminded to not break position. He quickly went back to his pose. He blushed a bit. Hearing the exchange, I looked over.

“That looked weird” Zach thought, but he had to do something. It was then that we made eye contact and Zach gave me that look he would get when he was really turned on by someone (not just interested, but really aroused turned on). It was then that I also realized that Zach was rock hard in his suit,. Zach was so turned on he could not even move. His dream, along with the arousal he already had, might well have taken him too far. Zach could feel his urges continuing to drive him more erotically aroused. He wasn’t getting softer, it was getting more firm.

“Wow, Zach never gets boners in his suits” I thought. Seeing him that way kind of turned me on. While we best ever friends, he was also an incredibly handsome guy. I also knew that Zach was already feeling the urge even before we started, he had confided that in me on our way over. We were seven or eight minutes into our pose time. A long way to go for Zach, especially since he could not really move or leave. He looked really hot and awfully cute, and if they wanted to draw a guy, they were getting a pretty awesome pose.

“Oh man, please don’t do this” Zach was thinking to himself, but it was not working. He was really turned on, and he felt highly exposed in just that tight little blue Nike suit. At the pool if this happened he would just jump in and it would be over. He caught glances of Bethany, the artist who was turning him on, and she smiled at him. “She knows,” he thought. He was really attracted to her and she was driving him crazy. He wiggled his leg a bit, hoping the movement would ease his state. It didn’t. Further, as he got more aroused, it was starting to bug him that he was tucked the way he was.

The huge bulge had started to pull the leg band open a bit. Not that Bethany or I could see, but Zach could feel that it was happening. He tried to hold on. Seven more minutes left. As his body fought to get straight out , held back only by the lycra suit, he could feel the strain and the pressure it was making on his balls. It wasn’t really a pain, more a sensation. Not the sensation he needed if he was going to stop himself. In a weird way he actually was getting more turned on by his situation and the feel of the tight hold the suit had on him.

I kept a glance over on Zach, watching as he grew more aroused. Zach had never had the experience of losing control in his suit, at least not when he didn’t want to. I was sure he was far past anything he had ever experienced before, but for one time when we were on our high school team and he came close, and was probably just as turned on. Zach knew he was for past that comparison. Probably far past being able to stop himself.

“Man, he looks really hot” I thought, wishing I could sit next to him and help him. I never would, of course. We had our own boundaries.

Zach felt it. The first little bit of moisture. He could feel that a small wet spot had formed between his legs. He could feel that he was very much past the point that he could make himself stop. “Oh man,” he thought, “I hope I can hold on until break.” A bead of sweat had formed on his chest, his body started to heat up from the state he was in. Bethany had her eyes on him, too. He looked so damn amazing, especially the tiny amount of sweat on his chest.

Zach’s eyes met hers. She smiled. His mind flashed back to his dream. He could feel himself press harder. He held tight, but he could feel himself well past the point where he could could stop what was happening. Three minutes left, before break.

To be continued….

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 09-08-2012 at 10:57 PM.
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