Thread: What to wear?
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Old 11-16-2023, 12:11 PM
sebbie sebbie is online now
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Default It is really snug in here

It is really snug in here

This morning, I got up thinking how much fun it would be to get horny and stay that way for most of the day, if not the entire day. Somehow, I was longing for the look and feel of a really snug fit down there. How much constant pressure could I “tolerate”.

Of course, I have a large collection of “items” that from my perspective do just that. In my “condition, I always like to start off with a thong. It is the feel of the perineum pressure hitting me constantly that feels so good psychologically plus the tension as the thong back crawls between my glutes, more noticeable when I am up and walking around. These are really great, not to be missed, sensations. For guys who have not yet gotten into this, I highly recommend it.

Next up, a strap of course. The big decision is whether or not to use a hard cup. I found a Riddell strap I had purchased several years ago. This is a classic design, but the cup that came with it is far too big, and my penis just flops around inside it..Not much fun. Of course, I have a much smaller cup, something of a mini-banana cup, which is designed for a youth size supporter. That is a neat design, because it is barely big enough to contain my flaccid penis and even then, I feel constant pressure on both sides. What a fun place to be! Thong pressing me upward and forward and cup pressing downward and on the sides. Constant pressure. Nothing to do but to try to “cope“ with the situation. And the situation at hand is getting me really horny. I’m liking this a lot. I like trying my best to cope.

But once underway. Why stop there? Over all of this comes a pair of my favorite blue camo running tights. When guys get themselves into a situation like this wearing a cup, they like to try and get momentary “relief” from the tension by moving the cup around a bit. But if the strap fits tight that is not so easy. Another tactic is to pull the cup away from your body for momentary “relief”. But that tactic has its down side, because the penis tends to “grow” when it senses it is no longer under the constant pressure from the cup, and then when the cup snaps back, things only get more “difficult”. If you thought you were in trouble before, you are in bigger trouble after the snap back. But difficult means really fun.

And in this “world” trouble is fun. I quickly get into full-scale “edging” mode. Enjoy the tension! Don’t fight it! It is the place where males were designed to be. Make things still more “difficult”. One more item. Why not pull on a really snug fitting pair of compression shorts OVER the running tights. This makes the cup press downward even more. I can use my fingers to press down on the cup through the compression layers too. Every tap sends pangs of ecstasy coursing through my body.

I am climbing the walls with pleasure. Struggling and coping at the same time! Great fun. No place I would rather be. The pressure is steady and unrelenting. I am enjoying this immensely. I am climbing the walls with pleasant sensations.

How long I will continue to wear all of this today is an unanswered question. Will I be able to do my rowing and stationary bike exercises wearing this? I am writing this on my laptop, and my laptop is putting direct downward pressure on the cup. I am feeling horny….way horny….

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