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Old 11-01-2023, 01:08 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default On tights, straps, and other compression gear

On tights, straps, and other compression gear.

With winter weather coming on (It has been in the low 20s F in recent nights here), I tend to shift gears a bit in what I like to wear. Summertime, I like a snug-fitting but short-sleeved compression tee and compression shorts over a strap and thong, but as winter set in the long sleeves compression tees made of heavier material are my choice. And, of course, my long-legged running tights.

Growing up in a US state with really cold winters, this was time to break out the long underwear that fit to the ankles. These were worn under pants and jeans as an extra layer of cloth. The long underwear had a very snug fit, not unlike a running tight, but the fabric was generally cotton or a cotton/poly blend. The fabric stretched to fit because it was a coarse-textured weave. The problem was that the fabric was not a stretch fabric, at least not in the conventional sense. Long underwear was mostly scratchy and uncomfortable to wear, not erotic fun, and I could not wait for warmer days to occur.

In contrast, modern running tights are slick, smooth and very stretchy—fun to wear but could also serve for cold weather wear—even used like long underwear under the snuggest-fitting pair of jeans I own. What an improvement!

I have had a collection of running tights for a number of years and are fond of every pair. I typically order these in US size SM which makes the fit really snug. Some of the earliest ones I purchased were of the TSLA brand on Amazon. One of my first pairs was made only of the slick poly blend fabric (black) but another pair has a large front panel that is supposed to “breathe” through a series of small perforations. I am wearing this perforated-groin pair today. The stretch fabric part has held up well, only marginally less snug-fitting than when new. But the perforated part has developed wear spots, spots that reveal what I am wearing (or not wearing) underneath.

I always like to wear something under my running tights regardless of weather. In warmer weather, maybe just a thong and strap with or without a cup. But when I am exercising, I tend to fall back on a pair of tighty whiteys, which I am wearing today.

The problem I ran into this morning was that the white of the briefs shows through the wear spots in the perforated fabric in my groin. Black tighty whiteys would be better but why not another option—a black strap OVER the white underwear. I have just the strap in my collection—a black one I purchased under the BESHETR label on line. I really like the fit and feel of a strap, anyway, and now the wear spots in the perforated fabric all but disappear.

Never one to leave well enough alone, I decide to make everything down there still snugger by adding a pair of Nike compression shorts over the top of the running tights. What I say about Nike is that they really do know how to make compression shorts that really compress and feel good in all sorts of ways. I am feeling quite horny as a result of all of this gear pulling and tugging on me. Its great fun! If I want to go outdoors, I can always pull on a pair of sweatpants and a loose-fitting sweatshirt over the top. I was doing that yesterday.

I hope that this story will encourage my readers to try some things that they would not have otherwise attempted. Winter is not the time to lose interest in your own body and the marvelous sensations that can be readily created. Think about wearing running tights under your ordinary clothing for both a warm and erotic way to deal with cold weather.

All the best for wintertime fun!
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