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Old 04-07-2023, 12:31 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default On Speedos and Male Sexuality

On Speedos and Male Sexuality

Understanding human sexuality has certainly gotten a lot more complicated in the past five years. Not that long ago, the only real question facing guys was the determination of being straight or gay. Before that, prior to about 1970, being gay was treated as an affliction—that gay guys had a treatable sickness, of sorts. The whole idea that being gay was just one possibility for a totally normal guy was considered new and novel. Then came the idea that some people were not easily put into one category or another but lived happily somewhere in between—an awareness that being bisexual is simply one variation of normal behavior.

I wrote a book in 2013 on male sexuality, but what I said then is hopelessly obsolete.

I have long been an advocate for the idea that every person is unique, and one’s sexual being is as personal as a fingerprint. And that people should not be put in sexual orientation boxes even if there are three not two of them However, I am having difficulty nowadays with people who think gender-affirming surgery can solve a problem--but particularly the guys who want to have their penises removed so that they can claim that while they were born a man and somehow by removing the offending male organs they can become a woman--which is what they really always wanted to be.

I guess I am just far too happy being exactly who I am and what I am. Besides, as you can tell by my writings, I am just way fond of my penis and like to treat it as my most worthwhile body part. My penis is not only useful, it provides me with a great deal of pleasure, even on the spur of the moment. That observation is worth pondering by every guy born with one.

As most of my readers also know, I am not much if at all interested in the complexities of partner sex. This may seem strange for a guy who is as penis-arousal focused as I seem to be, but hey, I just told you that every guy is unique with regard to their sexual being and just because mine is not the same as yours does not mean that I am miserable sexually and you are happy or vice versa.

Having said that, I get great pleasure out of just feeling horny, and I love to fall asleep at night wearing a snug, slick swim brief. I assume that not all guys out there have these same hangups, and perhaps would consider themselves odd if they did (let alone what their partners might think). How does my interest fit in with relationships and having sex with a partner? I have no clue! Nor do I really care.

Over the years, I have learned a lot of goofy stuff. I have learned that a lot of guys are fixated on having a quick but powerful orgasm, and somehow they believe that the quicker they can get off then clearly the more masculine a male they are. But I am all into this stuff called edging, which says that the real fun of being a guy is to get yourself horny and aroused, and then learn the subtle techniques of being nearly at the point of orgasm but not quite there, and the real talent is in learning how to maintain this dreamy and aroused state for long periods of time, perhaps hours on end. If a guy is really hung up on ejaculating powerfully, talents in edging are vital as there is a general rule that says the longer you edge the more powerful the ending orgasm. So there!

And what better way to hone your edging technique that to purchase a snug=fitting swim brief and then wear it as sleepwear to bed. If you bought the right brief—snug and slick, you might wake up at 3-AM feeling as aroused as all get out and your fingers will desperately want to fondle your penis. Go for it! But remember, you are still not seeking a quick and powerful orgasm. And the swim brief is the key to getting yourself in this marvelous, aroused condition while learning all about edging.

There are only a few male rites of passage that are both scary for a lot of guys but also incredible sexual fun. I would put getting your first swim brief as being right at the top of the list. This is scary for a lot of males because they think that wearing one is going to make them embarrassingly hard at some public venue. But if you are doing this in the privacy of your bedroom and under the covers, why should this be a concern? Your biggest problem is thinking up a reasonable creative argument about why you need to purchase aq swim brief if you are not a competitive swimmer. But given how much sheer fun what I describe is, you will undoubtedly come up with some excuse, however lame. After all, it is only a little piece of clothing.

The other male rite of passage is getting in a situation where a real jock strap is required equipment. I love straps almost as much as I love swim briefs. Not being an athlete, I didn’t get my first strap until I was away in college. But I made up for that as the years went by. And the cups! Ahh the cups! Those make me really horny. Especially the old-school cups with the limited space. I really like those. My penis sends signals that scream to my brain that “where I am is a really great place to be”.

Yesterday I wore a swim brief to as sleepwear and then in the morning I ended up in a thong, strap and cup. Went all day that way and felt horny the entire day. I could also say that a first underwear thong is yet another male rite of passage. But then I would have to add the compression tights and shorts, singlets, and compression tees as well.

From the perspective of a male who is focused on partner sex in a relationship, what I do with, to and by myself might seem really odd or abnormal in the larger world of male sexuality. But not nearly as crazy as most of the stuff out there being debated and discussed with a lot of anger. Wearing a swim brief or a strap does not somehow change my sexual orientation whatever it might be or anything else about me. The problems other guys face apparently being unhappy as a male are no concern of mine. I am happy just being who I am, and if describing in detail what I enjoy doing to and with myself helps other guys like me who are not in a sexual relationship with a partner, all the better!

Last edited by sebbie : 04-07-2023 at 04:28 PM.
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