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Old 02-16-2023, 12:53 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default I like a tight fit—a really really tight fit

I like a tight fit—a really really tight fit

A key part of the process of growing into an adult male is learning how to deal with sexual sensations of various sorts. Sexual pleasure is this complicated mixture of the physical and the psychological. A guy learns some of the details by himself but also by picking up on what his male peers are doing either by simply observing or by what other males may say about all of this.

It turns out that some males have no difficulty boasting about their conquests with sexual partners. For straight guys this is commonplace. There may be some parallels for gay guys too. But the topic that is usually kept secret relates to solo sex aka masturbation aka self-pleasuring.

The secrecy involves the idea that if males were open with their male peers about what they like to do on their own for pure pleasure, their peers would think the less of them as in this guy is so unappealing, he cannot find a date. Somehow this has evolved into the (wrong!) idea that guys whop masturbate on a regular basis must be gay and admitting that you are hooked on self-pleasuring means that you are also gay.

Still, I have enjoyed myself this way for probably 65 of my 75 years and my enthusiasm for the activity has not abated in the least. But I am also very curious about the whole subject of whether or not I have tried everything interesting and fun in this department, or whether there are still interesting things to do in that department that I have not tried.

One of the fascinating things about this blog is that a lot of guys here openly admit that they find that self-abuse in a swim brief is a really fun thing to do with essentially no down-side (unless a peer or friend/relative/parent accidentally discovers you in a Speedo bearing a full erection (or worse). That is good to know for sure, and it is nice to have this information even at this late date in my life. The worst part about this cleaning up the mess you may have created undetected.

The Internet is a great source of information that provides detailed video on self-pleasuring inaccessible not that many years ago, and there appears to be no shortage of guys enthusiastic about making the videos so long as faces and identities are not revealed. However, in a popular site like pornhub there is what they call a straight section and a gay section and somehow all the male self-pleasuring videos arbitrarily end up in the gay section as if gay guys approve of self-pleasuring but this is not something a straight guy would ever want to do.

A really fun thing to do in a swim brief is to get in a horny “mood” and then pull on the swim brief, making certain that you are just firm enough so that the only semi comfortable way for your penis to be is pointed upward, with the slick cloth of the brief pressing tightly against the ultrasensitive underside of your penis. This is male self-pleasuring nirvana for sure and every male needs a brief (or two, or three..) just to be able to do this on a regular basis.

This is what I call the classic “Christopher Atkins” method of self-pleasuring, made famous in a Dallas Episode where Atkins (as Peter Richards LOL) appears in a standard but very snug fitting Sapphire blue Speedo but with the underside of his penis pressing firmly against the brief material. A mere touch of the brief where this is going on would send him into Speedo brief self-pleasuring nirvana. This all occurs in season 7 episode 4 of the nighttime soap opera “Dallas” now streaming free. And photos of Atkins of this exact situation are also on the Internet.

A lot of readers of this blog are very fond of wearing as skimpy and low-cut swim brief as possible, briefs consisting maybe of a small pouch, string sides and a thong back. In self-pleasuring, to each his own, but this style of brief makes it impossible to engage in the kind of thing Christopher Atkins was up to—as in putting direct slick pressure on the entire underside of the semi-erect and growing penis that I also find so intensely enjoyable.

Go to the video sites such as pornhub, and there are any number of short videos showing a guy masturbating to ejaculation inside a snug-fitting (but not too tiny) swim brief. If you are looking to learn techniques used by other guys this is the place to be. Some guys use their hands—other guys, interestingly, not, and the simple pressure of the tight brief on the underside of the penis is enough for an actual “hands free ejaculation" in only a few minutes.

There are also wrestling singlet masturbation videos. A wrestling singlet is much larger than a swim brief but is made of a similar slick stretchy material. Again, some guys do a hands-on masturbation to ejaculation, with drops of precum creating small spots here and there at various places on the front of the singlet until ejaculation (cumming) occurs and the singlet has lots of “cream” on the front. Other guys do a hands-free version of getting entirely hard with only the pressure from the slick cloth and end up ejaculating anyway.

The fact that getting into and out of a singlet that is just a touch undersized can prove difficult adds to the pleasure, in part because the guy soon feels that he is in a situation where the urge to get harder and then ejaculate is governed in part by a situation that he does not fully control, just being driven in part by being stuck or constrained inside the singlet. For those that have never tried this using a singlet I would argue that this is a not-to-be-missed technique.

Finally, it is time to mention the wonders of the so-called magic wand vibrator with the head capable of multiple speeds and patterns. Let's say you are feeling horny and have your somewhat erect penis pressing hard against the cloth of the brief or singlet. Psychologically too you are already feeling quite good. But the trick is to power up the magic wand, find one of those great stop-start wand vibrator patterns that are so much fun, and then merely touch the vibrator repeatedly to a spot on the underside of your spandex cloth covered penis.

This scheme works so well that you can easily be ejaculating not instantly but maybe in 30 seconds or less. The trick of course is to develop a technique with the vibrator such that you don’t immediately feel those wonderful ejaculatory contractions. This means taking away the vibrating head almost but not quite there and use this as an edging method to build the sexual tension over and over. A penis with its underside pressing firmly against a Spandex-laced material and a magic wand vibrator in the self-pleasuring world is a match made in heaven, and I would be hard pressed to claim that there is anything in the partner sex world that quite matches it for overall sexual pleasure.

The methods I have discussed here take male self-pleasuring to an all-new level, are completely safe, do not result in the transmission of an STD nor a pregnancy, and can be pursued by any male who is in a situation where there is privacy.
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