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Old 09-17-2021, 06:27 PM
Swimmboy Swimmboy is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 387

Interesting photos, Sebbie. I suspect these were not 'official' team photos taken by the Athletic Dept. Instead, maybe a coach or one of the teammates asked them to pose before or after a practice. For many teams, the official school team suit was worn for actual meets, but for everyday practices, the athletes were expected to provide their own suits. Those suits really take a beating - hours and hours in the water every week, so they begin to fade and/or lose their shape quickly. Some did seem to be in matching suits, but those may have been last year's team suits that were now only good for practices. They would usually get a new team suit - or maybe 2-3 new suits - at the beginning of the school year. Those in the tee-shirts may have been student team 'assistants', not actual swimmers. Such assistants would help out at meets as timers, scorekeepers, etc., or as 'team managers' - the Athletic Depts. would give them stipends to cover book costs for their other classes, etc., in return for their work.
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