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Old 03-21-2021, 01:31 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Nocturnal Emissions

Nocturnal Emissions

At puberty, a guy experiences his first real orgasm involving muscular contractions. Perhaps only dry at first, but also often with some semen. In some instances, guys have their first orgasms at nighttime and sometimes while sound asleep, leaving starchy stains on whatever they wore to bed. As a young teen I found these curious but interesting. It was easy enough to explain away what was going on to anyone who noticed the stains as this was something that “just happened” while I was sleeping and not anything that I had any control over, that is, a true nocturnal emission.

Of course, nocturnal emissions and wet dreams are the same thing, pretty much. A guy has a dream with a sexual theme and he suddenly wakes up to discover that he has had an orgasm. Or maybe he wakes up just BEFORE the orgasm takes place but he is both feeling really horny and physically his penis feels rock-hard and supersensitive. It is impossible to ignore the situation and remain in this state for very long, so the guy reaches down there and more or less “helps” things along a bit.

Of course, this orgasm is really powerful and really fun. Now there is a lot more sticky semen as well, not just a small stain or two. Still no one knew the guy was actually awake and playing with himself when he popped his load. To others this is just another nocturnal emission and no one else is the wiser.

Guys quickly become hooked on doing this to, by and with themselves. This should be something that can be enjoyed every night if possible but all the ejaculate creates quite a mess. What to do? Have an orgasm in the shower and hope that doing this daily will quell the nighttime urges and other stuff? The problem is that these nighttime orgasms are really really fun and the ones guys do in the shower tend to be less fun in part because they are accomplished in a hurry. A slow and leisurely pace is better, much better, and a sexy dream only adds to the fun.

By the time a guy reaches college age he has pretty well figured out that the “problem” he is having is common to nearly all of the male students and the big problem with men’s dormitories is that the guys are typically doubled up in a room and the showers might still be down the hall as in many of the older residence halls modeled after military barracks. In short, as a place to masturbate in private the dorm is a not even as good as the situation was when the guy was living with his own family back home. These nightly ejaculation sessions are still way fun and are helpful at alleviating some of the tensions ordinarily associated with being a college student, but the privacy a guy really needs to be happy only happens occasionally (as in “My roommate went home for the weekend but I stayed in the dorm”).

So the guy needs to find a way to get off under the covers without creating an obvious mess. Sleeping in the nude is not helpful and only creates more problems. The loose-fitting boxer shorts that some guys sleep in are also a problem, in part because they do not contain semen very well. In a pair of boxer shorts a good load is still going to go everywhere and if this happens in the early morning hours what went on is going to be most difficult to hide as the stains will still be wet.

Interestingly, a tight-fitting garment such as a swim brief with a double-lined pouch will contain the post-orgasm mess better. Wearing a swim brief to bed might “throw” a college roommate for a bit, but he should get used to seeing you that way. It might take a bit of time for the roommate to adjust to see you wearing a swim brief to bed at night but in that case I would suggest simply pulling over a loose-fitting pair of shorts over the briefs should solve that problem. You are not sleeping in loose-fitting boxer shorts but boxer shorts lined with a swim brief. And you are still set up so that you can rub yourself as the need arises with the boxer shorts still in place. So what if your roommate knows you have a skimpy swim brief on underneath. With luck, your roommate might figure out on his own exactly why you are doing this and then adopt the method himself!

Another trick I learned is to keep a box of facial tissue next to the bed since you might need to “blow your nose” during the night. Then, suppose you are on the verge of having an orgasm at 2 AM. The trick is to quickly grab a couple of the tissues and wrap the head of your penis like a condom and the layers of tissue should catch most if not all of the semen. Toss the soiled tissues under the corner of the bed and in the morning you can toss them in the trash and act like they are just full of mucous from blowing your nose during the night.

The methods I suggest can serve you well throughout adulthood and in any instance where you want to engage in masturbation without others being aware of what you are doing or have just done. Swim briefs make excellent sleepwear for surreptitiously masturbating in bed but also are an excellent choice if you want to already be somewhat horny and aroused from the moment your head hits the pillow. And this is something any guy at any age might enjoy. Liking the sensations your penis is able to produce with just a little effort on your part is a really fun part of being a guy and should not be something that in any way embarrasses you. All the best!
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