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Old 02-28-2020, 01:59 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part LXXXV


Each time I put on the penis pump, I learn some interesting things, not only details about effectively using the pump, but also details about how my own body works. I would like to share what I have been learning with my readers. I hope that you do not find what I am writing to be boring. I think it is interesting to get what I learn written down. If you find what I am learning to be interesting and useful, that is good for me as well.

This particular manual pump comes with three different silicone end caps color-coded based on the size of the hole your penis needs to go through, blue=large, peach (flesh-colored) = medium and red=small. Most pumps are sold with just one size, so this is an interesting advantage.

In theory, the idea is to match the hole size to the circumference of your flaccid penis, as in the red one is for little guys and the blue one is for the really big guys. I took a look at the options and concluded that I was neither a big guy nor a little guy, so the first time I used the pump I picked Medium.

The hole for each size has a rim on it. And it feels a lot like a stretchy penis ring. This means that depending on the size you choose you could be restricting blood flow both in and out of the penis but particularly if you choose a hole size smaller than your actual size, say a medium guy (peach) using the small one (red). I was curious if undersizing changed the functioning of the penis pump in any way, but particularly if this would affect how the penis pump built the erection since blood needs to be able to flow into you’re my penis with the vacuum. Turns out not. The only effect was when I removed the pump fully erect it was slightly more difficult to get my penis out of the ring than with the larger size.

Before I got into the pump, I lubed the silicone end with AstroglideŽ and gave my still-flaccid penis a coat as well. I recommend that every guy—at least every guy with a penis, get a tube of the personal lubricant called Astroglide. This is marketed as a product for guys in a relationship with a sexual partner, but it turns out it is a great masturbation lube as well. Plus it is water-based so it cleans up easily in the shower. And it won’t damage the silicone rubber parts of your penis pump or your gel penis rings.

So, I followed the same procedure as I did the last time. I stuck the tip of my penis into the undersized hole in the red plug and pressed the pump to my (pube-shaved) groin. No problem. One squeeze on the vacuum bulb and my lubed shaft slid right in.

Part of the fun for me is just seeing my penis start to enlarge inside the clear plastic tube, aware of the fact that in this situation there was no way I was going to be able to touch or stroke it. Still, already I was feeling like I was getting a hard-on. This alone is quite a treat for a guy who has had prostate surgery and some feelings and sensations that I have not experienced since the surgery suddenly and miraculously return.

But this would be interesting as well for a guy who is not treating an ED medical condition with the pump. As I have already indicated, the pump gives any guy the conscious ability to get an erection just by squeezing the bulb on the pump a few times. And other things happen too. Blood is flowing into your increasingly-erect penis, so it quickly becomes ruddier in color. If you read the literature, some guys complain that the blood that flows in is not the bright red arterial blood that occurs in an unaided erection, but rather cooler, less oxygenated, and bluish blood from veins. And the arterial blood is better if you are trying to rehab your penis plumbing. The other complaint is that because of this the bluish penis can feel cooler than normal than from an unaided erection for a guy in good health.

So, I have been watching carefully the color as well as the size of my erection inside the pump. It looks quite healthy with something of a dark red condition engorged with blood drawn in by the pump. I conclude that my penis is actually in pretty good shape despite the increasing difficulty getting an erection without aid post-surgery.

And I am putting together with this the stuff I already knew about techniques for enjoying yourself in solo sex. One of the techniques I have long advocated is that slower a guy builds an erection, that is taking a longer period of time, the better the final erection and the more fun the orgasm will be. The electric pump I got works beautifully, except that using it, even at thye lowest setting, you go from no erection to a big erection in about 15 seconds. You can, of course, stop the vacuum pump in the middle, but that does not seem to work nearly as well as just applying a squeeze to the bulb when you decide that a bit more vacuum is needed and would feel good.

I am still working out the details of all of this, but I know I like to just hang with the manual pump in place and initially just enough vacuum to get my flaccid shaft inside the snug silicone ring. What I do, is just stop any pumping, and just kick back and enjoy my slight erection, much as I would do in a standard masturbation session. The pump puts you in this psychologically fascinating place of having an erection, even a slight one, and wanting to stroke it by hand, but not being able to. This is great fun, because of the mix of physical sensations coming from the slightly engorged penis along with the psychological dilemma you are in.

The vacuum might gradually decline if you keep from squeezing the bulb. And with that a bit of your erection as well (though that could also depend on how tight the ring was that you initially choose). At some point you will likely decide that you can “tolerate” another squeeze of the bulb, and in so doing you will be able to observe your penis getting about a quarter-inch longer and the color going from a lighter red to a deeper red. You will also feel your penis getting harder and this quickly becomes psychologically very interesting.

Hang tight some more without squeezing the bulb and just thinking about where you are and what is happening. You can follow the same procedure over and over, in much the same way as you would in a long, slow masturbation session under the covers in the middle of the night. You should be able to cope with this without feeling any immediate need to ejaculate into the pump.

At some point you will decide that you are long enough and hard enough, and you want to get out of the pump. Pull the pump off and there is your fully engorged penis already lubed up with Astroglide. Just stroking that is great fun but there are other options as well. For example, a single guy in this condition might want to get into a favorite SpeedoŽ and masturbate to ejaculation in front of a mirror.

For me, just stroking the underside of my erect penis brought back wonderful erotic sensations that I have not felt for 6 years just prior to surgery. And the lube! What a wonderful product for heightening the sensitivity of those nerve endings that are so enjoyable to touch. Soon I was off! This was easily the best orgasm I have had since I lost my prostate 6 years ago. I want to do this again! And again! And again! And there is no reason not to. As post-surgical treatments go, by a wide margin this beats taking ED pills or pricking my penis with an ED drug-filled syringe.

Suppose you are in a sexual relationship with a female partner and are having difficulty sustaining a hard-on that will satisfy her. I would talk the female partner and get her to help with the pumping and timing the bulb squeezes. It would have to be really erotic to psychologically know that what she is seeing and to a certain degree controlling by pumping the bulb will be in her own body in a few minutes time. Nothing at all wrong with that! I am confident that with the extra help, she will be satisfied with your length, girth and hardness.

In a gay relationship the fun thing to do would be to buy two manual pumps. Both guys lube up and get into their own pump, but trade squeeze bulbs, so my partner controls my vacuum-induced erection and I control his. Wild and super crazy fun. How much of this can both you and he tolerate? Nothing like running an experiment to find out!

Or, you can just pump yourself up and crawl into your favorite swim brief, and kick back and enjoy your improved appearance down there!

To be continued…
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