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Old 01-10-2020, 02:07 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part LXIII


So what about me then? I grew up really really skinny. I shot up to 5’10” in my freshman year of high school, then stayed at that height. The tricky part is that in going from 5’5” to 5’10” my weight changed hardly at all. I think I was about 105 lbs and I graduated from High school at 110 lbs and 5’10”.

So, I went off to college gradually adding but another 10 lbs over the course of 4 years, and began doing graduate work at about 120 lbs. I was still super skinny. I really admired the guys who had real shoulders, chest muscles, thighs and calves. Even the narrowest jeans (and there were plenty of those during this time period) fit loosely on me. I had a 30-inch waist and 30-inch inseam.

I particularly admired the guys who looked good in a Speedo. I had a couple friends who could pull that off very well. They were lifting weights and doing other things at the gym. I decided to try some of that and bought some weightlifting equipment for a home gym. Then I got this idea that if I owned a hot tub I would have a convenient excuse to be in a Speedo on a regular basis. I decided I wanted to get serious about learning to swim as well. The problem was that I was this really skinny guy who was struggling in part because of small and weak muscles on this skeleton-like frame.

Soon thereafter I decided that if I were to build myself a chest, thighs and calf muscles I needed to do more than what I was doing. And that’s when the idea of adding a stationary rowing machine to my bedroom gym equipment occurred to me. I still really wanted to look good wearing a Speedo even though I could barely swim at all. I was wearing a Speedo or some clone Speedo swim brief on a nightly basis anyway.

So what happened after that was very interesting. As my interest in going out and finding a swimming pool declined, the rowing machine took over. I think you all realize that I always got somewhat turned on by even the thought of wearing a swim brief tho that was a personal secret to keep. I think a couple of my male buddies kinda figured that part out even though I never discussed that openly.

Then there was the problem in wanting to look better in street clothing. Bigger shoulders so my shirts would fit me better. Bigger thighs and calf muscles so my skinny jeans looked better on my body. The combination of rowing and weight lifting gradually seemed to be doing that.

My weight gradually increased as well. I went from 30 x 30 jeans to 32 x 30 and sometimes wore high- rise dress pants with a 34 W.

At one point about 10 years ago I was up to 164 pounds but then my weight gradually started to decline again, as did my waist size over 35 years of rowing and weight lifting.

Over a period of over 35 years I accumulated lots of clothing I used in my exercise program. The swim briefs were mainly for the hot tub. But I got into compression gear big time. I loved the compression tees and shorts for rowing and weightlifting. They looked great and felt erotic. I upped the amount of rowing I was doing to two hours a day. I built chest, thigh and calf muscles. My waist size dropped again and so did my waist. I started to regularly wear 31-inch W skinny jeans not 32.

And more recently I discovered that I could wear a 30-inch waist in jeans with a stretch denim. The interesting part of that is that is the same size, 30 x 30, that I wore when I was 19 and weighed 115 lbs. Exercise does matter.

Now at age 72 I have been fully retired since 2013, and living single I can wear my exercise gear nearly every day. I weighed myself this morning and the scale says 151.4 lbs. I ordered a 30 x 30 inch pair of Hollister Extreme skinny jeans at Christmastime and they fit me nicely but are glove tight. Being so underweight at 19 has in part meant that I am at a good weight not overweight at age 72 and do not suffer from the usual weight-related problems guys often have in their 70s.

Over the years, I have accumulated a large pile of swim briefs and compression gear of various sorts, the latter used when I am stationary rowing, stationary biking and weight lifting. Every day I try to do something a little different, apparel-wise, which for me makes my strenuous exercise program more enjoyable. Being able to wear something a little different each day is very good.

I continue to stick by my undersized tighty whiteys as the first thing that usually goes on, but after that it varies. Today I have a pair of black and chartreuse running tights from Russell plus a long-sleeved compression tee that also fits like a second skin. I was having a lot of fun with the red Russell singlet yesterday, but today I decided to pull on the forest green asics one I have, which being an SM not MED fits even tighter than the Red one did, though the straps go on easier. I’m all set for the day.

For sleeping I’m back to a swim brief with a pair of sleeping pants over. This usually works well but last night I found a little brief with a thong back. The brand name was Wang Jiang on it. This is one of those Asian style garments and fits really really snug. I struggled a bit to get my penis and balls into a really undersized pouch, and to do that I had to really cinch up the thong back really snug between my glutes. This was, well, interesting. I pulled on the sleep pants and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up about 90 minutes later and was kinda hurting down there. I’m not certain exactly from where. I decided a cautious approach would be to get myself out of the Wang Jiang and into a looser-fitting brief that was lying right there. I did, quickly quit hurting and also quickly fell back asleep. Normally I do like wearing the snug-fitting stuff out of Asia designed for the guys over there, but this time I may have overdone it just a bit. I will run some more experiments.

To be continued….

Update: My stationary rowing, bicycling and weightlifting I just finished went a lot smoother for me today in my green asics wrestling singlet over compression tights and long-sleeved tee than the events last night turned out. All of you who have read any of my stuff know I am no stranger to wearing a variety of different snug-fitting items to bed and may end up sleeping on any given night hunkered down in a swim brief, swim thong, athletic supporter with or without a cup or maybe a slinky underwear brief or thong.

I did not think too much about what I was doing when I pulled on the Wang Jiang swim thong I had found last evening, though I had never slept in it before to my recollection. Sometimes when I get into my sleeping gear, I feel so horny that I end up getting off before I go to sleep, and that is neat to do as I usually fall asleep quickly afterwards, but sometimes I fall asleep first and may either sleep through the entire night or sometimes I wake up at 3 AM on the very edge of having an orgasm. I just like to roll with whatever my body seems to want me to do.

Generally these are very happy times for me, and I consider all of this part of the real fun of being a guy. Still, I have seldom experienced any soreness from a too snug piece of gear as I did wearing the Wang Jiang last night. Maybe everything would have gone better if I had gotten off before so quickly falling asleep. The Wang Jiang SHOULD be a really fun piece of sleeping gear given the fit and thong cut. I still think it has potential if used in the right way. But somehow last night wasn’t it. What I do is often really fun, but sometimes I need to experiment a few times to get it just right.

Last edited by sebbie : 01-10-2020 at 04:44 PM.
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