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Old 07-10-2019, 01:29 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part VIII


Interestingly, this is where the items of snug-fitting clothing enter the story. But first, let me make a couple points with respect to basic male anatomy.

First, the penis is highly sensitive to anything that touches it, except that one also needs to realize that the sensitivity of a guy’s penis becomes much stronger and psychologically more interesting if there is an erection going on. Obviously guys function normally with a flaccid penis under whatever clothing they are wearing, and they somehow “tolerate” the sensation of whatever cloth is touching, rubbing or brushing against their penises in their normal daily activities without constantly going into erection mode.

The sensitivity of a guy’s penis is not the same over its entire surface. There are warmer spots and cooler spots in this regard. Touching, rubbing or stroking the top side of a guy’s penis in general will elicit less of an involuntary erection response that the exact same thing happening on the penis underside. There is a biological reason why this occurs which I won’t go into here except to say that if a guy wants to quickly get an erection he needs to focus his efforts on the underside of the penis. The glans or tip that is also largely on the underside is a real ejaculatory “hot spot”, so hot in fact is attention is directed toward that small area many guys can and do ejaculate even before.

For guys, in normal daily activity wearing ordinary clothing the flaccid penis will be pointed downward with any clothing item such as underwear only touching the top side of the penis. This allows a guy to go about his normal day without being concerned about the possibility of accidentally getting an erection just from what he is wearing down there.

The whole idea of wearing loose-fitting cotton boxer shorts is linked to the idea of not wanting to have to deal or cope with an unwanted erection occurring in an inappropriate time or place.

As the fit of the underwear becomes snugger, the possibilities for placing oneself in a position other than down are enhanced. It depends on what a guy would like to have happen and whether or not whatever happens occurs in what can be called a “safe” area or not. A snugger-fitting pair of cotton briefs, or even a longer-legged pair of what are called boxer briefs, allows a guy to put himself into another position, still flaccid, but pointing forward not down. Interestingly, unlike the down position, this gives a guy access to the underside of his penis. A lot of guys discover that with that access, it doesn’t take more than a few strokes to begin to get hard. This is the way many guys must begin to learn the nuances what it takes to have a great masturbation session. After all, the cotton briefs will do a nice job of collecting the ejaculate and can be easily tossed into the weekly wash without raising comment from others whoever they might be.

Of course, as a guy gets harder the penis can move from the forward position to the up position with the underside of the penis rubbing against the cloth of the brief. But it is at about this point that a guy learns that the type of cloth used in the undergarment matters in terms of how all of this feels down there and that a smooth stretchy fabric introduces some sensations not obtainable from, say a coarser-textured pair of cotton briefs. But wearing something in a smooth slick fabric will also signal to male peers (say in the locker room of a gym) that you are aware of all of this, and probably, well… The issue of course is that other males probably know why you are doing what you are doing and are, at minimum, at least amused by what they think might be happening.

That hasn’t stopped the underwear manufacturers from coming up with lots of designs aimed at attracting buyers who want to engage in this type of behavior alone or with a partner. Options are everywhere. Further as guys enter adulthood, chances are they have accumulated a bunch on items they find useful in pleasuring themselves. Younger guys keep some of this stuff hidden in the back of a dresser drawer. College roommates face additional issues in this regard, especially roommates who somehow think they need to convince each other that they never masturbate.

The list of items guys like to jack off in include not only pieces snug-fitting underwear of various sorts and swimming briefs but also other items such as athletic supporters, wrestling singlets, compression gear etc. Each guy has a separate list of things he likes and each guy thinks at some level there must be something “wrong’ with him for pursuing this stuff.

Still, what guy would NOT like to secretly have a snug fitting swim brief in his dresser drawer just simply to jerk off in periodically? What possible “harm” can there be to that?

To be continued…
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