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Old 07-10-2019, 12:54 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part VII

Part VII

In this part, I am going to discuss some ideas that most guys are very reluctant to admit to or openly discuss with anyone—and that list includes parents, siblings, male friends, female friends or literally anyone. What I am about to say applies not only in the post-puberty teen years but also may represent closely-guarded “secrets” that continue to apply to guys in relationships, married or not, and even throughout a guy’s adulthood. What could be so important to a guy that it is necessary to keep as such a closely-guarded secret, anyway?

Well, the answer to that question of course is anything that has to do with solo sex, more commonly known as masturbation. I have thought about this a lot and also about how this applies to those in a sexual relationship with another person or not. As many of my readers know, another aspect of this involves situations where two males, are, say roommates in a college dormitory, and exactly what happens there.

As a young guy growing up, a guy quickly learns that anything involving jerking off needs to be done privately and without attracting the attention of anyone else who might be in a position to learn something even inadvertently about what a guy is doing. Of course, a guy also quickly learns that pulling this off without leaving any post-ejaculatory traces to be uncovered is all but impossible to do. At minimum, there are those starchy yellowish stains that show up on whatever a guy wears to bed at night, on the sheets, or worse. Whoever does the laundry, say your older sister or even mom, is going to see something that suggests that the guy must have gotten off.

Then there is the problem of nocturnal emissions, or so called wet dreams, which end up probably leaving a trail of crusty stains in the morning. Is it better to act as if these stains occurred while the guy was completely asleep and not awake and helping the process along a little? In short, can some “remnants” of ejaculating be more easily rationalized or explained away? And who really cares if the event was a true nocturnal emission while asleep or something the guy may have encouraged in some manner. This is no small problem for a teen male, who probably is confronting all of this on a daily (or nightly) basis and each “event” may require a new approach for dealing with the post-ejaculatory consequences.

Then guys also quickly learn that if night time jerking off is fun, doing the same during the day can easily be more fun. But then there are additional problems relating to privacy and being discovered as well as covering your tracks. Male shower masturbation is the choice for a lot of guys because (1) a shower is usually private and (2) the post-ejaculatory “evidence” gets washed down the shower drain.

Still, this is not a perfect solution either, and most guys come up with alternative methods as well.

To be continued…
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