Thread: After Practice
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Old 04-10-2019, 02:10 PM
lapswimmer lapswimmer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Austin Texas
Posts: 390

We headed off to Saturday morning practice as usual and the team worked hard. After a good two hour workout, the swimmers emerged from the pool and headed past Katy and me towards the locker rooms. Janet and Sally stopped and said, "Hey Coach, are you and Coach Katy going to join us at North Beach this afternoon? It's going to be a full moon tonight and we will have a bonfire. Most of our group will be there." Jim approached and stopped and offered, "Yea, we guys were talking and we would really like to have you guys there." I looked at Katy who returned an approving nod and I said, " Sure, why not, we have not been to North Beach in some time." As Sally and Janet turned to head to the locker room, she remarked, "Ohh!, remember to wear your cute little thongs. We will be!!!" And off the went giggling.

After we got home we took care of the usual Saturday morning chores and began packing for the beach. Katy grabbed the new thongs she had just bought and said, "Here you go Matt, let's wear these today and get some sun time in!" I slipped mine on and as the rear strap pulled up between my cheeks, the thought of Sally and her friends pawing and stroking me in my dream. I packed my goods in a neat penis down position to merge it with my balls and produce a nice round bulge and not draw attention to the separate parts. Slipping on shorts ant T-top we loaded the car and headed out for the beach.

As we pulled out on the highway south, I asked Katy to pinch me to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She laughed, pinched my arm, and said, " Why do you think you're dreaming, Matt. That's silly! Why do you think that?" I said, "Well, here we are headed to a topless beach to meet up with several kids on the swim team, wearing thongs and likely the girls will be topless. It just doesn't seem right. Katy placed her hand on my arm and said, "Matt, in Denmark we have plenty of young teen age girls going topless and guys wearing thongs, and nobody even blinks an eye. I think Scandinavians are more comfortable with their bodies and accept nudity better than Americans do. You are just a bit old fashioned in your thinking, but that is one reason I love you so much." With that, she reached up and kissed me on the cheek as we sped on down to our rendezvous with the "thong club".

After we paid our admission to the beach we drove slowly down the packed sand. About a half mile down the beach Katy spotted John and Adrianna's SUV and immediately opposite near the water was a group of kids we could see was our swimmers. We pulled in next to the SUV and shut down the engine. As we were getting out of the car, we looked up and several of the swimmers were trotting over to greet us. Sally and Janet with Suzie and Jane led the pack, with only thong bottoms on but all girls smiling and hollering at us. Jim, her brother, with a couple of his buddies were right behind them all sporting skimpy Asian cut thongs. I had to admit to myself these boys did look good in their suits. The gang surrounded me and Katy, all maneuvering to get an arm around our waist and escort us to the camp site. Arriving under a tent, Sally said, "Mom and Dad will be back soon, they went for more ice and drinks. You guys get rid of those shorts and join us for some volleyball." Katy responded by pulling off her T-top, baring her breast for the world to see. The guys did a second take briefly, but did not want to seem rude, so as Katy pulled off her shorts, and put them in her beach bag, Jim and Rudy took her by each hand and hauled her off to the volley ball net.

Sally and Janet stood by as I dropped my shorts reveling my suit. The girl's glance was obvious and for a moment they seemed to just stare a minute as I put my street clothes in my bag. Like the boys, Sally and Janet grabbed my hands and said, "Come on Coach, lets go kick some butt! These guys are easy to beat!" As we mustered at the net, Sally said to Jim, "Okay Jimmy, we will be the Captains and we choose our team. You go first!" Jim said, "I want Coach Katy." Sally hollered out, "We get Coach Matt!" And so it went with the teams defining themselves with both guys and gals opposing each other.

Since Jimmy had the first call, Sally's team got to serve first. The kids were quite aggressive in play. Leaping for the ball sometimes crashing into the sand, they would get up, sand clinging to their sweaty skin, and resume play like nothing happened. Whenever a team member made a score, the other team members would slap them on the bare butt and high five the teammate. I got a swap several times myself. between sets we would head out to the water and let the gentle breakers wash away the sand and sweat.

We played hard for about 30 minutes when we saw John and Adrianna drive up with another mom and dad in their SUV. We were getting pretty thirsty by now so we all headed for the tent and a cool beverage. John and Adrianna greeted me and Katy. Janet's parents, Joe and Lydia, were with them and we all greeted one another.After setting down the coolers filled to the brim, Adrianna and Lydia stripped down to only thong bottoms, while John and Joe were taking more time to undress as they were consumed in conversation.For a woman of forty, Lydia had a body of a mid-20's woman, and she knew it. As she walked by Katy and me, she looked at us and said, "You guys look really cute in your matching suits. Where did you get them? I think Joe would look good in one." Katy peeled off with her as they stroled down the beach and all I heard as they departed was a remark from Katy on how how good Lydia looked after having two kids. Bolstering her ego, they sauntered away, the waves lapping at their feet.

Joe came over with John to join me and handed me a beer. "Hope you like this brand, Matt? We have a couple others if you like. Glad you could join us today. Is this your first time with our group?" I said Katy and I had been to John's place for a pool party. I also mentioned we had been to North Beach but only Katy and me. Joe and John were in their suits, black, thongs with narrow sides. My blue thong sort of stood out, but that was Katy's doing, and I liked it. The kids had spread out but stayed together and had laid out towels to sun on. They were applying lotion to each other, some guys to guys and guys to girls. And the girls let the boys apply the lotion to their breast without any resistance. I watched one girl rubbing lotion on a guy and you could tell by the look in their eyes, there was more going on there. He wore a low front suit and she delighted in wiping her hand close to the top of the suit and slowed as she passed his bulging thong, then up to his chest. It seemed in looking around at these obvious displays of affection of perhaps just plain horniness, the parents overlooked it all and enjoyed the conversation at hand and cool drink to boot.
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