Thread: After Practice
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Old 04-01-2019, 10:24 PM
lapswimmer lapswimmer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Austin Texas
Posts: 390

The sun woke us around 8:00 AM and we mustered ourselves with coffee and a quick bacon and eggs breakfast. Donning our new thongs under shorts and T-tops and packing our car with beach paraphernalia, we headed for North Beach, The kids saw us coming and motioned us to a parking spot near where they had established their encampment. Several of the swimmers greeted us as we debarked the car and offered to help carry stuff from the trunk. Everyone in the group was already stripped to their thong and in the girls cases, were mostly topless. By Katy's and my estimate, the group looked to be sixteen and older with Jimmy as the youngest, but certainly not he most bashful.

Katy and I joined some of the custodial parents already lounging under tents or umbrellas and lounge chairs. They too, were down to their thongs and some moms topless. Of course, the ones with tops were so small, only the nipples were hidden. We said our greetings and set up a tent to keep out of the sun for the most part. After we had settled in, popped a longneck, and engaged into conversation with the parents, one of our swimmers, Sally Johnson, strolled over smiling. Sally said she and some of the other girls wanted me to join them in the surf to cool off. Sally was a tall slim blond, with a near perfect swimmer body. Her breast had no tan line and niether did her golden butt cheeks. Katy said for me to go on and join them and she would take in the surf a bit later. So, hand in hand, Sally hauled me off to the giggling girls wading into the surf.

We all waded in until the surf hit us just above the waist and pushed us around as we tried to keep our footing. One more aggressive wave pushed me back and losing my balance fell backwards. I felt two hands grab my butt and push forward. Turning, Sally, who was the savior, said, "Coach, did not mean to grab you, but you looked like you lost your balance and I just acted instinctively. Anyway, you do have a nice ass!" I guess I looked a bit shocked with her remark, and she laughed and continued, "Say Coach, in this group we enjoy each other." I said, "What do you mean, Sally?" She said, "Well, we love each other's bodies and are not afraid to express ourselves." I responded with a Ohhh!!! and started moving towards the beach. Looking around, several of the kids were on towels on the sand. One boy was rubbing sun screen on a girl's belly. He added some to his hand and gently rubbed both her breast to get an even coating. I noticed she lay there quietly, seeming uncaring about his touch and where he was touching her. Sally was right behind me and hollered over the surf, "Hey Coach, that looks like a new suit and it matches Coach Katy. You both look cool." I thanked her and strolled over to Katy who had a towel in hand waiting for me. The parents were so engaged into their on conversation they did not seem to mind their kids just down the beach a few feet using sunscreen to pet each other. One girl was rubbing a boy while he lay on his back, and as she applied the sun screen, her fingers slowed as they crossed near his thong and up the other side of his belly. He was obvious in his boner, and she just stared at his crotch as she applied the lotion. His eyes were closed and I could guess imagining what he would like to be doing that very moment.

Late that afternoon, the kids all took off looking for wood to make a bonfire and the parents and Katy and me, began setting up for a prepping the food everyone brought. The sun was slowly setting and the kids arriving with a pretty decent amount of wood for the fire. Sally came over as I was bring some last minute items from the car and helped me carry things back to our camp area. On the way, she spoke to me rather candidly.
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