Thread: Sauna Surprise
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Old 03-19-2019, 11:51 PM
Papadoop Papadoop is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 118

Today my local swimming pool had a swim club on for a few hours so decided to head to the next town to try their pool and gym with my black speedos packed.
Anyway i have my swim and notice 2 girls walking up to the steam room one girl wasnt much but her mate was curvy, tanned with black hair with a black bikini on her body was like sofia vergaras, boobs and bum was utter perfection its lucky i was in the water because i had a bad stiffy.
Anyway after my swim i head to the sauna and theres a few in there and after 10 mins or so the two girls walk in, straight away im hard again and make room for the tidy girl out of the two as its packed she near sits on my knee and says to me, 'Sorry babe im near squashing you there' i reply, 'dont worry hun you cant move in here tonight' but felt like telling her to get closer and squash me as much as she likes and start chatting to her she tells me shes hungover from last night whilst her mate looks on in disapproval.
Anyway her mate ushers her out to the jacuzzi im still in the sauna about 10 mins later they come back whilst im sat down the tidy girl slips and falls my way i catch her and get her full cleavage near in my face at this point i have to admit i done a sex wee in my speedos whilst her mate said, 'Kerry what are you doing?' Kerry replied to me, 'Sorry chick im not doing this on purpose honest', i replied, 'No worries lovely' and we carry on chatting despite im near dying of heat exhaustion at one point she crossed her legs and waddled her hair which landed on my shoulder which again sent me into sexual overdrive.
Then we are chatting again with me trying to fight a sexual explosion with her mates growling face and her mate suggests going home kerry says shes okay for a bit longer but then she stands up to check the time and her anus is near swallowing her shiny black bikini briefs which she frees with her hand i was dying to say id have done that for you.
Anyway kerry is getting all clammy and decides to leave the sauna to get water but she drops her bottle and bends over to pick it up at this point im just mesmerised as i can see her breakfast full on in my face but make no effort to move with her mate walking out the sauna and prising her away after the shower a bad cock blocker her mate was.
Anyway a few minutes later i nip to the toilets and over hear the two girls talking in the changing rooms
Kerrys mate: that lad in there pure wanted you
Kerry: which one?
Kerrys mate: WHICH ONE? The one who couldnt keep his eyes off your legs and arse and was slobbering all over you!!
Kerry: what one was it?
Kerrys mate: the lad in the black ball stranglers he so wanted to roger you
Kerry: NO WAY REALLY? He was cute him and dead nice if David keeps on being a tit i might let him being do long since ive had a bit hahahaha

David whoever you are you are a lucky bloke i would do her everyway possible the sexy woman she is dont know what your issue is because ive come home afterwards and my penis is in overdrive thinking about her

Last edited by Papadoop : 03-20-2019 at 12:27 AM.
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