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Old 05-19-2018, 03:44 PM
Polyamid986 Polyamid986 is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by Bede735
I was struggling with the heat in Greece last week as some of my polo shirts were too thick. I considered wearing my sleeveless gym top, but in the end backed out, because ... I'd already broken one 'convention' by wearing speedos, and didn't feel confident to break another one. While the vast majority of women under 50 wore sleeveless tops there, hardly any men did.

The modern dress conventions is that men should not expose their upper legs or upper arms. T-shirts down to the elbows and shorts down to the knees is the standard of modesty we should all aspire to.

Struggling in Greece?Where were you staying in Greece then mate? I went to Greece on vacation for 7 years in a row, never felt any kind of pressure for wearing
something there, especially not speedos. There were lots of men who wore them there, everywhere I went to Greece there were bunch of males in them no matter of their age, from teenage guys to older guys. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make a problem if you had apeared in a gym top. Where did you stay there?
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