Thread: Simply Red
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Old 02-07-2018, 03:07 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Default part 7

Part 7
Roland enjoyed the ride from the Settlement along the ridge to the hanging valley lake, the two mountain bikers changed places several times along the way, Roland using power and effort to push the pace while Jason rode efficiently and skilfully. Roland was eager to get there, each time he thought of those red Arena Santamaria swim briefs he'd feel a surge in his loins.
At the lake they again refilled their water bottles and then sped down the gully to the beach below.
Dumping the bikes on the sand Roland pulled out both the brief and his towel from the pack. He wrapped the towel around him to change into the briefs not because he was ashamed to let Jason or anyone else on the beach see him naked, but because he wanted to pull away the towel to reveal the red briefs. After pulling off the cycle shorts and struggling into the snug briefs he pulled his black tee shirt over his head and dropped the towel. Everything went well except that he had a raging errection which he kept inside the briefs by tying the waist cord tightly. Standing forwards of Jason so he couldn't see the front he than ran full pelt across the sand to the sea. Stepping over waves he plunged in and swam out fast, the red swim brief just held tightly to his body, sliding through the water with him as he swam. He swam to chest deep water and just felt the fit of the swim briefs with his hands, they seemed perfect, the low cut revealing just the very top of his ass crack in a teasing manner, his now semi erect manhood snug and supported at the front of the suit. He noticed how the sides of the suit was just an inch briefer than his old black briefs, the red ones just felt and looked so much better in the clear warm water.
Roland looked inshore to see Jason wading and then swimming towards him, he seemed to be wearing a very brief bikini swim suit, they were a grey green at the front, had light blue sides and a flash of pink came from under the front. There was a word printed on the front of the bikini briefs it read Seo something but Roland couldn't make out the rest. Roland thought that Jason looked pretty good in the bikini swim briefs but he preferred his red Arena Santamarias, they were what he had dreamed of, better than what he had dreamed of, and they were making him hard again. Before Jason could reach him Roland turned and swam out deeper into the bay, Jason raced after him but Roland the better swimmer stayed ahead and led him on.
Eventually that came ashore, splashed about in the shallows then ran themselves dry on the beach. Walking back to their bikes they lay down on their towels side by side in the sunshine and relaxed a while before lunch. “I like your bikini briefs.” said Rowland “But I just love these Arena ones, the colour is just what I dreamed of and the fit is just brilliant, thank you so much.”
“Seeing you so happy wearing them made getting them for you worthwhile, it's a pleasure.” said Jason.
They then sat in their swimwear in the sunshine and enjoyed a leisurely lunch together.

After lunch they relaxed in the sun for a while longer then stripped off their swim briefs and put their cycle shorts back on without bothering to cover up with towels. They pushed the bikes off the beach and began to ride back up the gulley to the lake and then homewards to the Settlement. At the Settlement Roland changed back into his black football shorts and Jason put his trackies back on. Roland was beginning to think he needed some better shorts, the football shorts seemed sad compared to his new red Arena briefs and the cycle shorts he's been wearing.
When they returned to Jason's house and were putting the bikes away Roland said “ I think it's time I had my own mountain bike, I've been saving money since I started work (there's nothing to spend it on round here) so I can afford it but I want my own bike and my own kit, what should I do?”
After the bikes were secure Jason led him into the house to his computer. He switched on the computer and opened an internet page from a big cycle dealer in the city. Using filters he found a selection of four entry level, hard-tail, front suspension mountain bikes. Roland asked “What does entry level mean ?” Jason answered that “Entry level bikes are good enough to enter races but not good enough to win, but the bikes built to win races are built so lightly that they don't last long.”
Jason explained that the four bikes were from different decent brands but the quality of build and components was much the same between them. Roland looked at the pictures, one was a deep red, it tugged his heart, it had to be this bike. Jason measured Roland's inside leg then selected the correct size on the screen. “Pay me when it arrives.” he said and clicked the “Basket” button.
Roland also ordered a cycle helmet, red cycle mitts and a matching cycle shorts and jersey set in red with yellow trim, before Jason hit the “Buy” button.
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