Thread: Simply Red
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Old 01-30-2018, 11:30 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Part 2
Mr Grubber lived across the road a few doors away, he was a newcomer to the village and was treated with apparent respect but was disdained by the locals. He'd always had a smile and a wave for Roland as they passed in the street. Mr Grubber rode mountain bikes, they were popular in the state but had not caught on in the village. Kids rode BMX bikes but outgrew them and walked until they were old enough to buy cars. Mr Grubber on a mountain bike was tolerated but only because no one could find anything wrong with it however different it seemed. He tended to wear a colourful cycle top, slim fit tracksuit bottoms, a cycle helmet and fingerless gloves when cycling around the village, nothing shocking that anyone could complain about.
On a couple of occasions Mr Grubber has asked Roland if he'd like to cycle with him, to ride over the hills and away from the village, Roland had always politely refused, it was the “village” thing to do, but today Roland had been on the beach, had swum in his black shorts and was thinking only of pulling on his tight black speedos and the pleasures they'd bring. He was a bit annoyed that Mr Grubber should approach him in the street and draw attention to him, being annoyed and a bit sexually impatient he blurted out “Oh yes, if you really want to!” before he'd realised what he done.
Mr Grubber stepped back in the face of Roland's sudden show of aggression then looked confused as it sunk in that Roland had actually said yes.
“I'll get everything ready” said Mr Grubber “Come around about half nine in the morning”
Rolland had rushed into the house, stripped off his clothes and pulled on his undersized black speedos, they felt and looked so good on him and going through the motions brought him pleasure and he quietly forgot about Mr Grubber.
The next morning Roland was still asleep in bed when his father awoke him knocking on his bedroom door. Roland had slept in his speedos and as he awoke went instantly into cover up mode.
His father told him that Mr Grubber from across the road was at the front door and was expecting Roland to go on a bike ride. Roland still half asleep tried to tell his father that he didn't want to go and to tell Mr Grubber to go away. His father told him it was up to him to tell Mr Grubber to go away as Roland had agreed to go on the bike ride.
Roland had pulled on his black football shorts over his speedos and a white tee shirt and staggered to the front door to face Mr Grubber. The shorts still slightly damp from swimming in the sea the day before clung to his legs and crotch.
Mr Grubber was standing at the front door in his usual cycling clothes, he looked cool and refreshed, still half asleep Roland felt dreadful. “I've come to take you for the bike ride,” said Mr Grubber “You'll feel better once we've got started.” Roland could sense his father standing behind him, it might be best to get out of the house as soon as possible rather than face his father's annoyance,
“I'll get my shoes” said Roland.
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