Thread: two on board
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:21 AM
MicroRon MicroRon is offline
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Posts: 22
Wink Surf Rescue Board Techniques

Thank you for the 'technique' illustration; Here's a snippet from a previous post:

" An unconscious casualty being recovered using a surf ski or board has to be laid flat on the board, face down. You push them on from the side using their arms to hold them on the ski or board then turn them to face front.~ ~ ~ As there is now no room left on the ski or board then the rescuer has to ride on top.~ ~ ~ A logical and legitimate rescue technique."

Now I know this comment is much later than the original post and comments by others, but please permit an older guy to come to the slow realization that the 'rescuer' also has the perfect example of what some would call a 'bubble butt', but... as far as I am concerned... this rescuer could say to me anytime, " I've got your back" !!~~!!
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