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Old 12-18-2017, 11:35 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Now it’s Josh’s turn (But wait!)…(part 2)

This chapter is a direct continuation from the previous post...

Older male brothers may be less of an issue because the guy soon realizes that the older brother probably faced or is still facing the same problem. Older sisters are a complete “wild card” in this respect except that mothers keep teaching their daughters that anything a guy does to his own body without a female actively involved is somehow abnormal and that females should steer clear of any guy where there is reason to suspect that the guy can get off on his own without a female present. Crazy stuff, I know, but this silliness is frequently passed down from mother to daughter through the generations. Moms simply do not want to think about a hypothetical Dylan or Josh who can get off in a snug fitting swim brief and have a powerful orgasm. These guys must have real “problems” for sure, problems that should be avoided in the relationship department at all costs.

The third level of terror and the most difficult of all to deal with of all is what if some of my classmates male of female discover what I am doing, and what if this happens when they accidently see me inside a skimpy swim brief? The terror here occurs on several different levels. The guys are probably the biggest problem, keeping in mind that every guy about the same age is coping with the same set of urges to ejaculate and attempting to find ways to deal with these urges surreptitiously and for the same reasons, it is just that some guys have been more successful—or just plain lucky—in covering their tracks than others, so far at least.

A lot of guys who claim that they are perfectly straight seem to have a propensity to assume that if a guy is discovered masturbating he should immediately be labeled as being a closeted gay boy, and further, they are fine with telling everyone within earshot what they saw and what they concluded upon seeing it. I’ve never quite understood what exactly motivates all of this except to say that some guys seem to think that their own straight sexual orientation will be less in doubt if they publically call out the discovered masturbators in the class and then labeling each of them somehow as gay boys.

Of course, if the guy is discovered jerking of in a swim brief, that pretty much cements the idea that the guy in so doing is clearly gay not straight, or so the apparent reasoning goes. Some peers who claim to be straight seem to take great pride in outing anyone that they think a gay case could be made, and if this involves teasing and bullying about the swim brief—a swimwear style often associated with gay guys—so be it. This is messy and unfortunate stuff for practically any young guy, but especially so young guys caught wearing swim briefs.

So, both Josh and Dylan managed their respective ways through high school and are now college students. Some old left-over issues remain. Think about it. What should a guy do if he inadvertently wanders in on a guy who is in the process of pleasuring himself ? At this age, most guys have probably learned that calling the guy out for being a gay boy doesn’t have the “sting” that it perhaps did in high school, and that most college students are generally more accepting of people who are not necessarily completely straight than seemingly was true in high school. Plus at 19 and staying in a cramped double room with limited privacy, roommates for the most part are going to realize that sometimes guys just need to deal with their urges. The two of them are both 19 not 14.

But, Josh has inadvertently discovered something else about having a male roommate in close quarters. It is, well, interesting to see up close how another guy his age—Dylan—copes with his male urges. Josh did not immediately exit that first day he accidentally walked in on a masturbating Dylan. Even more interestingly, Dylan did not immediately attempt to “hide” what he was doing from Josh, indeed he kept masturbating right there for Josh to see in stark detail.

So here is the most interesting part. Josh almost immediately discovered that watching Dylan play with himself was a turn-on for Josh. And Dylan almost immediately discovers that having Josh there watching him does not shut things down, but instead makes it even more fun. Same deal as when Dylan was trying on the suits with Josh there watching every step in the process.

OK so Josh was turned on just by looking at the three suits he got in the order. At some point, Josh thought what Dylan was doing was a little goofy , but he sort of played along. However, as Josh watched Dylan in various stages of delicious agony trying on suits that kept getting smaller and smaller, Josh has been getting more and more aroused himself. The pre cumming for Josh that started as he was merely examining the suits has all but stopped now, but Josh is still feeing increasing tension in the groin area. And, Josh now knows that he is getting semi-erect even without actually trying on even the first suit in the pile. Josh has quickly moved from feeling somewhat horny to feeling really horny and he has not as yet even stripped. The suits now pose a special challenge for Josh as well. Josh realized that Dylan thought he was the more experienced of the two in confronting this challenge, but by getting only about half-ways through the pile has meant that Dylan still has his own barriers to cope with. And Josh knows that Dylan will be watching every step Josh makes, just as Josh did for Dylan. Dylan is curious about how Josh copes too.

What this all means for both Dylan’s and Josh’s sexual orientation is unclear at this point, but maybe that is not the real point of all of this at all. Just two guys having goofy fun with their own bodies in a special way—there is no harm in that. Josh will have to be pleased if this all works half as well for Josh as it already did for Dylan.

So, now Josh can start to try on the suits.

More to come, so to speak…

Last edited by sebbie : 12-18-2017 at 12:46 PM.
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