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Old 12-02-2017, 07:21 PM
Chris997 Chris997 is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 32
Default Real guys wear.....

Lack of confidence is a deal breaker for many guys as they get older, as I'm a avid swimmer on a daily basis and I employ people I see a number of younger guys on the shop floor and can see they were active in some form of sport, they all know I swim and when I put it across to them to go swim they all reply in weird ways, nah I used in school and so on, turns out as they noticed they were starting to bulge out down there they got embarrassed and left the crazy is that and so can only deduce from this is that they like to compare with each other which I think is fine but must not be a deciding factor in leaving a sport because of it
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