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Old 10-16-2017, 12:33 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Campsites in Brittany and South West France with their own swimming pools seem to go through the following process. New campers arrive in long shorts, if the sun is shining the next morning they appear in shorter shorts, the first couple of times they go to the pool they carry square-cuts or speedos with them and get changed at the pool (shorts are banned in the pool). Then they wear their swimsuits under their shorts and strip off at the pool. Eventually they will walk from their pitches in sandals and swimsuits with a towel over their shoulders or around the waist. Once they reach this point on returning to their tents they will slip on a tee shirt but remain in their speedos or square-cuts. Since the campsite shop is conveniently placed on the way to the pool swimsuit clad campers will buy their lunch or dinner on the way back to their tents.
If the good weather continues everyone around the campsite will be in short shorts or swimwear. If it rains or gets cold everyone will be in long shorts and heavy clothing while the campervans are queuing at the exit searching for the sun.
The same occurs to campsites with beach access, the longer the sun shines the less people will wear around the campsite. On the beach once the percentage of speedos and square-cuts reaches certain unwritten levels, men will start to wear 1" bikinis and thongs.
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