Thread: What to wear?
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Old 03-16-2017, 01:44 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default It's TIGHT in here..!!

I recall very clearly, as a little child, saying that phrase over and over again. I was staring at a picture of a guy wearing some tight fitting clothing. This was back in the 1950s, and I had to have been only four or five years old. This happened WAY before puberty set in. Heck, at that age I was basically clueless about sex or even sexual feelings in any form. I am trying to recall exactly what I was seeing that got me going at that early age. I know it was a picture in a magazine of some sort, a picture of a guy. I know he was wearing a tight-fitting suit of some sort, a rubbery-looking suit that fitted him very snug to the body. I know that for some odd reason I was deeply fascinated looking at his groin area. I didn’t understand at all what was going on in my brain at that point, let alone his. But deep down, I somehow sensed that there was something interesting happening to the guy in the picture. Interesting enough so that it was doing something to my own brain and body.

I did not quite understand any of this, or why the picture of the guy wearing the rubbery-looking really snug-fitting suit was affecting me the way it seemed to be. This for me at that age was really a combination of mystery and wonder. What was there about this situation that made me so excited anyway? I remember my parents hearing me say over and over “It’s tight in here!” They must have thought that I had gone off my rocker, temporarily at least.

Thus began a quest to find clothing items, each one fitting snugger and tighter. Even the search itself, was, of course, well, interesting. Just the thought of being able to go to the stores and look for the right items, something that fit snugger and tighter than anything I had already owned, was somehow arousing. As I got a little older, I would feel a tell-tale damp spot forming on the tip of my penis just by thinking about the possibility of being able to go off on a search focusing on finding something that fit snugger and tighter. Swim briefs were the ultimate in my mind at that time. Longer spandex shorts and so on had not been invented yet. And, of course, the goods were in physical stores, not on line.

As I grew a little older, into puberty and just beyond, bigger and even more interesting things began to happen, body and mind. I started to wonder more and more about the question of whether or not the other guys my age were facing the same problem or dilemma I was facing. Were their experiences similar to mine around snug-fitting clothing, or somehow different? Was there something “wrong” with me, psychologically because I had this “thing” for tight fitting clothing that seemed to be driving me bananas, or was this all “normal” for a guy my age? This was a fascinating question, I always thought, but not one I could easily talk about to anyone and certainly not to any guys my age at school.

So I started reading books, lots of books. I dug into encyclopedias, read encyclopedia articles dealing with human sex and sexuality. I learned a lot of interesting stuff in the process and became an expert on a lot of stuff that my parents did not know I was reading, but nothing that addressed by basic question which was of course, the question of whether or not it was normal for me to simply be so fascinated with wearing snug-fitting clothing, but particularly snug-fitting swim briefs. Why was I so fascinated with all of this? Why did I want more than anything to masturbate to ejaculation wearing as tight and snug-fitting swim brief? Why was this all affecting me so profoundly, anyway? Whenever I pulled on clothing over my groin that fit really tight, I suddenly experienced pleasure almost beyond belief.

The books that dealt with sexual psychology really were of little help at all. They often included chapters on fetishes, and at some level hinted that if I was hung up on something like a little swim brief, and interested in masturbating while wearing it, then I suffered from something that could be considered abnormal called a fetish, which is a sexual attraction not to another person, but to an inanimate object. But that information was really of no help at all. Both sexes are constantly buying clothing designed to look attractive to a potential sexual partner, most often a partner of the opposite sex. What happens if in putting on these clothing items, the person gets aroused himself? It’s OK for the person to get aroused but only if he is thinking “pure thoughts” about having sex with the partner not about how snug and tight the particular clothing item fits? How strange!

I finally concluded that most guys in their early post-pubescent years likely have a part of their personalities that wonders how it would feel to wear clothing that fits extra snug and tight in the groin area. This is all quite normal and natural. The problem is, there are many barriers for young guys in pursuing that. Normally, guys that age are not shopping for clothing on their own. They need their parents to pay for what they are buying, and need their parent’s approval in order to accomplish this. For a guy too explain to dad what is really going on in his head at that point would take great courage and candor, both in short supply at that age. And dad probably would not understand anyway, or worse, misinterpret what was being said. Dad never had these feelings and sensations and longings when he was a young teen or did he?

Worse, parents seem to be fixated on big and loose-fitting, not snug and tight. The guy is going to grow like a weed that age, so everything in the clothing department is purchased at least two sizes too big, because he will grow into it and the item will last for a longer period of time that way. One o the swim team Web sites admonishes parents to definitely not think about buying swim briefs two sizes to big using the “he will grow into those in a year or two” line of reasoning, but parents are seldom challenged on that point.

Many of these questions and issues still frustrate me. Then along came the Internet. Porn sites now include entire sections devoted to videos showing in excruciating detail guys masturbating to ejaculation wearing snug-fitting swim briefs. Maybe my “hang up” is not nearly as rare as I thought. Who watches these anyway? Women? Guys? The subset of guys who label themselves gay? Or is there a broad interest in seeing other guys enjoying themselves that crosses over gender and sexual orientation? An interesting question for sure.

Then there are the Internet retailing sites. One reason you see so few swim briefs being sold in physical stores any more is because guys often are apprehensive and nervous about being seen in public doing so. The on-line retailers provide the needed privacy plus a range of snug-and-tight briefs that go way beyond the more modest briefs that a physical store would carry in the snug-and-tight department. And all of this can be purchased in complete privacy. With on-line retailing, it’s easy to build a collection of physically arousing gear of various sorts, without anyone else knowing.

Then we circle back to Dylan, currently sitting in a college lecture wearing a little Desmiit® swim brief under a snug-fitting pair of skinny jeans. Dylan has a whole collection of interesting snug-fitting stuff he has bought that he is thinking about right back in his dorm room. He feels quite horny, just sitting there is class, trying to listen to the lecture while thinking about this. But horny in a good not problematic sort of way. He knows he is not erect enough to be at the point of uncontrollably shooting while at his classroom desk during the lecture. That did actually happen to him once or twice in high school, but we won’t go into that here. Dylan is gradually learning that is possible for a guy his age to stay in a way-pleasant, horny, aroused state for long periods of time, an hour or more, and enjoying this immensely even without getting off. Dylan thinks that newfound knowledge is, well, way interesting.

Dylan also can’t help but thinking about his roommate Josh, and in particular that episode a little while ago where Josh got to observe Dylan masturbating through ejaculation while wearing that little thong. Dylan thought that Josh would be upset or angered by what Dylan had done, and maybe even start to tease or bully him. But Josh was none of this. In fact, Josh, while seeming a bit surprised by what was happening, seemed also to be, dare we say, interested if not a bit turned on by what he had casually got to observe. What is with Josh, anyway? Does Josh actually admire Dylan’s garb and is thinking that he would like to try wearing some similar stuff? A good question to ponder for sure!

Dylan thinks to himself “It’s TIGHT in here..!!!

To be continued…
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