Thread: Old Green Bike
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Old 03-12-2017, 02:06 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Maine USA
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Default 10: Doing the Dishes

The old green Raleigh had a new lease on life. Just as had been so many years before, a young male rider was pressing hard on the pedal strokes as the steel frame racer bounded over the moderately rough asphalt country roads. The antiquated old seat featured no anatomical correctness, crushing Allen's balls as he rode. He did not care, the wind rushing past as he flew down a big hill, rounding a curve and picking up the Aroostook River to his left, Allen was having fun. "So awesome" he said loudly to no one.

Roads up in this part of Maine are very lightly traveled. Moose, potholes, and bark fallen from logging trucks are the biggest danger. And Rocks. For the most part, Allen was alone, the occasional passing vehicle was generally someone he knew. Allen struggled with what to wear, he did not own any cycling gear. He finally settled on an old swim team suit, a Speedo, with a blue and green print. For a shirt, he wore a Lycra blend compression shirt from Walmart that matched the green in the suit. His long bare legs pedaling made him look almost naked on the bike. He had on an old cycling helmet that fit badly and a bottle of Gatorade in the holder. He stuffed a $5 bill in the waist of his Speedo, just in case.

Mapleton’s rolling hills evaporated into a flat winding ride along the river toward Washburn. On Allen's left, the river. To his right, row upon row of potato crop. A car full of cute girls slowly rode past, enamored with the cute guy riding his bike in a Speedo. "Looking hot," one of them yelled out as they came past. "He was cute," she announced to the three other girls in the car. They pulled over up ahead, wanting to get another look, Allen came riding by. He paid them little interest as they hooted and hollered, yelling very suggestive comments.

He continued his ride, his Speedo soaking up the sweat of his efforts. The girls passed again, a few more yells and another round of cell phone photos of the Speedo bike rider. They would turn off down the road, Allen several minutes behind them. Allen was in total joy, as the bike and its rider made their way along the long country road. Ahead the bridge over the river would mark the left turn to Washburn. The bridge a popular hangout. Allen knew the spot well.

Allen stopped on the bridge over the river, watching a group of teenagers floating on inner tubes, all the guys in print board shorts and the girls in barely their bikinis. The four girls from the car had joined the group, each having shimmied out of their jean shorts and tops to reveal similar skimpy suits, enticing the boys. They saw Allen watching and tried to wave him down to the river. Instead after five minutes, Allen continued his ride. He was twelve miles out from the farm, hoping to do thirty.

The fully loaded logging truck came up fast on Allen's back left, moving far faster than the posted speed limit. 53 feet of fresh cut, fully loaded pine logs. The driver barely budged left. "Asshole," Allen yelled as the wind wash buffeted the old green bike. Allen swayed right, regained control. "What a f..knead," Allen said to no one. The truck went on, unaware of the totally deserved hand gesture being held high by the Speedo clad cyclist.

Allen never saw the rock, but the hit threw his front wheel off course, rocketing the bike out to the left. His hand gesture quickly grabbed the wheel as he nearly lost all control of the bike. He over corrected right, dancing with the shoulder, before he regained control. His heart raced, he wanted to piss himself. It was then that he realized all was not good. The rock shredded his front tire, flat. The wheel frame grinding on the asphalt. He brought the old green bike to a stop, fifteen miles into his ride.

"Damn it!" Allen exclaimed as he stood straddling the frame of the bike, his crotch touching the crossbar. "Totally screwed," he added. He looked down at himself standing over the broken bike wearing nothing more than a Speedo, wet clingy shirt. He had no phone and a long walk home. Suddenly, Allen felt very naked. Making matters worse, as the blood started flowing back into Allen's anatomy, finally free of the crush of the hard seat, he started getting an erection, his suit bulging as the sensation returned to his groin.

Off the bike, Allen kneeled to inspect the tire. He rubbed his tingling boner with his left hand. "This just sucks," Allen said loudly, angrily. The tire was shredded with a long gash, the inner tube similarly mangled. "Looks like I am walking," Allen said to himself. He stood back up, contemplating whether to leave the bike hidden so he could run, or take it with him. He was sure he could not run the whole way, but maybe he could run for a while, then walk. Hand on his hips, he looked irresistibly cute as he went through the thought process. His tight suit and tight Lycra blend shirt made him look muscular and very sexy.

Just as he was about to hide the bike behind a row of trees, a voice called out. Allen turned and could not believe what was before his eyes. “Everything okay?” came the next question.


"I am going to ride into town," Lizzie's mom said as she brought out a tray of sandwiches. She was impressed when Jake got up and ran over to help her carry the tray out to the dock. "Thank you, Jake, that was sweet
," mom said. He was truly making an impression on her.

"These look great," Jake replied. "Thank you for doing this."

"Is it okay if we take the pontoon boat out," Lizzie asked. Lizzie was well versed in driving the boat.

"Just be careful and make sure you got life jackets," mom replied. She headed back in. "Have fun, kids."

Jake and Lizzie finished lunch as they heard the car make its way down the gravel lane that led to the secluded Summer lake house. Lizzie sat intentionally close to Jake, their legs touching. Jake wore swim briefs all the time, but never before alone with a cute girl. He was caught between nervous and enamored. He was also feeling more aroused as time passed. "I think I am going to change swimsuits," Lizzie said as they ate the last bites. She got up and left the table. Jake watched her sensuous body from behind as she headed to the house.

Lizzie tried on three different suits before settling on a rose print string bikini with matching top. She felt the tingles of her own arousal. That part of her was warm and wet with desire. Like Jake, Lizzie was a virgin, and as much as her body told her she wanted him, she had no plans to give in, not to herself. Tease him, certainly. Maybe more.

Jake had just finished cleaning up the dishes when Lizzie came down from the loft. "He is so cute," she thought as she saw him being domestic while wearing the colorful, skimpy swimsuit. As Jake folded the towel and cleaned the sink Lizzie snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, just above the low hung band of his swimsuit. "You are precious," she whispered in Jake's ear, followed by a soft kiss on his neck. As good as Jake was at self-control, the touch of Lizzie's soft hands along his waist, the soft kiss, caused a most natural reaction. Jake became immediately and intensely erect, the upper point of his up placed anatomy touching against Lizzie's hand. Even more surprising, Jake didn't mind, he enjoyed the feeling of his sexual excitement, precariously concealed in the tight colorful swimsuit.

Jake turned to face her and they embraced, his bulging erection rubbing against her. They had the lake to themselves. Lizzie felt Jake against her. "Somebody is turned on," she whispered.

"I can't help it, you are just too cute,". Jake whispered back before they kissed again. "Really cute swimsuit," Jake added. He loved the feel of her soft, warm skin as they embraced. Jake and Lizzie gently rocked, both getting turned on. Jake slipped apart just before reaching the point of no return. A little wetness seeped from him, forming a wet spot, well hidden by the colorful print. Lizzie took in the massive bulging display of male attraction as she took Jake's hand.

"I love that you are attracted to me,". She said as they headed out the French doors toward the water. Jake's arousal remained very firm and very much on full display. Jake was having fun. He never thought he would enjoy a swimsuit erection, but he was confident and feeling very erotic.
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