Thread: What to wear?
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:45 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan and his funky skinny jeans

I know a lot of readers have been very much focusing on the situation Dylan got himself into when he chose to wear that little Desmiit Thong to the classroom and the lecture this morning, and more generally, how the various items in the Amazon order were each playing a role in getting Dylan feeling horny. That is fine with me and I would not discourage either Dylan nor my readers from having some fun just thinking about all the various items, the little thong, the skimpy little swim brief, the Tesla compression tee and jammer-style shorts in that neon yellow-green color, the forest green wrestling singlet, and, of course, not to forget that wonderfully snug-fitting strap and cup. This collection of items makes a very good “shopping list” for any guy who gets turned on by being contained within snug-fitting clothing or is curious about that entire idea.

Now I fully realize that not every guy out there is going to experience the “reaction” to these items that Dylan appears to be experiencing. Maybe there are some guys out there who could wear any of these items without experiencing any physical (psychosexual) reaction at all to any of them. What makes all of this even more interesting is that each guy in terms of his response to all of this might be as unique as his own fingerprint. Some guys might find the whole idea of getting aroused simply by wearing various items of clothing to be silly or perhaps even distasteful.

Then too, some guys might find the whole idea of getting aroused just wearing a clothing item from this list as being something of a fetish, which would be just a variation on being a transvestite, which of course who are the males that get sexually aroused by wearing specific items of women’s clothing. To be sure, thong underwear is far more commonly worn by women than men, and this might be tied into some of the hesitation many males have toward the whole idea of wearing a thong designed for a male body. These guys might think that if they are going to wear something that skimpy, they might as well just “go commando.”

At least the items we are talking about are intended to be worn by males. Even the little thong is cut quite differently than a thong for females to accommodate the larger male anatomy. Whether or not the guy gets turned on when he wears them is a different issue, entirely. It used to be that the sexual psychologists claimed that any attraction a person had to an inanimate object such as an item of clothing was a fetish and any fetish was a form of abnormal sexual behavior that somehow needed to be stopped or corrected. Indeed, up until the early 1970s, the main body of psychologists claimed that the only non-abnormal way for a guy to get aroused had to be centered on having sex with a female partner. Being gay and any form of gay sex was certainly abnormal sexual behavior as was any sexual attraction to an inanimate object.

Heck, at least into the 1960s, psychologists and medical doctors even felt that any form of solo sex such as masturbation should be strongly discouraged. I reached puberty in the mid 1950s. I do not recall a lot of the details around something that happened to me shortly thereafter, but I do recall that at some point I was in a doctor’s office. I think I described to him in detail what I had done or been doing. If I recall correctly, the doctor’s response was “That’s OK and you are a normal boy your age, but I would certainly discourage you from doing that insofar as you can!”

OK, knowing me, I probably surprised the doctor at least a little by outlining in somewhat graphic detail what I had been doing. But I still recall walking out of the office thinking that the doctor’s response was really strange and unhelpful. If I wasn’t damaging my body, and I was completely normal boy my age, then exactly what was wrong with what I was doing and why should I stop? I am still wondering about the same thing.

But Dylan is not living in 1955 but in 2016. Sex with either a same-sex or an opposite-sex partner is now considered to be entirely normal. Oddly enough, masturbation, especially doing it too much, whatever that amount is, is still considered to be at least a little abnormal. The guys who masturbate a lot are, at minimum, social outcasts who lack the interpersonal skills necessary to have real partner sex, whether gay or straight. Then to, there is the purported link between a guy being discovered masturbating by a male peer who is then teased or bullied, called a jerk-off or a queer by his male peers (who are all also engaging in regular masturbation as well, but haven’t been caught by their peers, as of yet.)

All of this is suddenly really complicated. The only way the guy can survive with his peers on the subject of sex is to claim that he is only ever aroused by a female of about the same age. But bragging about this behavior creates a host of issues too not only for guys, but the females who are the objects of all the male attention.

For 19-year-old Dylan, the rules that applied in high school have broken down, if only a little. For starters, Bill and Joe seem comfortable admitting to each other that they can get turned on rather easily by wearing various snug-fitting clothing items. So too with the rowing team members Tony and Donovan, who seem to have something more complex going on than only being teammates on a college rowing team. Exactly what is going on with or between Tony and Donovan is not completely clear.

For Dylan, his biggest unanswered question is something about Bill and Joe. While it is completely clear to Dylan that both Bill and Joe are easily aroused just by wearing their snug-fitting clothing, and certainly Dylan is not the only guy out there who does this. The far more interesting question for Dylan is the question of whether Bill gets aroused just watching Joe getting into his own snug-fitting clothing, and the same for Joe’s response when he watches Bill do the exact same thing. Are all the guys who have such an arousal response somehow gay or bisexual, or would this be common for most guys whether they claim to be straight or gay?

If Dylan can find the answer to this question, he might also be able to better understand Josh’s reactions to what Dylan has been doing, and how much of this Dylan might dare to share with Josh. Dylan knows that Josh did not react at all like Dylan might have expected when Josh wandered in on Dylan trying on some of Dylan’s new gear. Dare Dylan take this all a step farther or not? Josh has already indicated that he might want to obtain some items of his own.

Oh, I was going to say something about Dylan’s funky jeans. All of my readers know that Dylan has liked snug-fitting clothing from even before puberty. The really snug-fitting jeans are interesting especially when worn in combination with some of the other items, they can create some interesting, even erotic sensations. Up until a few years back, men’s skinny jeans fit less snug that women’s jeans did. This was in large measure due to the fact that the Denim used in women’s jeans contained 2-percent stretchy Spandex, so the denim had a bit of stretch. At first, the jeans manufacturers did not know how men would react to denim containing Spandex. But one-by-one the manufacturers discovered that men like a bit of stretch in the denim, too, and started introducing Skinny jeans with a bet of stretch. This meant that men’s jeans could be as slim and as tight as the designers wanted to be, too. With that, the sloppy, oversized jeans were suddenly out of style, and the so-called Asian style, as in really skin-tight jeans, became increasingly popular for men. Nowadays men can even buy formal black suits with a Skinny, athletic look.

Dylan has surely figured all of this out. Dylan has one pair of jeans that fit him really skinny and tight. They are made of denim laced with Spandex ® fibers. That is the pair he wore to class today, over the little thong. And the jeans are part of the reason Dylan is feeling so horny. To be sure, Dylan pretty much knew all of this was going to happen and he went ahead anyway.

In Dylan’s mind, the ideal pair of skinny jeans
1. Fits really snug in the lower leg, with barely enough room to contain his calf muscles.
2. Fits like a second skin over Dylan’s thighs
3. Fits very snug in the butt and through the entire groin area
4. The waist of the Spandex ®-laced denim stretches, so Dylan can and does wear a 29-inch waist in his ultra-skinny jeans instead of his usual 31 without any undue problems
This describes well the jeans Dylan wore to class today.

So, the class is (finally) over. Dylan is still feeling horny as all get out, and his urge to ejaculate is getting more and more powerful. Dylan is headed back to his dorm room, fully knowing that the first thing he needs to do is deal with his now all but overwhelming need to get off. But what if Josh is there? What if Josh should wander in at a most inopportune moment? Dylan clearly can’t hold off for much longing. All morning has been a struggle, a struggle that Dylan knew he would ultimately “lose” (or perhaps win, depending on your perspective on all of this).

At the same time, Dylan has been enjoying himself immensely. His body is capable of making him feel great in ways he had never dreamed of before. I am not the least bit sorry for the situation he is in. At some level Dylan knows that as well. Dylan still has all the questions as outlined in this chapter, but that certainly is not the entire story. There is more, far more to the story than that!

To be continued…
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