Thread: What to wear?
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Old 10-31-2016, 02:45 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan ponders the situation

Dylan is thinking about all sorts of weighty stuff related to exactly what it means to be an adult male. Taking on a serious relationship with partner sex has many issues for any guy of any age, but particularly has a lot of down-sides for a 19-year old college freshman. But what is a guy like Dylan supposed to do? Practical solutions are few and far between to the problem of male hormones circulating and intentional and unintentional erections occurring, sometimes seemingly almost relentlessly, not only at night (aka wet dreams) but often during the day as well.

Males learn at a very early age that penises greatly enjoy being contained within a confined space, and oftentimes the snugger, the better. It is only somewhat later in life that it probably occurs to them that this is largely because the female vagina is the ultimate confined space for a male penis to be confined in, at least for straight guys. Dylan, at age 19, fully realizes all of this. It’s a basic biological issue not only for all humans, but for virtually all mammals in general. A driving force of nature focused on continuing the species. If a male of any species has any interest in sex at all, its all about getting the penis into a snug-fitting contained space. Dylan realizes that this is not only his problem or issue, but that each 19-year old college freshman is attempting to navigate while dealing with this erotic desire in his own way. Dylan also fully realizes that some of the guys have worked out paths that seem to be more successful in the short term than others, while others just seem to be just muddling along in trying to deal with their thoughts and feelings. The world for 19-year old college freshmen is pretty weird in this regard.

Any post-pubescent teen has, of necessity, developed a plan for dealing with these new-found sensations and feelings, a plan that typically involves solo sex (aka masturbation) on a regular basis. Guys quickly learn that this is something they should not be done in the view of family members, let alone, male peers, and in order to do this, at least during waking hours, requires a degree of privacy. Getting the necessary privacy for any significant length of time can be very difficult. What if a family member should wander in while you are “doing it”? This would be very embarrassing and difficult for a teen male. Young teen guys quickly learn how to move from an initial arousal state to ejaculation in a short period of time in order to limit the possibility of being “discovered”.

But being a college freshman in a not-very-roomy double room with another 19-year old male presents an all-new set of issues for Dylan. A 19-year old guy’s masturbation scheme is usually as closely guarded as any piece of personal information can be guarded. But now Dylan is dealing almost constantly with Josh, a good guy, but in the room a lot of time. How does Josh deal with the same issues as those affecting Dylan? Some college males seem to think that their roommates will be much more socially and sexually active with females and have male-female partner sex on weekend “dates that typically occur on Friday and Saturday nights. Then, presumably, the roommate can somehow make it through another week without masturbating. Dylan knows this is a foolish assumption on all sorts of levels. A 19-year old guy is a whole lot hornier than that and needs to “relieve himself” on a much more frequent basis than once every weekend, but, under the circumstances, how and when?

Dylan has learned a lot from Bill and Joe relating specifically to the entire issue of how the right pieces of clothing can make solo sex a lot more fun than plain old masturbation. As Dylan sits in his lecture wearing his male thong and skinny jeans, he is experiencing some of this first hand. Let’s assume that Dylan makes it through the lecture without ejaculating, however tough that might be. His situation sitting in the classroom is quite interesting. Remember that young teens lean to go from initial arousal to ejaculation quickly was a learned skill. But now Dylan is into a situation where he is way horny, and he is trying as best he can to keep everything under control.

Of course, Dylan remembers two incidents in high school where a male classmate was aroused and erect and wasn’t able to contain his ejaculation. Those guys suffered from a lot of post-ejaculation teasing and, indeed, bullying afterword, both being labeled as jerk-offs and worse. Dylan wonders how males handle situations like this as college freshman, and assumes that most college freshmen have more control over the situation in the groin area now than they did as high school teen. But that is an assumption.

Of course, Dylan has been learning that staying aroused at a level just below ejaculation is quite enjoyable, and with a bit of luck, sustainable for what might be an indefinite period of time. Still, Dylan is really horny, and he knows that as soon as he gets back to the dorm room the first thing he needs to do is to relieve himself. But Dylan kind of set himself up for this by choosing the thong and his tightest skinny jeans to wear to class. This is an interesting puzzle because Dylan is in large measure doing this to himself.

What if, when Dylan returns to the Dorm room, Josh is there? Or what if Josh wanders in just when Dylan is entering the final step? How is this all going to work after class, anyway?

Here is the complication. Dylan has started to believe that he is not unique or special, at least in one regard. The whole issue relates to how males react to being around other males who are clearly horny, erect, and masturbating to ejaculation. Dylan knows that if he were to wander into the dorm room where Josh was horny and masturbating, Dylan might be surprised, but he would be anything but upset. Dylan knows that just seeing Josh in this state would be arousing for Dylan as well.

The puzzle relates to how commonplace Dylan’s response to Josh’s arousal is? Does this mean that Dylan is actually gay not straight? Dylan assumes that gay guys his stage would love to be in a situation where they got to watch their male partners masturbate themselves. (And perhaps ask “May I help you?”) But are straight guys by definition never aroused by seeing another guy in an aroused state? Good question. Do any sex researchers know the answer to this question?

So, in terms of our story, what exactly is happening here? Joe and Bill helped Dylan make the Amazon order that they had to know was at some level going to put all their penises into more confined spaces than they were used to. Bill and Joe were OK with that, and Bill and Joe both seemed quite comfortable being around each other when they both knew that each other were horny. In fact, the mere knowledge that the other guy was struggling with a situation that was arousing was in itself a turn-on. Bill and Joe had to know that by helping Dylan place the order, they were putting Dylan into the same predicament that they were in wearing their snug-fitting stuff. The mere knowledge of this had to be a turn-on for Bill and Joe.

But now what of Dylan and Josh? When Josh accidentally wandered in on Dylan who was “trying on” some of his new gear, Josh seemed more than a little surprised, but he also did not seem at all upset. It took Josh only a minute or two to put two and two together and figure out what Dylan was doing to and with himself. Josh quickly responded that he would like to have some of the same or similar gear.

Dylan has to know that if he helps Josh “shop” for gear, he is setting up Josh in much the same way that Bill and Joe set Dylan up. Dylan is starting to think that it would be fun to get to watch Josh try on his gear as well, especially to see how Josh’s body and mind “reacts” to the new situation. Dylan starts to wander if this is a weird gay response on his part, a response that is not leading into gay partner sex, at least not now, but still psychologically and sexually interesting.

For right now, horny Dylan is still finishing the lecture in the lecture hall. He is aroused as all get out but has not ejaculated. He is hoping he can endure the situation at hand until he gets back to the semi-privacy of his dorm room. Tension builds, on all sorts of levels!

…To be continued
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