Thread: What to wear?
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Old 10-28-2016, 04:26 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan makes it to class, but…

Dylan makes it to class, and finds his seat in the lecture hall, but he finds it difficult to keep his mind focused on the lecture in front of him. Dylan begins to think that it might have not been the brainiest idea to go off to class in the state of horniness he was in, without relieving himself first. Still, had he done that so late in the morning, he knew he would have likely felt sluggish and drained all day long. If you must relieve yourself, better to do that just before bedtime, so you have the night to recover.

Dylan’s choice of clothing to wear to class only makes his struggle with himself that much worse to bear. To be sure, Dylan is enjoying himself, very much so, but he is facing a problem not unlike what he faced when he was much younger, only 13 or 14 years old. At that point in time he was in near constant agony over the prospect of going into a full-scale ejaculation mode at a very inopportune time, place or both. Of course, that worry is nearly a constant source of agony for guys that age, but Dylan realizes that he is 19 years old now, and his mind and body should be far enough along in development such that he has developed enough control such that the problem is no longer a big concern, if at all.

Dylan has reached a point in his life where he greatly enjoys playing with his body in this regard, but what he did is, at least to a degree, pushing the limits for him. In some ways, Dylan thinks it is fun to try and press the limits right up to the edge, and then figuring out exactly when and how he needs to back off from going over the edge. However interesting this is, Dylan on occasion has been known to not always have his timing down exactly. The urge to ejaculate, on occasion, can be overwhelming, especially if a guy is messing around with himself on the very edge of going off. Sometimes, it is no longer possible to back off, even if the guy thinks he has developed a high degree of control over when he ejaculates that he did not have only a few years earlier.

Dylan has no one to blame but himself for the situation he now finds himself in. The thong underwear he chose to wear under those snug-fitting skinny jeans poses an interesting problem. The guys who wear thong underwear regularly, if not every day, probably eventually get “used” to the unique thong sensations from the snug pouch, the perineum area just behind the scrotum, and the rear band riding up between the butt cheeks, but for Dylan, having only tried on the underwear a time or two before, and in the privacy of his dorm room, all these sensations are still quite new and what might best be termed, “novel” to Dylan’s body. Dylan’s mind keeps getting dragged into what he is feeling and experiencing down there as the thong tugs on all sorts of places Dylan never knew before were sensitive and, for want of a better word, sexually “active.”

In this kind of a situation, Dylan’s body parts react to these new feelings and sensations the only way they know how. Furthermore, it didn’t help for Dylan to wear his tightest and snuggest pair of skinny jeans over the thong. Dylan is primarily concerned now that

1. The thong pouch is tiny compared to the pouch and absorbent cloth in any of his other non-thong underwear. So if he does go over the edge, there is little cloth to absorb any of the ejaculate, which is going to end up on his jeans.

2. The snug fit of the jeans that fit tightly against the pouch of the thong only add to the dilemma, making it all almost certain that there is going to be a very large wet spot right on the fly of his jeans.

At this point Dylan must avoid going over the edge and into full-scale ejaculation mode if at all possible, because the downside of a full-blown ejaculation is just too messy to even contemplate. I suppose one way of dealing with the situation at hand is to try and focus his mind on the lecture if he possibly can. But Dylan is now at the point where he is once again experiencing the same sensations, feelings and fears as he did as a 14-year old.

Penises do what penises do. Penises greatly enjoy being in confined spaces, and when they are in such a situation, they reward their owners with the most wonderful feelings and sensations. Penises have a remarkable ability to work their magic in whatever space they are given to expand. Penises love to grow in size to the point where they are pressing against all sides of whatever contains them. Dylan knows that, and part of Dylan’s fascination with the thong underwear and, for that matter, with the skinny jeans both of which give Dylan’s penis only a very limited space. As the penis comes in contact with the walls of what is confining it, it emanates the most sensational of feelings in Dylan’s brain. Dylan knows this, and that in large measure is how he got himself in the predicament he is now in.

To be continued…
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