Thread: What to wear?
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Old 09-28-2016, 01:29 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Dylan thinks...

Dylan has been doing a lot of thinking lately, both about where his live has gone as a guy so far and where it appears to be headed now that he is officially a young adult in college.

Ever since the dawn of puberty, maybe even a bit before, Dylan was always fascinated by clothing that fit him snug in the groin. It is at puberty that most guys quickly learn that rubbing and stroking their penises feels really good, and this quickly morphs into a situation whereby a guy discovers that there are a nearly endless variety of pleasant sensations that are possible. Dylan quickly tended to look at this somewhat philosophically, in that a guy’s penis is capable of giving back an entire lifetime of ever new and fascinating sensations. Dylan had always thought that his understanding of all of this must be unique among his male friends the same or similar age. Dylan noticed that most of his guy friends at age 13 or 14 quickly become focused on girls their age. But in Dylan’s case at least he did not exactly feel what must have been a strong tug that was affecting how his male friends acted and what their interests appeared to be.

Dylan had always been a quiet, studious and serious kid and some of the things that his buddies were talking about, and if they dared, doing, didn’t seem to have that much appeal to him. But Dylan’s groin area was capable of giving him back some very powerful sensations under certain circumstances, circumstances that Dylan had kept quiet about during all of his high school years.

It’s funny how all of this has developed for Dylan. Once a guy figures out the pleasure to be had just by rubbing and stroking one’s own penis, a guy quickly figures out that there are certain items of clothing that can “accidentally” help along with the same thing. I suppose the first clothing item that guys that age soon discover is snug-fitting cotton brief underwear, often known as “tighty whiteys”. Dylan loved wearing these, but also as a teenager constantly worried that if he got too “carried away” so to speak, he would end up with an erection in a place where for a host of different reasons, it was not appropriate to have an erection. As a young high school student, Dylan noticed at the gym that most of the guys his age had switched over to wearing loose-fitting cotton boxers. Dylan surmised that this was because his male buddies were equally concerned about the possibility of ending up with a giant erection at some inopportune place or time, and that the snugger the fit, the greater those odds were. Dylan surmised that this was what was really going on in the heads of his buddies, but, like nearly all guys his age, Dylan never dared raise the subject with them for fear of the consequences should they take what he was asking the wrong way.

Of course, growing up, Dylan’s body was growing as well, which meant that the clothing Dylan had worn comfortably only a year or so ago was suddenly fitting quite snug. This particularly applied to his cotton briefs. Interestingly, Dylan had a special spot in a bottom dresser drawer back home where he kept pairs of tighty whiteys that, quite frankly, he realized he had outgrown. Dylan at an early age discovered that these were still quite useful to keep around, as the pairs with the tightest and snuggest fit were helpful “aids” in jerking off. So Dylan had what might be called a special collection of clothing items that he enjoyed masturbating into. Dylan surmised that his buddies might be enjoying the same ideas or at least something similar, but, of course, he never dared ask.

Then there were the jeans. Dylan knew that a snug-fitting pair of jeans could have some of the same effects, and, indeed, the combination of an overly snug pair of tighty whiteys could be, well, really fun. Dylan loved to look at himself in the mirror as he pulled on his favorite pair of old briefs, along with a pair of jeans that only recently fit him OK. The combination of the two really sent him off into another world.

So, now Dylan is a 19 y/o college student. Dylan has discovered something that up until now he had only speculated about—that guys actually go out and make purchases of specific snug-fitting clothing items with an eye toward finding the specific items that would be most fun to jerk off in. Dylan has gotten a huge “education” about all of this from Bill and Joe, and for that matter, from Tony and Donovan. What Dylan purchased in the Amazon® order was a huge move forward (or perhaps, backward) in this regard. There is suddenly all sorts of stuff going on in Dylan’s brain and body that Dylan had not experienced as a lowly high school student.

Dylan is excited, if you know what I am saying, but also a little scared. For starters, how much of this has Josh figured out with respect to exactly what is going on? Is Dylan messing around with stuff that is basically “gay” or can a guy continue to claim to be straight even as he enjoys all this stuff? What is Josh REALLY making of all of this? Is Josh starting to interpret this all as a form of gay behavior? Does Josh find it in some way interesting to see Dylan wearing his new garb? Josh SEEMS OK with what Dylan is doing, but is that really the case? What happens if Dylan ends up enjoying himself “too much”? Does that mean he is no longer straight?

And what if Josh buys some clothing items of his own? Can Dylan in any way admit to being turned on by helping Josh to do that? Bill and Joe are pretty obviously each turned on simply by observing what the other one is doing, but should that mean that Bill and Joe are actually gay and somehow no longer even interested in dating girls? And what about if Josh decides to try on his new items in the dorm room right front of Dylan? Should Dylan run and hide instead? Will Josh be OK with Dylan watching him? What happens if Dylan starts to get an erection just watching Josh?

Lots of interesting and complicated questions that need to be answered, for sure.

To be continued…
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